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Aloha from Vigilante (1 Viewer)


The Trump Virus
Jan 20, 2019
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Invasion of the Hannnity Bots!
This should end well.

Was that really the Hannity forum?
Th-e one that has a giant header that says something like "This forum exists for the sole purpose of supporting Hannity as god on earth, and anyone opposing that will be judged or banned"?

I can't really wrap my head around that. But if so, damn, welcome to a place where that is CERTAINLY not the case!!

Was that really the Hannity forum?
Th-e one that has a giant header that says something like "This forum exists for the sole purpose of supporting Hannity as god on earth, and anyone opposing that will be judged or banned"?

I can't really wrap my head around that. But if so, damn, welcome to a place where that is CERTAINLY not the case!!

The Haniity Forum is overloaded with Leftys and all the rightys have exodused to the racists site FreeBird. A bunch of leftys came here as Hannity.com implodes

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