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am i the only person that wonders (1 Viewer)


Libertarian socialist
DP Veteran
Jul 23, 2005
Reaction score
Staffs, England
Political Leaning
Very Liberal
Why the heck the labour party doesnt sack Tony Blair? He's obviously incapable of, telling the truth, keeping our money from subsidising wealthy french farmers at the expence of africa, getting any legislation through parliament, keeping his promises on anything attal and giving a straight answer. He,s clearly a liability to the party so why dont they get rid of him?
Red_Dave said:
Why the heck the labour party doesnt sack Tony Blair? He's obviously incapable of, telling the truth, keeping our money from subsidising wealthy french farmers at the expence of africa, getting any legislation through parliament, keeping his promises on anything attal and giving a straight answer. He,s clearly a liability to the party so why dont they get rid of him?

My question is, why did he side with Bush's insanity and not oppose to this war in Iraq?
I think they just wanna sit it out and wait for brown now...no point in kicking up a fuss when he's on his last legs anyways...

...a few months ago now though Glenda Jackson said that if he hadn't resigned by this time next year she'd challenge him to the leadership herself, just to prove how unpopular he is, we'll have to see if she does.
Plain old me said:
I think they just wanna sit it out and wait for brown now...no point in kicking up a fuss when he's on his last legs anyways...

...a few months ago now though Glenda Jackson said that if he hadn't resigned by this time next year she'd challenge him to the leadership herself, just to prove how unpopular he is, we'll have to see if she does.

Blair should have stayed out of this Iraq mess like almost every other country. All it has done is caused problems for the UK. Bush should not have imposed that on him, after all he admits he was wrong about this whole WMD lie.

alphieb said:
Blair should have stayed out of this Iraq mess like almost every other country. All it has done is caused problems for the UK. Bush should not have imposed that on him, after all he admits he was wrong about this whole WMD lie.


Well, I think after the last election Iraq isn't much of an issue anymore. The only problem is its going to hang over the rest of his legacy, which isn't too bad.
alphieb said:
Blair should have stayed out of this Iraq mess like almost every other country. All it has done is caused problems for the UK. Bush should not have imposed that on him, after all he admits he was wrong about this whole WMD lie.


Couldn't agree more, alphieb.

And for the wider question of why the Labour Party doesn't ditch him, beats me! Get rid of him, and perhaps we could have a proper Labour party back.
Red_Dave said:
Why the heck the labour party doesnt sack Tony Blair? He's obviously incapable of, telling the truth, keeping our money from subsidising wealthy french farmers at the expence of africa, getting any legislation through parliament, keeping his promises on anything attal and giving a straight answer. He,s clearly a liability to the party so why dont they get rid of him?

And you think that Brown, or Jack Straw, don't tell porkies?:2rofll:

Blair's inaction on French farm subsidies, is probably more to do with the French. I really do believe that Blair would have probably tried to reduce farm subsidies, but when you're dealing with a pompus git like Chirac, it maybe hard to get anything done.

The UK could save so much money and beuracratic waste, by leaving the E.U, and just retaining the current free trade policy. :idea:
Australianlibertarian said:
And you think that Brown, or Jack Straw, don't tell porkies?:2rofll:

Blair's inaction on French farm subsidies, is probably more to do with the French. I really do believe that Blair would have probably tried to reduce farm subsidies, but when you're dealing with a pompus git like Chirac, it maybe hard to get anything done.

The UK could save so much money and beuracratic waste, by leaving the E.U, and just retaining the current free trade policy. :idea:

Well theres other options besides brown and straw [straw would have much chance anyway.

strange thing is the french promised to cut subsdies at the g8
Should be interesting to see that doc on what his life is like.

I think they are just waiting until Blair pushes his reforms through, if he fails, he will resign anyway. If he suceeds, well done, but start packing. Next election is in 2009, plenty of time anyway.

