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Alaska U.S. Rep. Don Young has died at age 88 (1 Viewer)


Why so serious?
DP Veteran
Jan 2, 2009
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Washington State
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Alaska U.S. Rep. Don Young died Friday, his office said.

His wife, Anne, was by his side, his office said in statement.

“It’s with heavy hearts and deep sadness that we announce Congressman Don Young, the Dean of the House and revered champion for Alaska, passed away today while traveling home to Alaska to be with the state and people that he loved,” the statement said.

Young, a Republican and the longest-serving member of Congress, lost consciousness on a flight from Los Angeles to Seattle and couldn’t be resuscitated, said Jack Ferguson, a lobbyist who served as Young’s chief of staff.


Sad news. Condolences to his family.
Alaska U.S. Rep. Don Young died Friday, his office said.

His wife, Anne, was by his side, his office said in statement.

“It’s with heavy hearts and deep sadness that we announce Congressman Don Young, the Dean of the House and revered champion for Alaska, passed away today while traveling home to Alaska to be with the state and people that he loved,” the statement said.

Young, a Republican and the longest-serving member of Congress, lost consciousness on a flight from Los Angeles to Seattle and couldn’t be resuscitated, said Jack Ferguson, a lobbyist who served as Young’s chief of staff.


Sad news. Condolences to his family.

Wow. That's too bad.... the man was an institution on Capitol Hill. He was a big reason why Alaska has the best representation in Congress of any State - bar none.
Rest in peace.

The special election in August will give us a clue how the 2022 midterms in the US will play out, because it's a statewide election.
The special election in August, as well as the general election in November, will likely be Republican Begich vs. Democrat Constant.

The Republican Begich is interesting, because he's from the famous Alaskan Begich family - which used to be mostly Democrats.

Alaska is of course a R-leaning state, but has elected Ds and Independents before.

Trump won Alaska by about 10 points and Young by 9.

In the years before, Alaska was much more Republican already - with Bush and the At-Large-Seat going R by 20 points.

So, if the election result in August is around 10-20 points in favour of the Rs, the 2022 midterms in November should be brutal for the Ds.

Anything less than a 10-point margin would still be OK for the Dems.
God rest his soul

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