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Alexei Navalny: Nato says "russia" must disclose its Novichok programme (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 2, 2017
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great move from NATO, whats Putin gonna do? Will Trump introduce the new oil - gas sanctions on Moscow?
"Nato has called for Russia to disclose its Novichok nerve agent programme to international monitors, following the poisoning of activist Alexei Navalny.
Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said members were united in condemning the "horrific" attack."
Alexei Navalny: Nato says Russia must disclose its Novichok programme - BBC News

We have absolutely no reason to care about this whatsoever. This is an internal matter for Russians only.

Interesting to hear all the ranting about Russia trying to influence our government and elections - while we openly do exactly that towards Russia. Pure hypocrisy on our part. Remember, Obama ordered the extra-judicial military assassination of Americans who were not acting as enemy combatants - only making treasonous statements.

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