Did you hear that the Labour party has told Blair not to get involved with the local election as they fear he will hinder their campaign?? lol
Red_Dave said:
Why the heck the labour party doesnt sack Tony Blair? He's obviously incapable of, telling the truth, keeping our money from subsidising wealthy french farmers at the expence of africa, getting any legislation through parliament, keeping his promises on anything attal and giving a straight answer. He,s clearly a liability to the party so why dont they get rid of him?

Let me first say that I've been to England and I've toured your House of Parliament. It's an awesome building. I like learning about British politics. I like Blair's support of the US but many of his liberal policies suck. After World War 2, the socialists gained power in England and I think everything has gone down hill ever since. I think it has especially hit the House of Lords hard. I personally would like to see the Royal Family have more influence on British politics but that's just me. I don't mean have an outright dictatorship but I think that the people would actually like to have a more active Monarch because I think many people miss the feeling of patriotism and the old time monarchies in England. Let's face it, London's going to go to pot if something doesn't happen soon. We're having trouble with terrorism because you guys don't have strict enough immigration laws. Your virtual open borders with the rest of Europe leaves open a whole slew of terrorist related groups to enter.

For one thing, your whole economy is going to go to the dogs (assuming it already hasn't) if you don't start lowering your taxes. What is up with the TV tax? Why don't you just have commercials on the BBC like we do over here? I say you should completely privatize it. I realize your dollar value is high, which is good, but I still think it can get even better if you would become more free market based.

And what is up with your guys not wanting to fund a royal coronation for the next King or Queen? It's part of your history, your tradition. I think you should still fund it.

I also think it sucks how you guys took the Royal art collection away from the Royal family and made it property of the state. It had traditionally been theirs and I feel it should stay theirs.
George_Washington said:
Let me first say that I've been to England and I've toured your House of Parliament. It's an awesome building. I like learning about British politics. I like Blair's support of the US but many of his liberal policies suck. After World War 2, the socialists gained power in England and I think everything has gone down hill ever since. I think it has especially hit the House of Lords hard. I personally would like to see the Royal Family have more influence on British politics but that's just me. I don't mean have an outright dictatorship but I think that the people would actually like to have a more active Monarch because I think many people miss the feeling of patriotism and the old time monarchies in England. Let's face it, London's going to go to pot if something doesn't happen soon. We're having trouble with terrorism because you guys don't have strict enough immigration laws. Your virtual open borders with the rest of Europe leaves open a whole slew of terrorist related groups to enter.

For one thing, your whole economy is going to go to the dogs (assuming it already hasn't) if you don't start lowering your taxes. What is up with the TV tax? Why don't you just have commercials on the BBC like we do over here? I say you should completely privatize it. I realize your dollar value is high, which is good, but I still think it can get even better if you would become more free market based.

And what is up with your guys not wanting to fund a royal coronation for the next King or Queen? It's part of your history, your tradition. I think you should still fund it.

I also think it sucks how you guys took the Royal art collection away from the Royal family and made it property of the state. It had traditionally been theirs and I feel it should stay theirs.

We could if we want to be like the United States, but thankfully we don't. I'm surprised you didn't throw in, "You guys in England should have the death pelanty!" lol I find it kinda amusing George that your a Christain who beleives in killing other humans.

As for patriotism, we are quite quiet about it. But we can be plucky when we want to be. We are only patriotic when we NEED to be. We don't feel the need to wave our flag every chance we get or sing our national athem at every event. Blind patriotism that some Americans suffer is a dangerous thing.

George Washington said:
After World War 2, the socialists gained power in England and I think everything has gone down hill ever since.

Well in seeing as at the end of WW2 the United Kingdom was bankrupt we would be in a terrible position nowadays if we went downhill ever since. :roll: We wouldn't be able to fund a war in Iraq that's to be sure, we wouldn't have the best trained army in the world. So your statement is incorrect.

