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All Christians should get their Children out of Public School NOW (1 Viewer)


Feb 4, 2006
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Lakeport CA
Political Leaning
If you love your kids get them out of Public School, they aren't teaching the 3 R's in school today, they are teaching "Social engineering" for global Citizenship....and don't forget the HATE that is shown to Christians in the public school system.

they want your kids to be HUMANISTS not CHRISTIANS!

Thats also one of the reasons the Theory of Evolution is taught in school today...to destroy Christian norms.
um.... what are we debating in this thread? humanists?
I think the point is some paranoid conspiracy fundie histrionics, actually. I am sure Robo knows what rense.com is. Some of my more paranoid and delusional patients swear to it for their news.
Aurora151989 said:
um.... what are we debating in this thread? humanists?

Kids not being taught to be free Americans, but Global Citizen SLAVES

April 19 1985
A memo appears on the Seattle public school stationery which says,
”From Jim Grob, Rockefeller project.” The memo cautions that “the term ‘global education’ is an extreme, political hot potato at this time” with “right-wing Christians groups” opposing its use, and that instead of using the term “global education,” district personnel should note that a “temporarily safe term is – multicultural/international curriculum development.”

Page 157
The Globalists Denns L. Cuddy, Ph.D.

NEA Distributes “Combatting the New Right”

You are a target of the Far Right [if] you ask students to examine their values, teach sex education, ever indicate it may be okay to lie, teach about values different from those of the students’ parents, teach that “anything goes”, or “if you feel its’s okay,.do it,” train your students to be “global citizens,” teach humanism, etc.
steen said:
I think the point is some paranoid conspiracy fundie histrionics, actually. I am sure Robo knows what rense.com is. Some of my more paranoid and delusional patients swear to it for their news.

The Tenth Yearbook of the National Education Association's Department of Superintendence, published in February 1932, and titled Character Education, in which one reads: "Relativity must replace absolutism in the realm of morals as well as in the spheres of physics and biology. "...If the individual is to be happy in the contemporary order, he must be open-minded with respect to new values and new arrangements. "...Loyalty to the family must be merged into loyalty to the community, loyalty to the community into loyalty to the nation, and loyalty to the nation into loyalty to mankind. The citizen of the future must be a citizen of the world. "...Also, within the limits of a particular society, individualistic and competitive impulses must be subordinated increasingly to social and cooperative tendencies. "...Interdependence rather than independence is the rule of life. "...Under the condition of freedom and plenty generated by industrial society, the youth of the country are abandoning the severe sex taboos of the past; the sanctity of the marriage relationship is being challenged; the dogmas and ceremonies of the church are losing their power. "...Until we have a more equitable distribution of property and income in this country, great numbers of families will remain totally unfit agencies of character education. "...The church seems never to have been able to win either the masses or the statesmen of the Western nations to the Christian way of life. "...The position of the church today is one of confusion and uncertainty. It has lost much of the authority with which it at one time was clothed. "...Only when it employs the outworn dogmas of the past and appeals to certain of the traditional prejudices of the people does it appear to have confidence in its own pronouncements. "...This analysis shows a need for statements of objectives which....stimulate the creation of new moralities in accord with our changing society. "...The center of attention is not to be some traits to be expressed, some rules of conduct, some ideal of truth or beauty. The center of attention is to be the situation. "...The old structure passes. Religion, morality, business, family, school, and state change. "...Emotional conditioning does determine a great deal of one's attitudes toward persons, things, and ideas, and is responsible for a large part of one's outlook on life. Conditioning is therefore a process which may be employed by the teacher or parent to build up attitudes in the child and predispose him to the actions by which these attitudes are expressed. "...It is probable that the chauvinistic teaching of much of the history of the home country is responsible for a good share of the international friction and conflict. "...An eminent teacher of ethics, Professor George Herbert Palmer (said): 'Many here (New England) carry a conscience about with them which makes us say, "How much better off they would be with none!"' "...Education must be redirected if it is to become the chief means whereby society will attempt to remake itself. "...School life will begin with the nursery school and extend to include adult education in various forms. "...It may come to be, in this changing world, that society will come quickly to support and control a program of education extending, for the individual, from the cradle to the grave.
Robodoon said:
If you love your kids get them out of Public School, they aren't teaching the 3 R's in school today, they are teaching "Social engineering" for global Citizenship....and don't forget the HATE that is shown to Christians in the public school system.

they want your kids to be HUMANISTS not CHRISTIANS!

