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Alex Jones Accused of Hiding Assets Over Sandy Hook Lawsuits (1 Viewer)

Rogue Valley

Lead or get out of the way
DP Veteran
Apr 18, 2013
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Alex Jones is facing a new lawsuit in Texas over accusations that the Infowars host hid millions of dollars in assets after families of Sandy Hook victims began taking him to court. Relatives of some of the 20 children and six educators killed in the 2012 Newtown, Connecticut, massacre have already won defamation lawsuits against Jones after he said the shootings never happened. The new lawsuit, which was filed Wednesday, comes as trials are set for this year over how much he should pay. “After Alex Jones was sued for claiming the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary was a hoax, the infamous conspiracy theorist conspired to divert his assets to shell companies owned by insiders like his parents, his children, and himself,” reads the lawsuit, which was filed in Austin, Texas, by some of the Sandy Hook families. According to the lawsuit, Jones is accused of drawing about $18 million from his Infowars company over three years, starting in 2018 when the defamation lawsuits were filed. Jones is also accused of claiming a “dubious” $54 million debt around that time to another company, which the lawsuit alleges is indirectly or directly owned by Jones.

After he lost the Sandy Hook defamation lawsuit, the InfoWars parent company, Free Speech Systems, began paying Alex Jones a $600,000 annual salary and transferred $18 million dollars to a shell company named PQPR.

PQPR claimed that it was owed $54 million by Free Speech Systems. From PQPR the money went to other shell companies in an obvious effort to hide the money from the court and plaintiffs.

Alex Jones is a huge sleazeball.
From what I've read and heard about Alex Jones, he'd fit right in with the Trump Organization. Lie, Cheat, Exaggerate, Slander and a cornucopia of other
disgusting human traits. In short> Donald Trump 2.0

After he lost the Sandy Hook defamation lawsuit, the InfoWars parent company, Free Speech Systems, began paying Alex Jones a $600,000 annual salary and transferred $18 million dollars to a shell company named PQPR.
PQPR claimed that it was owed $54 million by Free Speech Systems. From PQPR the money went to other shell companies in an obvious effort to hide the money from the court and plaintiffs.
Alex Jones is a huge sleazeball.

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