I'm glad we have more of a tendency to help the poor rather than the rich compared to the US. I heard yesterday than in New Orleans the rich homes are being rebuilt first rather than the poor ones. What is up with that for a supposedly christain country?
GarzaUK said:
We could if we want to be like the United States, but thankfully we don't. I'm surprised you didn't throw in, "You guys in England should have the death pelanty!" lol I find it kinda amusing George that your a Christain who beleives in killing other humans.

Oh, you guys don't believe in the dealth penalty? You do realize that throughout the 1700's England had almost half of all of their offenses punishable by the death penalty?

My stance on the dealth penalty has nothing to do with me wanting to kill people. I've explained my stance on this position on this forum before. I'd explain it again but I doubt you would understand it. But at least you could do is not throw out erroneous labels such as, "You want to kill people! Blah, blah, blah."

As for patriotism, we are quite quiet about it. But we can be plucky when we want to be. We are only patriotic when we NEED to be. We don't feel the need to wave our flag every chance we get or sing our national athem at every event. Blind patriotism that some Americans suffer is a dangerous thing.

Why is patriotism something you should hush up? Why? Is it a crime to love yourselves and your history?

Well in seeing as at the end of WW2 the United Kingdom was bankrupt we would be in a terrible position nowadays if we went downhill ever since. :roll: We wouldn't be able to fund a war in Iraq that's to be sure, we wouldn't have the best trained army in the world. So your statement is incorrect.

I'm glad we have more of a tendency to help the poor rather than the rich compared to the US. I heard yesterday than in New Orleans the rich homes are being rebuilt first rather than the poor ones. What is up with that for a supposedly christain country?

I realize your dollar value is high but I just don't understand all of your taxes. Yes, goods are cheaper over there but there's less individual freedom over one's income. I'm not sure which one I would trade.

Anyway, going back to my original conjecture. Why are you guys over there refusing to fund the next coronation? You guys still keep the Royal family around yet you bash them every chance that you get in the papers. Either get rid of them or else stop treating them as if they don't exist.
George_Washington said:
Oh, you guys don't believe in the dealth penalty? You do realize that throughout the 1700's England had almost half of all of their offenses punishable by the death penalty?

My stance on the dealth penalty has nothing to do with me wanting to kill people. I've explained my stance on this position on this forum before. I'd explain it again but I doubt you would understand it. But at least you could do is not throw out erroneous labels such as, "You want to kill people! Blah, blah, blah."

Yeah every nation once had the death pelanty, but modern nations progress.

I just can't understand how a christain, any christian who follows the teachings of christ can welcome the death pelanty. "He who is without sin cast the first stone." I will indeed explore you stance on this position on the forum, so you have no need to reply to this part.

George_Washington said:
Why is patriotism something you should hush up? Why? Is it a crime to love yourselves and your history?

We scream "For Queen and country." when the cause is just. Loving oneself is vanity, which IMO is a weakness. Our history is wrapped around in persucion, slavery and atrocites, just like the US. We love our country, just because we don't shout it everyday, wave falgs and claim that our country is blessed by God, doesn't mean we love it any less. Patriotism should never be blind and should come from the heart not the mouth.

George_Washington said:
I realize your dollar value is high but I just don't understand all of your taxes. Yes, goods are cheaper over there but there's less individual freedom over one's income. I'm not sure which one I would trade.

Over here a poor man can get a life saving operation without putting him and his family out in the street. Children get free drugs and dental care. We actually have a decent transport system. I'm not saying everything is perfect, nothing is. But I'd rather live here than in the US - no offense intended.

George_Washington said:
Anyway, going back to my original conjecture. Why are you guys over there refusing to fund the next coronation? You guys still keep the Royal family around yet you bash them every chance that you get in the papers. Either get rid of them or else stop treating them as if they don't exist.

I never heard this. But you know the Royal Family isn't poor, the can fund it. We pay for the Royal Family to be there. They take money out of our taxes basically. I am a royalist by the way.

