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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the voice of an ignorant generation (1 Viewer)


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The majority of American Millennials identify as socialist, according to surveys by both Reason-Rupe and the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation. That’s the bad news. The good news is that just 32 percent of Millennials can define socialism. The frequently-wrong but never-in-doubt freshman Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., may indeed be the voice of her ignorant generation.

Ocasio-Cortez retorted, “Of course not. What we have in mind—and what of my—and my policies most closely resemble what we see in the U.K., in Norway, in Finland, in Sweden.” In fact, her economic proposals bear little resemblance to British and Nordic public policy.

As early as the 1950s, Britain began to privatize its social security and pension programs. By the 1990s, as decades of socialism caused economic growth to stagnate, Sweden followed suit. Neither Sweden nor Norway mandates a minimum wage, and Britain demands a minimum wage well below Ocasio-Cortez’s proposed $15 per hour. Britain and Finland offer a lower corporate tax rate than the United States, and all the nations she names have lower rates than her proposal of 28 percent. None has a health care regime as socialistic as her proposed Medicare-For-All scheme, which constitutes a full federal takeover of health care.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s ignorance of economics and foreign affairs typifies her generation. Despite holding expensive degrees in both Economics and International Relations from Boston University, Ocasio-Cortez threw up her hands in exasperation during an interview on Margaret Hoover’s “Firing Line” program, laughing, “I’m not the expert on geopolitics.” Fortunately for her, in the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king; and among a blithely ignorant generation, the lightly educated activist is congresswoman.
So is AOC the new brains of the Democratic Party? FFS, I hope not.
Trump supporters worrying about a mere Congressperson displaying ignorance.

Hmmm .....
Odd, the only ones really talking about her are conservative republicans. Sounds like you finally found some one you can actually debate against. Sorta. Kinda. If name calling is debate. You should be proud!

You should, your party supported her. Ideology over country, and now ideology over intelligence as well apparently.
AOC is like Trump. People were so feed up with the same old crap being offered up they went with an outsider that promised way more than could be delivered. Hopefully in 2020 the nation will make better choices.
Everyone is scared of AOC, Democrats and Republicans.

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I think it's pretty obvious that AOC is talking about a semblance as she stated, and not an identical parallel, nor is she stating that every one of these countries mentioned have a parallel to her policies. This critique is some pretty grasping, ridiculous stuff, nearly on par with slamming her for dancing during her college years.

As to taxes, their taxes are significantly higher than ours on the whole; Fox is of course choosing to cherry pick corporate tax specifically without any further context because it's politically/rhetorically convenient.

By the way, the reason neither Sweden nor Norway have a minimum wage is because they have strong universal unions and collective bargaining regimes (something Fox conveniently left out, as do most other right leaning publications which are keen to highlight the fact) which I assume you would like even less than min wage, particularly since they are largely successful at extracting even better terms for workers than simple min wage mandates:

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if she can be the one to bring down the corporate hegemony, i'm for her.
Odd, the only ones really talking about her are conservative republicans. Sounds like you finally found some one you can actually debate against. Sorta. Kinda. If name calling is debate. You should be proud!

What difference does that make?
Besides your moot point, maybe we're talking about AOC because the people hating on Trump are mostly leftists talking about him 24-7.
AOC is like Trump. People were so feed up with the same old crap being offered up they went with an outsider that promised way more than could be delivered. Hopefully in 2020 the nation will make better choices.

Valid point.
Establishment DC politicians hate them both and for the reason you stated.

People have to have something to choose from to make better choices.
So far, I haven't seen something to choose from...
What difference does that make?
Besides your moot point, maybe we're talking about AOC because the people hating on Trump are mostly leftists talking about him 24-7.

The difference is that you're forcing her message (especially the 70% tax rate message) into the mainstream and making it a legitimate national discussion. Pat yourself on the back.
he good news is that just 32 percent of Millennials can define socialism.

I don't think a significant portion of Americans who throw around the word socialism know the definition of it. :lol:
The difference is that you're forcing her message (especially the 70% tax rate message) into the mainstream and making it a legitimate national discussion. Pat yourself on the back.

You have enough of a hard time speaking for yourself.
Try for some intellectual honesty and don't speak for me...
once again, right winger think they are smart for copy and pasting some hack publication and then calling liberals stupid with nothing to back it up. Showing everybody who the true idiots are.

I think the right wing should be more concerned with their own brains...or lack thereof. If young people are not able to define socialism, it doesn't surprise me, given the amount of political propaganda being spewed by righties. They're always conflating it with communism.

I think when people call themselves "socialist" today, what they really mean is "humanist" and they aren't really advocating having the government be the sole means of production. They just agree that profiting off of sickness and war are bad ideas. The conservatives are very reluctant to declare those markets a moral failure because there's NOTHING they won't commodity, including humans.

I, for one, am encouraged by the idea that our young people are abandoning the gods of the conservatives, like money and Christian dominion.

LOL, I'm sorry, but right wing FoxNews columnists, readers and viewers don't get to call other people "ignorant". :lamo

That's like....a rule, or something.

75% (at least) of the conservatives on this board can't define "Socialism" without googling it...and even then, they still won't understand enough to engage in discussions about it.
You have enough of a hard time speaking for yourself.
Try for some intellectual honesty and don't speak for me...

If you’re losing your **** over AOC then you’re promoting her. Simple fact.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the voice of an ignorant generation

considering that fox is a commercial for the most pig ignorant president in modern history, i'm going to have to go ahead and take their assessment with a truckload of salt.
I love when FOX or campus reform or other conservative person interviews college kids on campus. They never fail to completely fail at policy, the Constitution and actual news. Quote them what Dems have said about supporting a wall and tell them Trump said it, and they'll condemn it. Reveal that it was actually Schumer or Obama or Hillary that said it, and they look like deer in headlights.

Keep on exposing the bias!
What difference does that make?
Besides your moot point, maybe we're talking about AOC because the people hating on Trump are mostly leftists talking about him 24-7.

You don't understand what difference it makes that conservatives are the ones constantly losing their **** over Cortez and that liberals are the ones that generally don't care?

You don't understand what difference it makes when liberals only know who she is because conservatives keep flying off the handle over some bull**** she said?

Oh dear, deary me.

I may not be able to help you work it out, but I can wish you luck. Good luck.
You should, your party supported her. Ideology over country, and now ideology over intelligence as well apparently.

"MY party" did not support her any more than any one else. "Your party" supports Trump, so you really have no room to talk.

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