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Alito....A good idea? (1 Viewer)


Jan 25, 2006
Reaction score
Dayton, OH
Political Leaning
I was just curious as to the concensus of what people think about the Alito confirmation? I've heard points from both sides, and I'm just curious what y'all think.
I think it's great, a very qualified, experienced, responsible judge was confirmed to the SCOTUS, and we will all be better off because of it. I think the hearings were a disgrace, and that the Democrats made fools of themselves, again, but in the end, a good thing was done for the nation.
Deegan said:
I think it's great, a very qualified, experienced, responsible judge was confirmed to the SCOTUS, and we will all be better off because of it. I think the hearings were a disgrace, and that the Democrats made fools of themselves, again, but in the end, a good thing was done for the nation.

I'm gonna say that its a pretty good bet you're republican! Any concensus from across the bridge?
He is an intelligent and well qualified person for SCOTUS. I just hope he and John Roberts keep to what they said in the hearings.

A judge's political and/or religious opinions/beliefs should not influence their ability to interpret the constitution.
Gibberish said:
He is an intelligent and well qualified person for SCOTUS. I just hope he and John Roberts keep to what they said in the hearings.

A judge's political and/or religious opinions/beliefs should not influence their ability to interpret the constitution.

I don't know a whole lot about him. Anyone willing to gimme a history lesson?
hipster_19 said:
I don't know a whole lot about him. Anyone willing to gimme a history lesson?


He is well qualifed educationally and experience wise. Some of his previous actions and stances on known SCOTUS topics are questionable but only with the belief that he will let his personal opinions effect his duty as a judge.
hipster_19 said:
I'm gonna say that its a pretty good bet you're republican! Any concensus from across the bridge?

I put my legal hat on when I decided his worth, he has been a fair, honest, responsible judge, despite the attempts to smear his good name, and life's work. This is an honor that has changed the people that are confirmed, just look at how wrong some have been as far as how a given judge would rule once on the bench. Politicians are not judges, they don't really understand the restraint judges place upon themselves, they might do well to listen a little more, and talk less. The democrats did make fools of themselves, and their arguments were petty at best, some more then others, but all were guilty of taking part in this partisan circus.
No, not good but he will be in anyway. At the least for 2 yrs, untill Bush gets out of office. Alito DID NOT answer the questions that were asked of him in a direct way, he liked beat around the bush. LOL:lol:
I think Alito will make a great addition to the court. It is now a more balanced court than it was before. Why people think that Alito will legislate from the bench (like the liberal activist judges) is beyond me. I don't think he'll do that. He follows the Constitution closely.
imprtnrd said:
No, not good but he will be in anyway. At the least for 2 yrs, untill Bush gets out of office. Alito DID NOT answer the questions that were asked of him in a direct way, he liked beat around the bush. LOL:lol:

Oh, but it was ok that Ginsburg (spelling?) dodged a lot of her questions, right? Probably because she's a democrat and is allowed a free pass. But that was during a Democrat led Senate, but not every Republican voted against Ginsburg like the Dems did to Alito.
I am not sure what those who say Alito is a good choice base their opinion on. Has anyone read any of his legal opinions? Because some of them are really scary.

As a government lawyer and a federal judge, Judge Alito has consistently failed to protect civil rights. He has even said that he disagrees with theSupreme Court decisions articulating the “one person – one vote” principle.

In civil rights cases where the Third Circuit was divided, Alito
advocated positions detrimental to civil rights 85% of the time. He has rarely sided with individuals seeking relief from discrimination on the basis of race, age, gender, or disability, and he has opposed efforts to redress the historic effects of discrimination in the workplace.

He claims that law enforcement should use all the power it wants, including shooting a 15 year old guy who is unarmed and running away with $10, in the back of his head. Or strip search a 10 years old girl who was not named in a warrant.
vandree said:
I am not sure what those who say Alito is a good choice base their opinion on. Has anyone read any of his legal opinions? Because some of them are really scary.

As a government lawyer and a federal judge, Judge Alito has consistently failed to protect civil rights. He has even said that he disagrees with theSupreme Court decisions articulating the “one person – one vote” principle.

