There is a lot of reality that people dispel with when they read these types of occurrences in the news or hear their favorite reporters give the story through award winning dramatics. Most have no clue about anything regarding Pakistan, Radical Islam, or warfare.
This is the reality...Radical Muslims account for between 1% to 20% of Islam1. This is about 12 and 150 million people. Most Radicals are not terrorist, but are the "sea from which the terrorist swim." This is where they seek refuge and this is where they headquarter. Terrorists surround themselves with a Radical element. Those 17 civillians were not so "innocent." And let's not forget that terrorist wear no uniform and they march under no banner. They resemble moderate and Radical muslims alike. They too, can be considered civillians. When terrorists attempt to hide amid the civilian population, we must pursue them without hesitation. They cannot be allowed a single safe haven. If they use their neighbors as shields, it is the terrorists who are to blame should civilians die. If they attempt to use their families as cover, they will be responsible for the deaths of their own loved ones. 2The world must learn that, when civilians allow terrorists to use them, the civilians become legitimate military targets.
This is not about diplomatic table manners. It is a fight to exterminate human monsters. This is not a rational phenomenon. It will not be appeased. It will not be solved by persuasion, any more than the Klan was solved by persuasion. Any more than the Gulags were solved by persuasion. The price for these things will be high. The price of losing, on any of these fronts, is everything. Choose.