The British Media bash everyone that suceeds, its just the British way, we like the underdog.
We can't help it if the royal family act like idiots, (Prince Harry and his Nazi uniform fiasco.)
George_Washington said:
After World War 2, the socialists gained power in England and I think everything has gone down hill ever since.

To be honest, I'm not too hot on economics, but I think you'll be hard pushed to find anyone who would hate what Attlee's government did for the UK

George_Washington said:
I think it has especially hit the House of Lords hard. I personally would like to see the Royal Family have more influence on British politics but that's just me. I don't mean have an outright dictatorship but I think that the people would actually like to have a more active Monarch because I think many people miss the feeling of patriotism and the old time monarchies in England.

Thats interesting, I'm somewhat of a royalist, and am proud of Britians heritage (such as the House of Lords) but I disagree on the power of the monarch. I do not want power vested in someone who's merely in that position by birthright. She can remain as Head of State, as I am proud of our monarchy, but I don't want to give her any serious power.

George_Washington said:
Let's face it, London's going to go to pot if something doesn't happen soon. We're having trouble with terrorism because you guys don't have strict enough immigration laws. Your virtual open borders with the rest of Europe leaves open a whole slew of terrorist related groups to enter.

This issue was brought up at election time, and it seems the people voted down the party that was mainly proposing tougher immigration laws. As for terrorism, Blair is doing a lot, but many (including myself) think he's tried to go a bit far.

George_Washington said:
And what is up with your guys not wanting to fund a royal coronation for the next King or Queen? It's part of your history, your tradition. I think you should still fund it.

I also think it sucks how you guys took the Royal art collection away from the Royal family and made it property of the state. It had traditionally been theirs and I feel it should stay theirs.

I havn't heard this...d'ya have a link to a news story?
Either way, like Garza says, the royals are plenty rich enough, both from their own income and the civil list.
Plain old me said:
I havn't heard this...d'ya have a link to a news story?
Either way, like Garza says, the royals are plenty rich enough, both from their own income and the civil list.

Well, I'm pretty sure that the Royal Art Collection once belonged to the Monarchy. I learned that both in a class and traveling to your country. I guess I could be wrong but that's what I've always heard. Anyway, I am not for outright tyranny but I just don't think the Royal Family is treated fairly and justly in your country anymore. I understand that they have a lot of money but having a lot of money doesn't mean one is happy. They're basically stuck in a cage. They're not legally citizens of England, yet they're expected to serve in the Royal military. They're constantly followed by your unscrupulous reporters that virtually have no journalistic morals, they just print whatever they want. I for one think that the media should be far more reserved and dignified than they are in England. I also don't know why the Royal Family can't at least offer their opinions on British politics. I don't know why they have to be so soft spoken when your media are like viscious wolves in comparison. And it seems like over there when a so called, "noble" or a Lord says something, the media is ready to slaughter him. But of course it's O.K. for the media and the House of Commons to say whatever they want.

As far as what I said about England's economy and such...incase you guys don't know, England has completely been flipped upside down in the last 75 years or so. I don't remember a lot of the details of British history because it has been so long since I've studied it. But I do remember that after World War 2, many British industries were nationalized and the socialists took over. But before that, England had a history of private industries! England also traditionally had allowed people to own guns for the purpose of hunting and dueling. Nowadays, all they want to do is deprive people of the right to own firearms. England was once very capitalistic but now it's like they're done a complete 360.

