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All New Season Of Survivor (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 2, 2005
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United States of America and proud of it!
Political Leaning
Wow guys check this out. They're coming out with an all new season of survivor. I found this on the Internet:

"America's #1 reality TV show now gets even more dramatic.

Sixteen all new contestants are sent over to Iraq to see if they really have what it takes to SURVIVE!

The sixteen contestants will be forced to wear nothing but western style clothes with extremely large prints of the America flag and pictures of George W. Bush!

They'll wear blue jeans and t-shirts that say things like, 'Allah sucks,' 'George W. Bush kicks pansy third world ass,' and 'America owns you.'
Don't forget the ballcaps and cowboy hats we'll also make them wear!

We'll send them through Baghdad and then on to Fallujah. Whoever can keep from getting beheaded, WINS!

So be sure to watch this exciting new season of Survivor where the stakes are higher...much, much higher than ever before!

Please note: We are not personally responsible for any harm that may come to our contestants as they signed waivers before hand."

HaHa-I'm just kidding guys. I made that up myself. But can you imagine? :rofl
Ugh, I can just imagine the food episode where they have to eat a live camel spider.

There should also be a reward challenge where contestants have to throw a Koran into the toilet and outrun the locals.

And a group challenge would be to barter with a foreign army to outfit a US troop with proper armor.
shuamort said:
Ugh, I can just imagine the food episode where they have to eat a live camel spider.

There should also be a reward challenge where contestants have to throw a Koran into the toilet and outrun the locals.

And a group challenge would be to barter with a foreign army to outfit a US troop with proper armor.

Yup, those are things they're having on the show. They are also bringing Tom Cruise on for one episode. He's going to try to convert the locals to Scientology and try to keep from being hung alive.

They should pick the 12 most racist, southern people...


wouldn't that be a funny show?

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