Thats also one of the reasons the Theory of Evolution is taught in school today...to destroy Christian norms.

Can you just go away? Every single one of your threads is void of content outside of reactionary bullshit.
To prove a stupid point, an article from 1932 he posts???:lamo :2rofll:
Engimo said:
Can you just go away? Every single one of your threads is void of content outside of reactionary bullshit.



None Dare Call it Education - by John A. Stormer: The documented account of how education "reforms" are undermining acedemics and traditional values. "None Dare Call it Education explains why and how schools are failing to be what they could and should be for our children. As a former public school board member and more recently as a 12-year state legislator, my personal experience verifies every statement and conclusion. Everyone who cares about young people should read and reread this book" Representative William Linton, Missouri General Assembly.


Brave New Schools shows how the goals of education have been turned upside-down. Socialization--learning global beliefs and values and politically correct behavior--have replaced academics as the main outcome of education. You may hear nice-sounding promises, but factual learning and individual thinking are out, feelings and group thinking are in. If this international system is put in place by AD 2001 as planned, all children will be monitored through a national computerized data transmission system designed to build a permanent, personal file on every child. No one will be safe from the watchful eyes of those who control the new "school-to-work" system-not children taught at home or in private schools, not their parents, not anyone. So be informed. Learn what you can do to preserve our families and equip our children to stand firm in God's truth -- ready to count the nearness of God more precious than the approval of man.

uses schools to transform our culture
molds children's minds for a global workforce
trades academics for socialization
bases learning on feelings, not facts
immerses students in global spirituality
builds permanent electronic file on each child
includes private and home-schools
yields parental rights to community "partners"
establishes the new global paradigm

Oh but I know, this is America and that can't happen here? :rofl
ngdawg said:
To prove a stupid point, an article from 1932 he posts???:lamo :2rofll:

IS THE NEA STILL IN BUSINESS? YES! if they were saying those horrible things that long ago, what makes you think they have changed their tune today?


The NEA is an Elite front Group, pushing Globalist Communist ideas on the people. Anyone who supports the NEA should leave the country along with all the members of the NEA. Any supporter of the NEA should be viewed as if you are looking at a communist, they are not friends of freedom or America!! Period!! that includes some of our leadership too.
The NEA is Against America and works hard to destroy your Children and teach them how to hate America... most of the people in the NEA are idealistic morons, who don't have enough sense to put their own pants on in the morning....Golly just look at most of the condition liberals out there...we have many running my county right now...these people are idiots with glassy eyes.....and have become wicked in their ignorance and end up hating good via pride....working for EVIL while trying to do good.. There just aren't words for these guys ,,, my human site just wants to take a base ball bat and beat the living hell out of them, but my other side understands many want to do good, but have no brain (that is why they have been “PUT” there) ....while some are just Evil, plain and simple they are wicked and seek to hurt you in their pride or self interests!
The people put in charge of these things today, would have been the people who would have died in the streets in days of past strife...they really aren't smart enough to live on their own...that is why they are picked for the job, and that is why many fight so hard to keep it, they know they aren't qualified for the job, but the money and powers that should have never been theirs; they will never willingly let go of, they will kick and scream and hold on with there fingernails for this prize they could have never obtained by their own hard work.
[mod mode]

Moving again. And if I find one more conspiracy thread in the wrong forum, you'll be taking a vacation.