If I were a British citizen I'd be with the conservative Party. I've be a Royalist, Tory, or whatever you want to call it. And I would, actually, love to live in London and get involved in politics! It would be fun.
George_Washington said:
Well, I'm pretty sure that the Royal Art Collection once belonged to the Monarchy. I learned that both in a class and traveling to your country. I guess I could be wrong but that's what I've always heard. Anyway, I am not for outright tyranny but I just don't think the Royal Family is treated fairly and justly in your country anymore. I understand that they have a lot of money but having a lot of money doesn't mean one is happy. They're basically stuck in a cage. They're not legally citizens of England, yet they're expected to serve in the Royal military. They're constantly followed by your unscrupulous reporters that virtually have no journalistic morals, they just print whatever they want. I for one think that the media should be far more reserved and dignified than they are in England. I also don't know why the Royal Family can't at least offer their opinions on British politics. I don't know why they have to be so soft spoken when your media are like viscious wolves in comparison. And it seems like over there when a so called, "noble" or a Lord says something, the media is ready to slaughter him. But of course it's O.K. for the media and the House of Commons to say whatever they want.

The Royal Family get paid millions of pounds a year to do nothing. Pretty sweet job, if they are unhappy with it - I'm happy to swap with them. :smile:
As for the British media, well I don't really like them but you know freedom of the press is an important thing in a democratic state. Putting restrictions on them does not make our country any better off. You seem to say that the nobles and royality should get special treatment from the rest of us, but aren't we all equal in the end. George W Bush wouldn't survive a second in British politics lol, since he doesn't like to be question or contradicted.
George_Washington said:
As far as what I said about England's economy and such...incase you guys don't know, England has completely been flipped upside down in the last 75 years or so. I don't remember a lot of the details of British history because it has been so long since I've studied it. But I do remember that after World War 2, many British industries were nationalized and the socialists took over. But before that, England had a history of private industries! England also traditionally had allowed people to own guns for the purpose of hunting and dueling. Nowadays, all they want to do is deprive people of the right to own firearms. England was once very capitalistic but now it's like they're done a complete 360.

Well since WW2 devestated homes, the socialists were the only ones that was sure to rebuild homes and pour the budget into the people. We got our free healthcare. Tens of thousands of homes were rebuilt. Capitalism is good for generating wealth, problem is more of it goes to rich people than poor people. There is no nationalist industry nowadays, but we have social aspects to our way of government. Euro capitalism. There is more to life and your country than generating money.
Ah guns. Why would we need our private guns? I'm not going to kill anyone. We can have our own hunting rifles but we can't take them home, we leave them in a gun club - which is fine by me. When guns lie around accidents happen. I remember a survey asking British teenagers if people should have a right to own firearms, only 1 in 15 said yes. Luckily we don't have a gun culture over here and we don't want one.

George_Washington said:
If I were a British citizen I'd be with the conservative Party. I've be a Royalist, Tory, or whatever you want to call it. And I would, actually, love to live in London and get involved in politics! It would be fun.

Then you are going to be shocked. Considering the cons over here support gay civil unions, free healthcare, environment issues. The Conservatives over here are the same as your Democrats. I agree though that British politics is fun, more entertaining that across the pond.
GarzaUK You seem to say that the nobles and royality should get special treatment from the rest of us said:
That's not what I mean at all! I mean more equal treatment than what has been done in recent times.

Then you are going to be shocked. Considering the cons over here support gay civil unions, free healthcare, environment issues. The Conservatives over here are the same as your Democrats. I agree though that British politics is fun, more entertaining that across the pond.

Come on, Gaza. That crap might work on somebody who doesn't know anything about British politics. I've been to your country and I have spoken to people that have commented on how inefficient the healthcare system is over there. I think you've just spending so much time hanging out with the Labor Party that you've forgotten there are conservatives over there, lol. In fact, I know a girl who went to my college who has relatives over in England that are religious and somewhat conservative. To say everybody in Europe is flaming liberal is as silly as saying everybody here in America is conservative. I would suggest you watch Parliament sometime and look at what the Conservative Party says and really think about it. And that's kind of funny, coming from somebody who doesn't even live in your country, lol.
George_Washington said:
Come on, Gaza. That crap might work on somebody who doesn't know anything about British politics. I've been to your country and I have spoken to people that have commented on how inefficient the healthcare system is over there. I think you've just spending so much time hanging out with the Labor Party that you've forgotten there are conservatives over there, lol. In fact, I know a girl who went to my college who has relatives over in England that are religious and somewhat conservative. To say everybody in Europe is flaming liberal is as silly as saying everybody here in America is conservative. I would suggest you watch Parliament sometime and look at what the Conservative Party says and really think about it. And that's kind of funny, coming from somebody who doesn't even live in your country, lol.

