democrat17 said:

what is with this world and the people not accepting people for who they really are. Christians say that they are supposed to accept everyone, but anyone who isn't a christian is going to hell. they are some of the most hypcritical people i have seen. don't push your religion on those of us who don't want to be a part of it.
My goodness, that isn't very accepting of the beliefs of others. People in a free society have the right to try and convince you to their point of view. You certainly have the right to try and convince them back, ignore them, or stick your fingers in your ears. Unless you have been visited by an inquisitorial squad, I would be interested to know in what way others have attempted to "
force" their beliefs on you.
democrat17 said:
as for vampirism, there is nothing wrong with it, if you want to drink blood and practice sexual acts on others, then go ahead, i don't care.
i accept all for who they are, i hate no one and don't discriminate, why cant't the rest of the world.
There are some things it is OK to discriminate against. For example, I discriminate against sex offenders. In the case of vampirism, there are two choices -
1. You are an undead corpse, animated by a spirit of evil and returned to Earth to spend eternity feasting on the blood of others.
2. You have a delusion about option #1.
I am just cynical and close-minded enough to entirely eliminate the first option. If presented evidence that a person is indeed a vengeful corpse from beyond the grave, we can re-examine this. Sans evidence however, I am going to assume that anyone claiming they are a vampire is suffering from a delusion. I am not in any way required to "accept" other people's delusions. Just as you are not required to accept my religous (or other) beliefs, I am not required to accept others (especially when they involve believing that you have been reborn as an immortal, blood-sucking fiend) I may tolerate the beliefs of others in most circumstances, but I do not have to accept them.
You started your statement by saying there is nothing wrong with drinking the blood of your fellow humans. I personally am inclined to disagree with that - but that's just me. I am probably less accepting than you are. I tend to view the parasitic drinking of my blood as an infringement of my rights. As for sexual acts, as long as all are consenting adults you have my blessing.
leejosepho said:
What part(s) had you *not* considered harmless?
Well, since you pressed me - candy is bad for your teeth. I guess that would explain the "mostly".
I have absolutely no problem with Halloween. Judging from the private and public responses I got, that was apparently lost on many people who read this. I have no great love for Halloween and I have no hate for it either. In the scope of holidays between 1-10 it is a solid 5. My indifference towards the holiday of Halloween knows no bounds. I just thought it was an interesting topic of conversation.