[/mod mode]
Kelzie said:
[mod mode]

Moving again. And if I find one more conspiracy thread in the wrong forum, you'll be taking a vacation.

[/mod mode]

Just because you are unaware, doesn't mean its a Theory.

You are just ill informed thats all. I grew up in the new School systems, they aren't for learning but social engineering.

And in the REAL WORLD, not the world you think you know because you watch TV and read news papers or go to PTA meeting, but the REAL WORLD, there are many Hidden Crimes. and Hidden Crimes are "Conspiracies" but Conspiracies are real and in every part of our government. OUR GOVERNMENT PUTS PEOPLE IN JAIL DAILY ON THE CHARGES OF "CONSPIRACY" but when we the people say there is a Conpiracy in Government, its not TRUE?

PLEASE TELL ME, when has the government ever told us the truth, and when has it ever been accountable to the people when caught.

JUST because you don't know, doesn't make it false. ;)

THIS POST IS ABOUT SCHOOL, and there is a conspiracy in the school system, but its part of doing business today.


Because right now they might as well be in a Communist ED Camp, well thats pretty much whats going on.
Robodoon said:
Just because you are unaware, doesn't mean its a Theory.

You are just ill informed thats all. I grew up in the new School systems, they aren't for learning but social engineering.

And in the REAL WORLD, not the world you think you know because you watch TV and read news papers or go to PTA meeting, but the REAL WORLD, there are many Hidden Crimes. and Hidden Crimes are "Conspiracies" but Conspiracies are real and in every part of our government. OUR GOVERNMENT PUTS PEOPLE IN JAIL DAILY ON THE CHARGES OF "CONSPIRACY" but when we the people say there is a Conpiracy in Government, its not TRUE?

PLEASE TELL ME, when has the government ever told us the truth, and when has it ever been accountable to the people when caught.

JUST because you don't know, doesn't make it false. ;)

No I'm not. And stop insulting me. Saying our school is socially engineering children to be little socialists is a conspiracy. Although UFO's have more proof than this crackpot idea.
There's a conspiracy about wars
There's a conspiracy about schools
There's a conspiracy about global warming
There's a conspiracy about some 4th Reich
There's a conspiracy about abortion...

/me hands Robodoon a box of Reynolds wrap. Make sure that tinfoil hat is nice and snug:roll: And stay away from the windows.
Kelzie said:
No I'm not. And stop insulting me. Saying our school is socially engineering children to be little socialists is a conspiracy. Although UFO's have more proof than this crackpot idea.

Stop putting me in a box because what I say confuses and scares you.

EX, if the day came when china invaded the USA, and I posted the fact that the Chinese have just landed, you would put me in the Conspiracy box. :confused:

Who would have done their job, me say what no one whats to hear but is true, or you who puts things away that are upsetting and you don't understand. Could it be there are things you don't understand yet? is it possible?

BAD THINGS HAPPEN ON EARTH..did you know that? And sometimes the people you trust the most will lie to you, even at the cost of your life.

Lets see, one of my reference was this man
Dennis Laurence Cuddy has a Ph.D in American History from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, has taught in the public schools and at the university level, and has been a Senior Associate with the U.S. Department of Education, as well as a political analyst for an international consulting firm. He has 16 published books and booklets, and articles in journals such as The Lincoln Review and The Australian Journal of Politics and History. Other articles of his have been printed mostly in major American daily newspapers about 500 times over the past decade. Two of these articles have won awards in the annual Amy Writing Awards, which promote biblical values in the secular press. Dr. Cuddy has also been a guest on radio talk shows in various parts of the nation, such as ABC-Radio in New York City. And he has also been a guest on the national television program "USA Today" and CBS' "Nightwatch."

