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Albino Snow Gorrillas Born Inferior (1 Viewer)

Comrade Mao Guverra

New member
Aug 30, 2005
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It is a true fact that the albino snow gorrilla was born inferior to the Sun People. This is because the Supreme Being is Black. The Devil is a White man who smoke a pipe and inspires his fellow demons, the Snow Gorrilla, to attack the Sun People.
Let's face it, the first great civilizations were by Sun People; Summeria, Babylon, Ethiopia, Egyps-all by non-Albinos. When the Sun people had sophisticates libraries in the Middle East, the Europeans were stinking from not washing and emptying their chamber pots into the streets. The Arab had plato and thanks to them, the Europeans, the ignorant ****s they were, were turned on to Aristotle.
Comrade Mao Guverra said:
It is a true fact that the albino snow gorrilla was born inferior to the Sun People. This is because the Supreme Being is Black. The Devil is a White man who smoke a pipe and inspires his fellow demons, the Snow Gorrilla, to attack the Sun People.
Let's face it, the first great civilizations were by Sun People; Summeria, Babylon, Ethiopia, Egyps-all by non-Albinos. When the Sun people had sophisticates libraries in the Middle East, the Europeans were stinking from not washing and emptying their chamber pots into the streets. The Arab had plato and thanks to them, the Europeans, the ignorant ****s they were, were turned on to Aristotle.

So this is kinda like what? The African form of Nazism?
Comrade Mao Guverra said:
It is a true fact that the albino snow gorrilla was born inferior to the Sun People. This is because the Supreme Being is Black. The Devil is a White man who smoke a pipe and inspires his fellow demons, the Snow Gorrilla, to attack the Sun People.
Let's face it, the first great civilizations were by Sun People; Summeria, Babylon, Ethiopia, Egyps-all by non-Albinos. When the Sun people had sophisticates libraries in the Middle East, the Europeans were stinking from not washing and emptying their chamber pots into the streets. The Arab had plato and thanks to them, the Europeans, the ignorant ****s they were, were turned on to Aristotle.

Well your screwed now so live with it....:rofl
Comrade Mao Guverra said:
It is a true fact that the albino snow gorrilla was born inferior to the Sun People. This is because the Supreme Being is Black. The Devil is a White man who smoke a pipe and inspires his fellow demons, the Snow Gorrilla, to attack the Sun People.
Let's face it, the first great civilizations were by Sun People; Summeria, Babylon, Ethiopia, Egyps-all by non-Albinos. When the Sun people had sophisticates libraries in the Middle East, the Europeans were stinking from not washing and emptying their chamber pots into the streets. The Arab had plato and thanks to them, the Europeans, the ignorant ****s they were, were turned on to Aristotle.

Are you perhaps living on another planet? Or maybe you have read a fairy tale that none of us have seen yet?

No wait, you lived in those days and you have been reincarnated. That must be it.
Comrade Mao Guverra said:
It is a true fact that the albino snow gorrilla was born inferior to the Sun People. This is because the Supreme Being is Black. The Devil is a White man who smoke a pipe and inspires his fellow demons, the Snow Gorrilla, to attack the Sun People.
Let's face it, the first great civilizations were by Sun People; Summeria, Babylon, Ethiopia, Egyps-all by non-Albinos. When the Sun people had sophisticates libraries in the Middle East, the Europeans were stinking from not washing and emptying their chamber pots into the streets. The Arab had plato and thanks to them, the Europeans, the ignorant ****s they were, were turned on to Aristotle.

Snow gorilla?:confused: Is this a person with white pigment in their skin?

Having a black pigment in your skin to me, doesn't make you superior, nor inferior.
Comrade Mao Guverra said:
It is a true fact that the albino snow gorrilla was born inferior to the Sun People. This is because the Supreme Being is Black. The Devil is a White man who smoke a pipe and inspires his fellow demons, the Snow Gorrilla, to attack the Sun People.
Let's face it, the first great civilizations were by Sun People; Summeria, Babylon, Ethiopia, Egyps-all by non-Albinos. When the Sun people had sophisticates libraries in the Middle East, the Europeans were stinking from not washing and emptying their chamber pots into the streets. The Arab had plato and thanks to them, the Europeans, the ignorant ****s they were, were turned on to Aristotle.

Howdy Pinhead, ..& you thought you could run away, & infect another website with your retardation!:2razz:

No, sorry bro....the worlds greatest civilizations were NOT south of the equator where your genesis began, ..& no you are not permitted to engage in "afro-centrist" revision just so it makes you feel good about yourself for all it really does in the end is prostitute the historical record.

And please do not confuse skin pigment with race, as that is no determining factor to race whatsoever.

Seek help ...you can probably qualify for free benefits, & special programs just like all the rest of the phoney social programs you get gratis at the expense of the taxpayer!:smile:

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