What I mean is that conservatism is more liberal over here than it is in the US. Likewise liberalism over here is more liberal than liberalism over there. If you don't believe me go to the conservative website www.conservatives.com, to see the tory policies - not very Republican are they?
By the way the LaboUr party are conservatives as well.
Everyone knows our healthcare system is inefficent, that doesn't mean we want to privatize it like in the good old USA.
George_Washington said:
Anyway, I am not for outright tyranny but I just don't think the Royal Family is treated fairly and justly in your country anymore. I understand that they have a lot of money but having a lot of money doesn't mean one is happy. They're basically stuck in a cage. They're not legally citizens of England, yet they're expected to serve in the Royal military.

If you wanna get technical, none of us are citizens, merely subjects, but thats pedantic semantics. The reason royals (at least those in direct line to the throne) are frowned upon for expressing a political opinion is because they will probably be monarch one day, and the monarch is supposed to remain neutral in all things. Trapped in a cage? maybe, but one they are perfectly able to get out of.

George_Washington said:
They're constantly followed by your unscrupulous reporters that virtually have no journalistic morals, they just print whatever they want. I for one think that the media should be far more reserved and dignified than they are in England.

I'll agree the tabloid press over here can get pretty unscruplous.

George_Washington said:
Come on, Gaza. That crap might work on somebody who doesn't know anything about British politics. I've been to your country and I have spoken to people that have commented on how inefficient the healthcare system is over there. I think you've just spending so much time hanging out with the Labor Party that you've forgotten there are conservatives over there, lol. In fact, I know a girl who went to my college who has relatives over in England that are religious and somewhat conservative. To say everybody in Europe is flaming liberal is as silly as saying everybody here in America is conservative. I would suggest you watch Parliament sometime and look at what the Conservative Party says and really think about it. And that's kind of funny, coming from somebody who doesn't even live in your country, lol.

I'm afriad its true, we're all shifted to the left, in terms of social policy at least....not everyone is a flaming liberal, but few politicians are flaming conservatives.
GarzaUK said:
What I mean is that conservatism is more liberal over here than it is in the US. Likewise liberalism over here is more liberal than liberalism over there. If you don't believe me go to the conservative website www.conservatives.com, to see the tory policies - not very Republican are they?
By the way the LaboUr party are conservatives as well.
Everyone knows our healthcare system is inefficent, that doesn't mean we want to privatize it like in the good old USA.

Well, don't think that I am completely right wing. I've disagreed with the Republicans before. I lean towards the right but I also have moderate views.

My main objection to all the liberalism in Europe is that it seems like Europe as we have known it for centuries is fading away. There are declining birth rates and I feel like there's a loss of how European culture used to be: Christian, expansionist, capitalist, and full of art and culture. So much art in Europe has centered around Christianity and as Christianity fades, I wonder what will become of our art. Maybe a better way to explain it is, I feel like Europe just doesn't have a sense of pride for themselves anymore. Yet another thing that threatens European society is the massive amount of immigration and the threat of Muslim terrorists. Europe also doesn't want to colonies anymore. I wonder, though, if they treat their colonies well, might it benefit the poorer nations? I'm not so sure colonialism in itself is bad.
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George_Washington said:
Well, don't think that I am completely right wing. I've disagreed with the Republicans before. I lean towards the right but I also have moderate views.