Dennis L. Cuddy's Books; "NEA Grab For Power" "Secret Records Revealed" "Now Is The Dawning Of The New Age NEW WORLD ORDER" and "The Globalists; The Power Elite Exposed"

But don't worry I'm wrong. TV SAYS SO ;)


You have been told, you are now with out excuse.
ngdawg said:
There's a conspiracy about wars
There's a conspiracy about schools
There's a conspiracy about global warming
There's a conspiracy about some 4th Reich
There's a conspiracy about abortion...

/me hands Robodoon a box of Reynolds wrap. Make sure that tinfoil hat is nice and snug:roll: And stay away from the windows.


THIS IS THE WORLD, not a game, this is it...do with it as you see fit and be accountable when the toll comes.

and it will.
Robodoon said:

THIS IS THE WORLD, not a game, this is it...do with it as you see fit and be accountable when the toll comes.

and it will.

Oh....and By the way....George Bush is Jesus Christ returned...see, if you rearrange the letters in his name...and switch the first...and last vowels...you get....uh....well....George Bush is actually Jesus
Robodoon said:
The Tenth Yearbook of the National Education Association's Department of Superintendence, published in February 1932, ...
I believe that is even BEFORE Henry Ford Sr. paid for the American translation of "Mein Kampf"
Robodoon said:

THIS IS THE WORLD, not a game, this is it...do with it as you see fit and be accountable when the toll comes.

and it will.
Just for you:

And here is a site that will blow your mind. I am sure you will find it the ultimate source of all your news:

It links to all sorts of good stuff. Like this, f.ex., on mind control.
Ya know, I feel bad for the guy....maybe we should hook him up with Doughgirl....they could build a nice little bunker in the woods....have lots and lots of bunkerrats....uneducated, of course, but well-versed in biblical misconceptions and the latest pre-war literature.
ngdawg said:
Ya know, I feel bad for the guy....maybe we should hook him up with Doughgirl....they could build a nice little bunker in the woods....have lots and lots of bunkerrats....uneducated, of course, but well-versed in biblical misconceptions and the latest pre-war literature.
Only if you throw in a load of tinfoil. It is good for keeping out the mind-control waves.
Robodoon said:

THIS IS THE WORLD, not a game, this is it...do with it as you see fit and be accountable when the toll comes.

and it will.

I just love that for years Christians have ruled the roost in many countries PUBLIC institutions, and know they are pissed off that secularism has taken over.

Don't you get it Robodoon, that public school values change as the public's value changes. Secondly why should public schools teach Christian values, when infact there are children from all kinds of religious backgrounds that attend these schools.

So it only seems natural to teach humanistic principles at school, because humanistic values don't break people down as Jews, Muslims, Christians or atheists, but treat people as the humans that they are.

Lastly you guys recycle the same old conspiracy crab, day in and day out. The Rockerfellas are capitalists. Refer to ExxonMobil if you doubt me. There is no international illuminati conspiracy to rule the world, and bring about Satan's reign.

If anything it seems that fundementalists Christians and Muslims, are pissed of that their almighty god is not in every avenue of public domain, and influencing all people's thought.

So who is really attempting to control your mind? Religion or the U.N? :mrgreen:
tecoyah said:
Oh....and By the way....George Bush is Jesus Christ returned...see, if you rearrange the letters in his name...and switch the first...and last vowels...you get....uh....well....George Bush is actually Jesus

He's not even Christian, he Goes to DEVIL RITES AND IS A BONES MAN.

steen said:
I believe that is even BEFORE Henry Ford Sr. paid for the American translation of "Mein Kampf"

Ford was a bad man ;)
ngdawg said:
Ya know, I feel bad for the guy....maybe we should hook him up with Doughgirl....they could build a nice little bunker in the woods....have lots and lots of bunkerrats....uneducated, of course, but well-versed in biblical misconceptions and the latest pre-war literature.

