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Al-Qeada already has WMDs? (1 Viewer)

Oh sweet jesus I hope not. If they can fly planes into our building, they can certainly attack us with nukes. But luckily, we have some very good security and, if I can appreciate anything, its that we are a lot safer after 9/11.

OMG they spelled Al Qaeda wrong ( they spelled it Al Qaida). Or is there two different ways to spell it or something?
Yea, according to that article, al-Qeada is planning an "American Hiroshima".
I haven't read the whole thing but I seriously doubt they have nukes ...
here's a quote from the article

"Al-Qaida has obtained at least 40 nuclear weapons from the former Soviet Union – including suitcase nukes, nuclear mines, artillery shells and even some missile warheads."

Now that's just bullshit ... it sound like a holywood movie and as far as I remember , Al Qaeda has been fighting the soviets in Afghanistan , so how did they get 40 nukes from them .... Don't you think that this whole article is just to make americans suffer terrorsim phobia , so they can enforce laws that violates civil rights like the patriot act .... just a thought :2wave:
mustafa said:
Don't you think that this whole article is just to make americans suffer terrorsim phobia , so they can enforce laws that violates civil rights like the patriot act .... just a thought :2wave:

I hope so.:smile:
I don't care if Al Qaeda had 100 nuclear weapons in the US now. I would never be afraid enough to give up my rights.

I'm not trying to sound noble or anything but I seriously would rather die then have our rights be taken away
Yea, I wouldn't put it past the Bush Administration circulating this article. He wants the population to stay in a constant state of fear, so we let Bush "protect" us.
Relax. Just look at where the article comes from.


It's not a news source. It's just a load of crap. It's a few right wing people who post their over-the-top views. That site is the dumbest on the internet.

I seriously laugh anytime someone brings it up as some sort of credible source.

You know the sarcastic saying "well, if the internet says it... it must be true."

This site is where the saying came from.
It is an extremely scary notion. But my gut feeling is that; if al-Qeada has weapons of mass destruction, they would have used them by now.

Personally I think that a 'dirty' bomb is a far more realistic threat.
Australianlibertarian said:
But my gut feeling is that; if al-Qeada has weapons of mass destruction, they would have used them by now.

Not if they are building a case, or planning it out. How long did they plan out the 9/11 attakcks?

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