My main objection to all the liberalism in Europe is that it seems like Europe as we have known it for centuries is fading away. There are declining birth rates and I feel like there's a loss of how European culture used to be: Christian, expansionist, capitalist, and full of art and culture. So much art in Europe has centered around Christianity and as Christianity fades, I wonder what will become of our art. Maybe a better way to explain it is, I feel like Europe just doesn't have a sense of pride for themselves anymore. Yet another thing that threatens European society is the massive amount of immigration and the threat of Muslim terrorists. Europe also doesn't want to colonies anymore. I wonder, though, if they treat their colonies well, might it benefit the poorer nations? I'm not so sure colonialism in itself is bad.

The lack of patriotism is not a liberal effect. It is because in Europe nationalism and patriotism resulted in two world wars that devestated the region. Patriotism is also linked to how religious a country is. Some fanatics in America may hate the seperation of church and state but they don't that the seperation is why America has become so so religious.
Europe is no longer a christain contentant, it is a post-Christain one, where religion isn't a big part in life or politics. But that hasn't affected the culture of Europe.
The Age of colonalism is gone. It's over. The UN and the US would not apprecaite us trying to take over Africa or Asia again. Besides Britain has the British Commonwealth anyway.

Muslim immigration. There is threat of terrorist attacks I'm sure. France has the most muslims in the west has yet to suffer a terrorist attack in years. Madrid and London were the only attacks in Europe since 9/11. Besides with our low birth rate we need quite a few immigrants in.
GarzaUK said:
Besides with our low birth rate we need quite a few immigrants in.


There you said the magic words. Have you ever thought that just, maybe, your liberal policies and your seemingly unrestricted abortion practices are what's contributing to your law birth rates? Hmm...?

And when I mentioned colonialism, I didn't mean it in the sense of taking over countries by force. I just meant taking colonies in a more peaceful way, of perhaps asking underdeveloped nations if they would like to join Great Britain.
George_Washington said:

There you said the magic words. Have you ever thought that just, maybe, your liberal policies and your seemingly unrestricted abortion practices are what's contributing to your law birth rates? Hmm...?

Strange since Britain has 18.6 abortions per thousand women (it's highest ever) and the US is at it's lowest ever abortion rate (good news of course) at 21.3 abortions per 1,000 women nationwide. I say that a more percentage of women work here than in the US, religious women tend to be housewifes. Plus lack of sex.

George_Washington said:
And when I mentioned colonialism, I didn't mean it in the sense of taking over countries by force. I just meant taking colonies in a more peaceful way, of perhaps asking underdeveloped nations if they would like to join Great Britain.

Britain has it's own problems to deal with. We are not rich enough anymore (since WW1) to develop poor nations.
GarzaUK said:
We could if we want to be like the United States, but thankfully we don't. I'm surprised you didn't throw in, "You guys in England should have the death pelanty!" lol I find it kinda amusing George that your a Christain who beleives in killing other humans.

As for patriotism, we are quite quiet about it. But we can be plucky when we want to be. We are only patriotic when we NEED to be. We don't feel the need to wave our flag every chance we get or sing our national athem at every event. Blind patriotism that some Americans suffer is a dangerous thing.

Well in seeing as at the end of WW2 the United Kingdom was bankrupt we would be in a terrible position nowadays if we went downhill ever since. :roll: We wouldn't be able to fund a war in Iraq that's to be sure, we wouldn't have the best trained army in the world. So your statement is incorrect.

I'm glad we have more of a tendency to help the poor rather than the rich compared to the US. I heard yesterday than in New Orleans the rich homes are being rebuilt first rather than the poor ones. What is up with that for a supposedly christain country?

I agree with you entirely. Don't get me started on the dealth penalty.
George_Washington said:

There you said the magic words. Have you ever thought that just, maybe, your liberal policies and your seemingly unrestricted abortion practices are what's contributing to your law birth rates? Hmm...?

And when I mentioned colonialism, I didn't mean it in the sense of taking over countries by force. I just meant taking colonies in a more peaceful way, of perhaps asking underdeveloped nations if they would like to join Great Britain.

Correct, I think immigration actually helps an economy.

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