In civil rights cases where the Third Circuit was divided, Alito
advocated positions detrimental to civil rights 85% of the time. He has rarely sided with individuals seeking relief from discrimination on the basis of race, age, gender, or disability, and he has opposed efforts to redress the historic effects of discrimination in the workplace.

He claims that law enforcement should use all the power it wants, including shooting a 15 year old guy who is unarmed and running away with $10, in the back of his head. Or strip search a 10 years old girl who was not named in a warrant.

You do realize he was an APPEALS COURT JUDGE?:confused:
vandree said:
I am not sure what those who say Alito is a good choice base their opinion on. Has anyone read any of his legal opinions? Because some of them are really scary.

As a government lawyer and a federal judge, Judge Alito has consistently failed to protect civil rights. He has even said that he disagrees with theSupreme Court decisions articulating the “one person – one vote” principle.

In civil rights cases where the Third Circuit was divided, Alito
advocated positions detrimental to civil rights 85% of the time. He has rarely sided with individuals seeking relief from discrimination on the basis of race, age, gender, or disability, and he has opposed efforts to redress the historic effects of discrimination in the workplace.

He claims that law enforcement should use all the power it wants, including shooting a 15 year old guy who is unarmed and running away with $10, in the back of his head. Or strip search a 10 years old girl who was not named in a warrant.

Hmm... The BAR Association gave Alito their highest award. He passed with flying colors. In recent speeches, the Dems said that they trust the American BAR; but since Alito is a conservative The BAR must be wrong on this guy. Even though it's never been wrong before. The Dems have had nothing put praise and support for the BAR, until now. It's all partisan politics, really. The Dems could care less about the BAR because they don't like conservatives.

And about those cases listed, have you even bothered to look up ALL the details about the crimes before you just bit into what CNN, NBC, or whatever; told you and just start ranting? You might want to check the facts for yourself first. Then come up with a genuine opinion of your own, not what the media wants you to think.
vandree said:
I am not sure what those who say Alito is a good choice base their opinion on. Has anyone read any of his legal opinions? Because some of them are really scary.

As a government lawyer and a federal judge, Judge Alito has consistently failed to protect civil rights. He has even said that he disagrees with theSupreme Court decisions articulating the “one person – one vote” principle.

In civil rights cases where the Third Circuit was divided, Alito
advocated positions detrimental to civil rights 85% of the time. He has rarely sided with individuals seeking relief from discrimination on the basis of race, age, gender, or disability, and he has opposed efforts to redress the historic effects of discrimination in the workplace.

He claims that law enforcement should use all the power it wants, including shooting a 15 year old guy who is unarmed and running away with $10, in the back of his head. Or strip search a 10 years old girl who was not named in a warrant.

Personally, I base most of my opinion for him on the hearings and some articles i've read. Most compelling was the testimony of his colleagues and scholars who overwhelmingly supported him (even the left side speakers) pointing to many of the controversial decisions as having been derived from maticulously investigated and thought out legal grounds.

I'm quite convinced from the hearings and what i've read that he's not an Idealogue on the bench and respects the law over all other beliefs.

It was a shame what the democrats did to him in the hearings, having so little respect for his qualifications and integrity.
Crispy said:
Personally, I base most of my opinion for him on the hearings and some articles i've read. Most compelling was the testimony of his colleagues and scholars who overwhelmingly supported him (even the left side speakers) pointing to many of the controversial decisions as having been derived from maticulously investigated and thought out legal grounds.

I'm quite convinced from the hearings and what i've read that he's not an Idealogue on the bench and respects the law over all other beliefs.

It was a shame what the democrats did to him in the hearings, having so little respect for his qualifications and integrity.

The Dems also made his wife cry.

But he won't legislate from the bench, and I'll guarantee that too. He follows the Constitution, the way any Judge should. Unlike that Vermont judge who only gives child molesters 6 months in jail.
Donkey1499 said:
he Dems also made his wife cry.
Yea if it were me, I would've jumped up and knocked some teeth out lol. :smash:

Donkey1499 said:
But he won't legislate from the bench, and I'll guarantee that too. He follows the Constitution, the way any Judge should.
Yep I definitely agree.

