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Amazing how kids think. (1 Viewer)


Benevolent Dictator
DP Veteran
May 19, 2004
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Libertarian - Right
I have a 17 month old that has a pretty good vocabulary.

I was jammin on the new Scissor Sisters song - Take your moma out.

He came up to my door and started dancing with a huge smile. (He does that alot - loves music)
All of a sudden he realized what was being said...

"Gunna take your moma out all night yeah we'll show her whats it's all about."

He started screaming and crying - he didn't care for the song. Then ran over to grab moma's leg.

I could tell in his head he was saying "You ain't takin my moma nowhere!!".

Todlers understand alot more that we think. This is why we should always say positive things when we are around them.
ya, just hope that your spouses arn't as republican as you guys.

kidding on the square

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