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Amazon will pay US staff travel expenses for abortions and other treatments (1 Viewer)


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Mar 27, 2022
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Amazon will reimburse staff in the US who travel for a wide range of non-life threatening medical treatments including elective abortions.
A message to Amazon staff said that the firm will pay up to $4,000 (£3,201) in travel expenses each year for treatments not available nearby.
Several other companies have announced plans that ensure staff have access to abortions.
It comes amid rising restrictions for the procedure nationwide.
Amazon's new benefits are effective retroactively from 1 January.
According to the announcement, first reported by Reuters, the new benefits will apply to treatments that are not available inside a 100-mile (161km) radius of an employee's home and for which virtual options are not available.

An Amazon spokesperson confirmed the benefit expansion to the BBC and said it also includes bariatric care, oncology, congenital anomalies from within 24 months of birth, mental health treatments and in-patient substance abuse disorder services.
Amazon is one of the biggest private sector employers in the US, with 1.1m full and part-time workers in the country. It employs people nation-wide, with most workers in California, Texas, and Washington state - home to its global headquarters.

Just the beginning..
I went directly to the Amazon website and there is nothing on it that states what the OP posted. Here is the link, maybe one of you can find it;

Cheaper than maternity leave I suppose
According to Reuters, the e-commerce giant has told its employees in the US that it will offer up to $4,000 in annual travel reimbursements for non-life threatening medical treatments, including cellular gene therapies, substance-abuse disorder services and abortions.3 hours ago

Amazon will reimburse staff in the US who travel for a wide range of non-life threatening medical treatments including elective abortions.
A message to Amazon staff said that the firm will pay up to $4,000 (£3,201) in travel expenses each year for treatments not available nearby.
Several other companies have announced plans that ensure staff have access to abortions.
It comes amid rising restrictions for the procedure nationwide.
Amazon's new benefits are effective retroactively from 1 January.
According to the announcement, first reported by Reuters, the new benefits will apply to treatments that are not available inside a 100-mile (161km) radius of an employee's home and for which virtual options are not available.

An Amazon spokesperson confirmed the benefit expansion to the BBC and said it also includes bariatric care, oncology, congenital anomalies from within 24 months of birth, mental health treatments and in-patient substance abuse disorder services.
Amazon is one of the biggest private sector employers in the US, with 1.1m full and part-time workers in the country. It employs people nation-wide, with most workers in California, Texas, and Washington state - home to its global headquarters.


I wonder if they've considered all the lawsuits that will be filed against them in Texas when they do this.
I wonder if they've considered all the lawsuits that will be filed against them in Texas when they do this.
You don't think amazon knows this? lol cute
Overturning Roe is just the first step, like abolishing slavery was only the first step.

Amazon will reimburse staff in the US who travel for a wide range of non-life threatening medical treatments including elective abortions.
A message to Amazon staff said that the firm will pay up to $4,000 (£3,201) in travel expenses each year for treatments not available nearby.
Several other companies have announced plans that ensure staff have access to abortions.
It comes amid rising restrictions for the procedure nationwide.
Amazon's new benefits are effective retroactively from 1 January.
According to the announcement, first reported by Reuters, the new benefits will apply to treatments that are not available inside a 100-mile (161km) radius of an employee's home and for which virtual options are not available.

An Amazon spokesperson confirmed the benefit expansion to the BBC and said it also includes bariatric care, oncology, congenital anomalies from within 24 months of birth, mental health treatments and in-patient substance abuse disorder services.
Amazon is one of the biggest private sector employers in the US, with 1.1m full and part-time workers in the country. It employs people nation-wide, with most workers in California, Texas, and Washington state - home to its global headquarters.


TX tried to/proposed penalize Citibank for proposing something similar.

Heh, good luck trying to keep Amazon out of TX.
I wonder if they've considered all the lawsuits that will be filed against them in Texas when they do this.

It'll cost TX a lot too. Taxpayers wont be too thrilled. With the legal costs and penalties imposed on Amazon services in TX...or lack of them.

Amazon will reimburse staff in the US who travel for a wide range of non-life threatening medical treatments including elective abortions.
A message to Amazon staff said that the firm will pay up to $4,000 (£3,201) in travel expenses each year for treatments not available nearby.
Several other companies have announced plans that ensure staff have access to abortions.
It comes amid rising restrictions for the procedure nationwide.
Amazon's new benefits are effective retroactively from 1 January.
According to the announcement, first reported by Reuters, the new benefits will apply to treatments that are not available inside a 100-mile (161km) radius of an employee's home and for which virtual options are not available.

An Amazon spokesperson confirmed the benefit expansion to the BBC and said it also includes bariatric care, oncology, congenital anomalies from within 24 months of birth, mental health treatments and in-patient substance abuse disorder services.
Amazon is one of the biggest private sector employers in the US, with 1.1m full and part-time workers in the country. It employs people nation-wide, with most workers in California, Texas, and Washington state - home to its global headquarters.

Amazon sees it as a way to SAVE MONEY. A birth of a baby runs between $5000 and $11,000, and the mother will be out of work longer which would be disruptive to the company. They likely see abortion as a win/win situation.

Amazon will reimburse staff in the US who travel for a wide range of non-life threatening medical treatments including elective abortions.
A message to Amazon staff said that the firm will pay up to $4,000 (£3,201) in travel expenses each year for treatments not available nearby.
Several other companies have announced plans that ensure staff have access to abortions.
It comes amid rising restrictions for the procedure nationwide.
Amazon's new benefits are effective retroactively from 1 January.
According to the announcement, first reported by Reuters, the new benefits will apply to treatments that are not available inside a 100-mile (161km) radius of an employee's home and for which virtual options are not available.

An Amazon spokesperson confirmed the benefit expansion to the BBC and said it also includes bariatric care, oncology, congenital anomalies from within 24 months of birth, mental health treatments and in-patient substance abuse disorder services.
Amazon is one of the biggest private sector employers in the US, with 1.1m full and part-time workers in the country. It employs people nation-wide, with most workers in California, Texas, and Washington state - home to its global headquarters.

Excellent! I am happy to be a regular customer of theirs.

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