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Aloha? (1 Viewer)


New member
Feb 4, 2006
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New York, NY
Political Leaning
Well, I'm Michelle, a 15 year old liberal from New York City. Er...this is relitively awkward. Anyway, this is the first political debate forum I've found where people have more intelligent things to say than "liek bush iz a moron"
Welcome to Debate Politics, Humphrey!

That awkward feeling will pass once you get told what a liberal you are the first 2-3000 times....just kidding...sort of. All in all, you've come to the best place on the web to discuss politics. Passions do flare but you can have a lot of fun, too, if you keep your sense of humor. Have fun!
Hello Humphrey!:2wave:

Welcome to Debate Politics Michelle! :2wave:


Welcome to Debate Politics!

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