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All Illegals must go (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 22, 2005
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Scooping Zeus' Poop
Political Leaning
US security chief strives to expel all illegal immigrants


Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said his department aims without exception to expel all those who enter the United States illegally.
"Our goal at DHS (Homeland Security) is to completely eliminate the 'catch and release' enforcement problem, and return every single illegal entrant, no exceptions.

how about them apples
could the administration finally be taking a stand
now they just have to close the borders
DeeJayH said:
how about them apples
could the administration finally be taking a stand
now they just have to close the borders

You damm sure know we can't do that. The ACLU will be pounding on there doors any moment defending there rights to be illegal aliens. How the hell are they getting this by the PC Police if we aren't even alowed to check mohhamads bag for a C4 surprise... It will offend someone someplace in the world and thats a good enough reason for it not to happen.
About damn time they start doing something about it. Florida Congress ppl were trying to get something passed. Now I see the Bush Admin is trying it too.
Calm2Chaos said:
You damm sure know we can't do that. The ACLU will be pounding on there doors any moment defending there rights to be illegal aliens. How the hell are they getting this by the PC Police if we aren't even alowed to check mohhamads bag for a C4 surprise... It will offend someone someplace in the world and thats a good enough reason for it not to happen.

To Hell with the ACLU and the Political Correctness Squad! They can my BA...... well you can fill in the rest.
Donkey1499 said:
To Hell with the ACLU and the Political Correctness Squad! They can my BA...... well you can fill in the rest.

Hey the PC police are a tough bunch. Comon they got people to think that it was mean to search bags so they didn't get blown up.....LOL In NY you expect that sorta **** with there screamin as liberalism. But comon now, expelling all the Aliens, i'll believe it when I see it.....
Calm2Chaos said:
Hey the PC police are a tough bunch. Comon they got people to think that it was mean to search bags so they didn't get blown up.....LOL In NY you expect that sorta **** with there screamin as liberalism. But comon now, expelling all the Aliens, i'll believe it when I see it.....

Maybe we can't expell them, but we could at least stop more of them from coming in.
Donkey1499 said:
Maybe we can't expell them, but we could at least stop more of them from coming in.

The ACLU and PC Police would prbably get mad at that to. Lets face it there rights are far more important then american citizens
Calm2Chaos said:
The ACLU and PC Police would prbably get mad at that to. Lets face it there rights are far more important then american citizens

Just like the rights of criminals are more important than the victims'.
Donkey1499 said:
Just like the rights of criminals are more important than the victims'.

Now your learning
Ain't gonna happen!!!! Do you really think big business is going to give up their cheap labor? How long has the 'war on drugs' been going on? Just more hot air to get you to believe that they care. :doh
DeeJayH said:
how about them apples
could the administration finally be taking a stand
now they just have to close the borders

:lol: , even though borders are just artificial separations imposed by man, I do not believe illegals should be here at all. They come over here and collect our social security without even paying into it over the years, so it won't be there for us youngsters when we retire. IMO we need to send them back with a box of Craftsmen tools to build their own country. We have to help them because of the lifetime guarentee on the tools!
i reject the arbitrary distinction of "illigal" immigration

my ancestors arrived in the US about six generations ago, arent you all glad they didnt keep all of you out?
new coup for you said:
i reject the arbitrary distinction of "illigal" immigration

my ancestors arrived in the US about six generations ago, arent you all glad they didnt keep all of you out?
Were they proceesed through the laws by the government or did they sneak in without proper notification?
new coup for you said:
i reject the arbitrary distinction of "illigal" immigration

my ancestors arrived in the US about six generations ago, arent you all glad they didnt keep all of you out?

Dude, that's kinda different. Back in the day we didn't have a fiscal infrascructure to fall back on, not to mention, illegals are totally taking advantage of it, via welfare. Hard-working Americans who suddenly lose their jobs are finding that illegals have preference over them in obtaining government entitlements.
there is no difference between Anglo americans trying to keep Southern and Eastern Europeans out of the US and Pan-White americans trying to keep hispanics and asians out of the country

are you Italian or Irish? Hungarian? Czech? Russian? If so, I wish my ancestors had sent you back.
new coup for you said:
there is no difference between Anglo americans trying to keep Southern and Eastern Europeans out of the US and Pan-White americans trying to keep hispanics and asians out of the country

Uh, ideally, no, you're right about that.But back then we didn't have these delicate government benefits. It's true, this nation was founded on immigration, and immigration is fine, except illegal immigration.
new coup for you said:
and i reject the concept of illigal immigration. i think it unamerican and anti-free market

and you seem to have no clue about national security
i am all for LEGAL immigration, and for simplifying it for them
but if your illegal, you are gone
put up the fences
put up the walls
shut down the illegals, and in so doing, you willl cut off an avenue for drug smugglers and terrorists to enter
i'm pretty sure the 9/11 terrorists entered the US legally. if i recall correctly, they also didnt enter through Mexico or Canada either. Have no sources, i'm sure someone will though.

i refuse to beleive that we can decide that some are fit to enter our country and some are not.

"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me. I lift my lamp beside the golden door."

That's the America i live in.
Conservatives are like these archiac cave men. You have to approach them....like a wild animal; slowly, not too fast and not from behind.
TimmyBoy said:
Conservatives are like these archiac cave men. You have to approach them....like a wild animal; slowly, not too fast and not from behind.
Don't worry...

One day you just might get enough respect to actually become TimmyMan...

Not anytime soon, of course...but maybe one day....
cnredd said:
Don't worry...

One day you just might get enough respect to actually become TimmyMan...

Not anytime soon, of course...but maybe one day....

Respect comes and goes my friend. Whether you respect me makes little difference to me. Only the people that matter am I concerned about.
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new coup for you said:
i reject the arbitrary distinction of "illigal" immigration

my ancestors arrived in the US about six generations ago, arent you all glad they didnt keep all of you out?

Take this scenario:
You have a house with a fence around it. The fence represents the US Border, the house represents a city within the US. Now, someone jumps that fence and enters your house without any notification. They sit on your couch, watching your TV and eating your food. All without even asking. Now you enter your house and find this unwelcome visitor using YOUR stuff without your permission. What do you do?

Now, scenario 2:
Same house and fence, same representations. Now, someone walks thru the front gate, then rings your doorbell. You answer the door and find out that it's someone who wants to rent out a room (the rent money would represent taxes) and do some yard work to help with the upkeep of the property (the chores would represent a job in the workforce). now, once you do a background check on this person (let's just say they checkout and are ok) you let them rent out a room in your house and they do yard work twice a week.

So between the two scenarios, #1 is an example of Illegal Immigration and #2 is an example of Legal Immigration.

Back in the day, when immigrants came to America, they came by ship and most of them had to stop off at Ellis Island to be registered as Americans. That's Legal Immigration. Now, ppl are jumping the fences and just staying here without documentation. That is illegal, and if one can't follow American laws then one has no business being here. But ppl like you sympathize for them and condone their illegal acts. Why?

My ancestors are both European and Native American, in case you wanted to know.
new coup for you said:
and i reject the concept of illigal immigration. i think it unamerican and anti-free market

Then how about we use your money to pay for them. Because unless your here legally I don't want my dollars to be used for your benifit

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