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Ali G (1 Viewer)


Nov 20, 2005
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South Cal, Calif.
Political Leaning
Has anyone seen Ali G on HBO? I was watching him on cable over the long weekend, he is hilarious. I liked his character of Borat the Pakistani. I don't remember any time recently when I laughed that hard. He is the funniest guy I have ever seen. My stepmother and I watched 12 of his episodes. I think I will have to go and rent an Ali G DVD this weekend.:doh
saffron said:
Has anyone seen Ali G on HBO? I was watching him on cable over the long weekend, he is hilarious. I liked his character of Borat the Pakistani. I don't remember any time recently when I laughed that hard. He is the funniest guy I have ever seen. My stepmother and I watched 12 of his episodes. I think I will have to go and rent an Ali G DVD this weekend.:doh

Hahahahaha yea! Borat's hilarious and Ali G interviews some seriously BIG names, I don't know how the hell he gets them. Guys like Newt Gingrich & Donald Trump... the questions he asks them are great too
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"Do you fink terrorists is gonna try use trains again?"

"I think they'll try."

"What if tha terrorists try and run a train in to da White House?

"...Well, there aren't any train tracks leading to the White House?"

"How do you know they aint buildin one?"
Gandhi>Bush said:
"Do you fink terrorists is gonna try use trains again?"

"I think they'll try."

"What if tha terrorists try and run a train in to da White House?

"...Well, there aren't any train tracks leading to the White House?"

"How do you know they aint buildin one?"
Alrighty then.....:roll:
It was an interview with a national security advisor.

I have the DVD ;)
The Real McCoy said:
Hahahahaha yea! Borat's hilarious and Ali G interviews some seriously BIG names, I don't know how the hell he gets them. Guys like Newt Gingrich & Donald Trump... the questions he asks them are great too
I was wondering the exact same thing....I was thinking,...do these people realize it is a joke? Some of them seem soo serious, especially the born-agains. And there was even an interview with Andy Rooney. But Andy wasn't having any of it. ALi G said "this is racial" and Andy said "the word is racist", he was correcting Ali G's grammar the entire time the camera was on him. I love it when Borat was looking at property and asked the realtor "can I bury my wife here?" and then "well can I burn her here?". Then when they were inside the house he told the realtor that his wife made a lot of noise when she used the bathroom and asked the realtor to go inside and make noise to see if he could here it, and he did! And then Borat did it also! I made my stepmother rewind that episode a few times, and I was choking I was laughing sooo hard.

What is soo funny is how he stays in character so well and never cracks up at himself.

And did you see where Borat was canvasing a wealthy southern white neighborhood trying to get someone elected to Congress? He knocking on doors and telling people that this candidate has big, big ...testicles. And then he asked the man at one home "can I **** n your house?". And the man let him in. They do all of this on camera.:rofl
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