So when Roe v Wade gets overturned its gonna based on law not ideals LOL. :fueltofir
Crispy said:
Yea if it were me, I would've jumped up and knocked some teeth out lol. :smash:

Yep I definitely agree.

So when Roe v Wade gets overturned its gonna based on law not ideals LOL. :fueltofir

Roe v Wade was a partisan thing to begin with. There was nothing in the Constitution that said you have the right to kill a human being.
imprtnrd said:
No, not good but he will be in anyway. At the least for 2 yrs, untill Bush gets out of office. Alito DID NOT answer the questions that were asked of him in a direct way, he liked beat around the bush. LOL:lol:
Forgive me, but what are you expecting to happen with Judge Alito after Bush is no longer in office? Sounds like maybe you aren't aware that Supreme Court judges are lifetime appointments.
Donkey1499 said:
Hmm... The BAR Association gave Alito their highest award. He passed with flying colors. In recent speeches, the Dems said that they trust the American BAR; but since Alito is a conservative The BAR must be wrong on this guy. Even though it's never been wrong before. The Dems have had nothing put praise and support for the BAR, until now. It's all partisan politics, really. The Dems could care less about the BAR because they don't like conservatives.

And about those cases listed, have you even bothered to look up ALL the details about the crimes before you just bit into what CNN, NBC, or whatever; told you and just start ranting? You might want to check the facts for yourself first. Then come up with a genuine opinion of your own, not what the media wants you to think.

You don't know me, and you certainly don't know how I form my opinion. For your information I don't watch tv: I have read those opinions and my facts are right. If you think they are wrong point me to the source of your information. :roll:
Donkey1499 said:
The Dems also made his wife cry.

But he won't legislate from the bench, and I'll guarantee that too. He follows the Constitution, the way any Judge should. Unlike that Vermont judge who only gives child molesters 6 months in jail.
Actually a judge has something called descretion. They can choose to lower a sentence if they so choose. It is one of the beauties of the constitution, basically a judge cannot be told what to do and that keeps 'em independent.

You'll garuntee that eh? Have you read any of the stuff he has written...he finds law to make his personal opinion his ruling. Take the one on abortion that everyone looks at. He said, I wanna allow this...what is the most obscure way I can do so that is barely within the law. He did and his idea was shot down by Sandra Day O'Connor, the best justice to grace the court in a good while (bascially she was as nonpartisan as you could get anymore).

I can't garuntee that alito will be good or bad, but I am legit scared of him because of his personal views and the way he bends law to meet them. That is not what a judge is -- a judge is someone who creates consensous (at least on the Supreme Court) and who applies the law fairly to all sides. That is it.
vandree said:
I am not sure what those who say Alito is a good choice base their opinion on. Has anyone read any of his legal opinions? Because some of them are really scary.

As a government lawyer and a federal judge, Judge Alito has consistently failed to protect civil rights. He has even said that he disagrees with theSupreme Court decisions articulating the “one person – one vote” principle.

In civil rights cases where the Third Circuit was divided, Alito
advocated positions detrimental to civil rights 85% of the time. He has rarely sided with individuals seeking relief from discrimination on the basis of race, age, gender, or disability, and he has opposed efforts to redress the historic effects of discrimination in the workplace.

He claims that law enforcement should use all the power it wants, including shooting a 15 year old guy who is unarmed and running away with $10, in the back of his head. Or strip search a 10 years old girl who was not named in a warrant.

Do you have any sources?
vandree said:
Sorry, I misunderstood what you were asking.

Doe v Groody. Here is his dissenting opinion: http://www.law.umich.edu/library/news/topics/alito/dissentingopinions/doe2004.pdf

Mitchell v Forsyth http://www.law.umich.edu/library/news/topics/alito/briefs/mitchell.pdf

I just skimmed the Doe v. Groody dissent, and I don't see anyproblems with it. It is a well-reasoned dissent. I will look at it in more detail in the morning.

I have been battling food poisoning all day and don't have the time or energy right now at 11PM.

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