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All Hallows Evil? (1 Viewer)


May 10, 2005
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Political Leaning
With Halloween nigh, I thought it would be interesting to see if there are any strong opinions for or against this holiday. I was amazed many years ago to discover that there are people dead against what I had always considered a mostly harmless celebration.

(I can't wait for Christmas - then I get to unveil my most controversial and hatred-generating opinion of all time, my bias against Santa Claus)
Yes. Also, Harry Potter is the tool of the Devil.

(Seriously, some people wouldn't know what fun was if it ran over them.)
vergiss said:
Yes. Also, Harry Potter is the tool of the Devil.

(Seriously, some people wouldn't know what fun was if it ran over them.)

Some people fell out of the stupid tree.. And hit every stupid branch on the way down... Then they got run over by the stupid truck..
Well, in knowing the origins of halloween, I can see how some true and die hard christians might have a problem celebrating it. But how many true and die hard christians are there?
Halloween rocks a**, I mean what other holiday gives you the chance to steel candy from children while wearing a mask.
Anyone who believes it is evil must be afraid of a lot of things like, internal combustion engines, air-o-planes, TV, and fire.
halloween or all hallows EVE, is one of the coolest holidays around, i wish it would happen more often. it actually celebrates christian saints:)doh ), not demons, so you losers who don't like it, just think about what it really celbrates.
walrus said:
... what I had always considered a mostly harmless celebration.

Hoping this to be found a reasonable question amongst such intelligent and insightful discussion ...

What part(s) had you *not* considered harmless?
Growing up, we trick-or-treated in our neighborhood and there was always the one old man who gave not candy but cartoon books. My parents used to roll their eyes at them and I'd look at 'em before they were discarded as I snacked on my favorite, the Reese's Peanut Butter cups. Mmm. Later I found out that these weren't really cartoons, they were religious tracts. More specific Jack Chick tracts. For those not familiar with his work, I urge you to check out his ideas for witnessing during Halloween. Here's one of the tracts about kids who go out trick-or-treating, get hit by a car and go to hell. And according to this one, "Halloween opens the door to Satanism".

Chick also gives more helpful information like:
Vampires: Hollywood is Pushing Them... But are they real?
Chick's answer? Yes. Yes they are. Here's a snippet:
True vampirism is not a joke, nor is it a ghost story. Christians need to understand that this is a real (albeit uncommon) affliction, just like drug abuse or child abuse. Sadly, it is getting more common. Because of the universal taboos and biblical commands against blood drinking, many newly saved Christians, whose past included vampirism, now struggle with serious issues. "Can I be a Born Again vampire?" "Can God forgive me?" "Will the church ever accept such a monster as I?"
The person that wrote that admits that he also used to be a "Vampire". He then admits he used to be a witch high priest too.
As a former witch high priest now saved by Jesus, I was astonished by how many Christians let their kids celebrate Halloween. Some churches even sponsor "haunted houses" and similar events on what is the Number One satanic "helliday" of the year. Halloween used to be called Samhain, and is still celebrated as an ancient pagan festival of the dead by witches all over the world. Unfortunately, just giving the date a "holy" name like All Hallows' Eve or All Saints' Eve cannot change its grisly character. Halloween is an occasion when the ancient gods (actually demons) are worshiped with human sacrifice. The apostle Paul warns us: "But I say, that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and not to God: and I would not that ye should have fellowship with devils" (1 Cor. 10:20).

If ever the term "Christards" was more appropriate, it would be here.
:confused: what is with this world and the people not accepting people for who they really are. Christians say that they are supposed to accept everyone, but anyone who isn't a christian is going to hell. they are some of the most hypcritical people i have seen. don't push your religion on those of us who don't want to be a part of it.
as for vampirism, there is nothing wrong with it, if you want to drink blood and practice sexual acts on others, then go ahead, i don't care.
i accept all for who they are, i hate no one and don't discriminate, why cant't the rest of the world. :confused:
democrat17 said:
i accept all for who they are, i hate no one and don't discriminate, why cant't the rest of the world. :confused:

Because they don't like you or your views.:mrgreen:
Sorry, just kidding with ya.
The real world is harsh, and many are dumb. That’s it. Many people have not enough intelligence to be tolerant. If we could all get along then anarchy would be ok. We wouldn't need governments, police, religion, etc. because everyone would tolerate everyone else and no one would force their beliefs on others.
gdalton said:
Because they don't like you or your views.:mrgreen:
Sorry, just kidding with ya.
The real world is harsh, and many are dumb. That’s it. Many people have not enough intelligence to be tolerant. If we could all get along then anarchy would be ok. We wouldn't need governments, police, religion, etc. because everyone would tolerate everyone else and no one would force their beliefs on others.