What just because I say Christians should get out of public school and leave it to the pagans?
Australianlibertarian said:
I just love that for years Christians have ruled the roost in many countries PUBLIC institutions, and know they are pissed off that secularism has taken over.
Who are these Christians? And the reason I'm saying Christians should get out, is because this is addressed to Americans, and our Belief in God was the reason we declaired liberty. Rockefellers have sought to destroy that relationship.

Don't you get it Robodoon, that public school values change as the public's value changes. Secondly why should public schools teach Christian values, when infact there are children from all kinds of religious backgrounds that attend these schools.
Why are US schools attacking Christianity, but teaching ISALM, WITCHCRAFT and Enviromentalism which is a Federal sponcered Religion. The only religion under attack is Christianity in the USA. Even Satanism is supported.

So it only seems natural to teach humanistic principles at school, because humanistic values don't break people down as Jews, Muslims, Christians or atheists, but treat people as the humans that they are.
Humanist views have nothing to do with Freedom, Human rights are not God given rights.

Lastly you guys recycle the same old conspiracy crab, day in and day out. The Rockerfellas are capitalists. Refer to ExxonMobil if you doubt me. There is no international illuminati conspiracy to rule the world, and bring about Satan's reign.
Rockefellers are capitalists for themselves, they are introducing "Third way" to the rest of the world and removing any real ideas of capitalism from the common man.

"We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries."
David Rockefeller Baden-Baden, Germany 1991

If anything it seems that fundementalists Christians and Muslims, are pissed of that their almighty god is not in every avenue of public domain, and influencing all people's thought.

So who is really attempting to control your mind? Religion or the U.N? :mrgreen:
Nope, its been the AAE that has been agitating the religious fever, they want a global religious war so they and interduce their new religion for the world

"World War III is to be fomented, using the so-called controversies; by the agents of the Illuminati operating under whatever new name; that are now being stored up between the political Zionists and the leaders of the Moslem world. That war is to be directed in such a manner that all of Islam and political Zionism (Israelis) will destroy each other while at the same time; the remaining nations, once more divided on this issue, will be forced to fight themselves into a state of complete exhaustion; physically, mentally, spiritually, and economically.

http://100777.com/node/361?PHPSESSID=53305f2fccc1ea511dab8bc74d2477f1 Audio warning from forty years ago, with transcript ;)

FOUR YEARS before the Iraq invasion,
The Book the Grand Chess board was written here is a review of that book by Dr Monteith
Zbigniew Brzezinski stage-managed our foreign policy from 1977 to 1981. He knew that American aid to the mujahideen would lead to Soviet intervention and draw us into a bloody conflict. After reading Brzezinski's book, The Grand Chessboard, I'm convinced he planned a series of battles in the Middle East. America is going to war with Iraq, and may go to war with other countries in that region. If we defeat the Arab nations, the Rockefellers and their friends will control the oil reserves of Central Asia, and dominate the world.


ALBERT PIKE MASTER MASON talks about the reasons for the wars.
In 1871
? Pike himself foretold all this in a statement he made to Mazzini on August 15, 1871. Pike stated that after World War III is ended; those who will aspire to undisputed world-domination will provoke the greatest social-cataclysm the world has ever known. Quoting his own words taken from the letter he wrote to Mazzini and which letter is now catalogued in the British Museum in London, England; he said:

"We shall unleash the nihilists and the atheists and we shall provoke a great social-cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to all nations the effect of absolute-atheism; the origins of savagery and of most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the people will be forced to defend themselves against the world-minority of the world-revolutionaries and will exterminate those destroyers of civilization and the multitudes disillusioned with Christianity whose spirits will be from that moment without direction and leadership and anxious for an ideal, but without knowledge where to send its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal-manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer brought finally out into public view. A manifestation which will result from a general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and Atheism; both conquered and exterminated at the same time."

"No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he will take a Luciferian Initiation."

David Spangler, Director of Planetary Initiative, United Nations

And here is our leaders including our president attanding PAGAN RITES (devil rites) in Calif...on film. http://www.infowars.com/bg1.html

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