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Am I too young for this? (1 Viewer)


Jan 7, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning
I am only thirteen but I enjoy arguments and politics, so I found this on google. I can't talk political with my friends because 1. Of their obscured realitiesand distorted views plus 2 They are major Christians and Catholics (I'm a buddhist) so I can't argue philosophy with them. Anyway:Am I too young
( I,m still going to argue anyway, but I just want to see what you guys think.)
The minimum age is 13 to participate. :)

Young men and women are the next generation and I personally love it when we get all ages involved in a good topic.

Welcome to Debate Politics.

Minimum age of 13!! What's it doing up there. You totaly underestimate 12 year old.

Liberal1. Don't give your age. Nobody will respect you.
This is by law actually.

We cannot gather email (needed for sign up) or even allow sign up of folks under 13 without parental consent required by the law. I do not have a FAX machine and do not want to be responsible for content of posters. Because I respect the rights of the parents, we forcably require 13+.
Rhadamanthus said:
Minimum age of 13!! What's it doing up there. You totaly underestimate 12 year old.

Liberal1. Don't give your age. Nobody will respect you.

Thats not true, I find that I can use my age as an advantage when debating politics. Would someone really try to insult the inellect of someone liberal1's or my age? Also if your knowelage of politics exceededs that of someone 2 times your age, it might be quite embarassing for them in a political debate.
how old are you? And have you ever tried to stand there and debate with some old fart and even though you know twice as much as them and have twice the argument they do since they are twice your age they thing that whatever you say is balone? Sure it's embaressing for them, but since it is embaressing they will never listen to you.

I have gathered from this post that you are in the 13/14 range and that you probebly are better at spelling and typing then i am. Now i could be 63, a total idiot, and egotistical, if this were so then i would say that you are just a young wipper snapper and you are too young to have your own opinions. Thus you are just expressing the views of your parents and you should go off and 'learn something usefull in school where you belong."
I think its funny when someone younger completely destroys someone older in an argument. Makes me feel special :)
ya it is. who just got destroyed?

The thing is while destroying is fun you will never win someone who has been obviously distoyed to your side.
Rhad, I think Jack Dawson and the others' bad grammar is leeching into your brain :p.
:fu Another example of this is your question to vague when you wrote obscere. Real spelling is obscure.
Last edited:
I don't dignify that statement with a response.
wow a 13 yr old buddhist who enjoys politics..... now ive seen everything hey its never to young to be informed imo have fun on the boards.

just curious is your family buddhist or did you make the choice for your own religion?
Taoism and Budism are the most popular religions in China - I would image that there are quite a few 13yr olds.
vauge said:
Taoism and Budism are the most popular religions in China - I would image that there are quite a few 13yr olds.

There are also more people that speak english in China than in america.

Just thought you would like to know that
most americans don't speak english. only those of us on the west cost.
liberal1 said:
I am only thirteen but I enjoy arguments and politics, so I found this on google. I can't talk political with my friends because 1. Of their obscured realitiesand distorted views plus 2 They are major Christians and Catholics (I'm a buddhist) so I can't argue philosophy with them. Anyway:Am I too young
( I,m still going to argue anyway, but I just want to see what you guys think.)
You're only four years younger than me. As long as you can argue intellectually you're fine.

Are you saying that you can't argue with your friends because they have different beliefs than you? Doesn't make much sense, does it.
ConservativeShane said:
You're only four years younger than me. As long as you can argue intellectually you're fine.

Are you saying that you can't argue with your friends because they have different beliefs than you? Doesn't make much sense, does it.

Ah, conservative shane, you're my age! But why are you a conservative??

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