Wow, what a great concept. I like it.:2wave:
For everyone who thinks that Halloween is evil because it is based on a Pagan holy day, then they should feel the same way about Christmas and Easter. Both were originally Pagan holy days that were co-opted by Christianity.

Another side note for every idiot who thinks that Wicca (Witchcraft) is worship of the devil, it is impossible to worship something in which you don't believe.
MrFungus420 said:
For everyone who thinks that Halloween is evil because it is based on a Pagan holy day, then they should feel the same way about Christmas and Easter ...

Agreed: All are equally nauseous to YHWH.

MrFungus420 said:
... it is impossible to worship something in which you don't believe.

Are you sure? Many people who vehemently insist there is no "God" sure do spend an awful lot of time talking about Him ...
leejosepho said:
Are you sure? Many people who vehemently insist there is no "God" sure do spend an awful lot of time talking about Him ...

I also know of a lot of very devout Christians who talk about evolution. Just because you talk about something, that doesn't mean that you believe in it.
MrFungus420 said:
Just because you talk about something, that doesn't mean that you believe in it.

No, certainly not, but my point was partly this:

Why do so many people who so vehemently insist there is no "God" nevertheless spend so much time talking about Him ... as when voicing their "complaints" and objections and arguments about/against something/someone they claim does not even exist?!

And to complete my overall point, I would mention that fact that many Christians similarly and essentially worship Lucifer by spending so much time studying him and his ways ... just as so many non-believers (as mentioned) unwittingly pay homage to "God".
gdalton said:
Because they don't like you or your views.:mrgreen:
Sorry, just kidding with ya.
The real world is harsh, and many are dumb. That’s it. Many people have not enough intelligence to be tolerant. If we could all get along then anarchy would be ok. We wouldn't need governments, police, religion, etc. because everyone would tolerate everyone else and no one would force their beliefs on others.
:shock: kind of an eye opener for those who read these. it is really cool that you said that. i agree with anarchy, if we could all get along, since that is not a very realistic thing communism is the next best thing, but if it really works.
democrat17 said:
:confused: what is with this world and the people not accepting people for who they really are. Christians say that they are supposed to accept everyone, but anyone who isn't a christian is going to hell. they are some of the most hypcritical people i have seen. don't push your religion on those of us who don't want to be a part of it.

My goodness, that isn't very accepting of the beliefs of others. People in a free society have the right to try and convince you to their point of view. You certainly have the right to try and convince them back, ignore them, or stick your fingers in your ears. Unless you have been visited by an inquisitorial squad, I would be interested to know in what way others have attempted to "force" their beliefs on you.

democrat17 said:
as for vampirism, there is nothing wrong with it, if you want to drink blood and practice sexual acts on others, then go ahead, i don't care.
i accept all for who they are, i hate no one and don't discriminate, why cant't the rest of the world. :confused:

There are some things it is OK to discriminate against. For example, I discriminate against sex offenders. In the case of vampirism, there are two choices -

1. You are an undead corpse, animated by a spirit of evil and returned to Earth to spend eternity feasting on the blood of others.

2. You have a delusion about option #1.

I am just cynical and close-minded enough to entirely eliminate the first option. If presented evidence that a person is indeed a vengeful corpse from beyond the grave, we can re-examine this. Sans evidence however, I am going to assume that anyone claiming they are a vampire is suffering from a delusion. I am not in any way required to "accept" other people's delusions. Just as you are not required to accept my religous (or other) beliefs, I am not required to accept others (especially when they involve believing that you have been reborn as an immortal, blood-sucking fiend) I may tolerate the beliefs of others in most circumstances, but I do not have to accept them.

You started your statement by saying there is nothing wrong with drinking the blood of your fellow humans. I personally am inclined to disagree with that - but that's just me. I am probably less accepting than you are. I tend to view the parasitic drinking of my blood as an infringement of my rights. As for sexual acts, as long as all are consenting adults you have my blessing.

leejosepho said:
What part(s) had you *not* considered harmless?

Well, since you pressed me - candy is bad for your teeth. I guess that would explain the "mostly".

I have absolutely no problem with Halloween. Judging from the private and public responses I got, that was apparently lost on many people who read this. I have no great love for Halloween and I have no hate for it either. In the scope of holidays between 1-10 it is a solid 5. My indifference towards the holiday of Halloween knows no bounds. I just thought it was an interesting topic of conversation.
walrus said:
With Halloween nigh, I thought it would be interesting to see if there are any strong opinions for or against this holiday. I was amazed many years ago to discover that there are people dead against what I had always considered a mostly harmless celebration.

(I can't wait for Christmas - then I get to unveil my most controversial and hatred-generating opinion of all time, my bias against Santa Claus)

thats funny lol
i mean it ROFL

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