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Al Qaeda Letter Includes Israel (1 Viewer)


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Sep 8, 2005
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A letter released today (October 12, 2005) is stating Al Qaeda plans to ultimately establish an Al Qaeda Islamic Nation in Iraq with the ultimate goal to include Israel when America pulls out of Iraq. And they are counting on the Anti-War movement to achieve their goal in the creation of this New Islamic Nation.

Your thoughts?


When the United States leaves, Al Qaeda must be ready to claim as much territory politically in the inevitable void that will arise, he writes. Zawahiri called that stage the setting up of an ''emirate," in as much of Sunni-dominated Iraq as possible, to be followed by the longer-term goal of a ''caliphate," reuniting the historical Islamic empire centered in modern-day Egypt, Lebanon, and Israel.

The letter can be found here:

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From Zawahiri's letter to al-Zarqawi:

"The first stage: Expel the Americans from Iraq."

"The second stage: Establish an Islamic authority or amirate, then develop it and support it until it achieves the level of a caliphate- over as much territory as you can to spread its power in Iraq..."

"The third stage: Extend the jihad wave to the secular countries neighboring Iraq."

"The fourth stage: It may coincide with what came before: the clash with Israel, because Israel was established only to challenge any new Islamic entity."

If anyone ever had any doubts as to Al Qaida intentions, this makes them pretty clear. No ambiguity there.
oldreliable67 said:
From Zawahiri's letter to al-Zarqawi:

"The first stage: Expel the Americans from Iraq."

"The second stage: Establish an Islamic authority or amirate, then develop it and support it until it achieves the level of a caliphate- over as much territory as you can to spread its power in Iraq..."

"The third stage: Extend the jihad wave to the secular countries neighboring Iraq."

"The fourth stage: It may coincide with what came before: the clash with Israel, because Israel was established only to challenge any new Islamic entity."

If anyone ever had any doubts as to Al Qaida intentions, this makes them pretty clear. No ambiguity there.

And what would America's letters be ,if arabs set up military bases in the US
would you not be fighting tooth and nail to repulse them.
Arabs dont have military might , they use what means they have .
The longer America keeps their military bases in Isreal,S. Arabia and Iraq
the more they will fight ,using terror, it is their only weapon.
Make no mistake about it, this will be a drawn out war ,and will include a legacy of terror in down town USA for many years to come.
Canuck said:
The longer America keeps their military bases in Isreal,S. Arabia and Iraq the more they will fight ,using terror, it is their only weapon.

Clarify this for me, Are you saying that if America and their Allie's pulled out of Iraq, every soldier withdrawn by say, the first of the year, they would no longer use terror against anyone and America and Israel would not have reason to be threatened by Al Qaeda anymore?
And what would America's letters be ,if arabs set up military bases in the US
would you not be fighting tooth and nail to repulse them

Well, hey, you got that one right! Congrats!

Arabs dont have military might

Oops. Just couldn't make it two in a row. 'Arabs' ? Many, perhaps even the majority, of Al Qaeda are Arabs. But many are not -- remember, there were even a couple Yanks and a couple of Brits and miscellaneous others captured in Afghanistan. The enemy here is not 'Arabs' per se. The enemy is Al Qaeda, which is extreme Muslim fanatacism at its most fanatic.
If anyone ever had any doubts as to Al Qaida intentions, this makes them pretty clear. No ambiguity there.

And to withdraw frrom Iraq before Iraq can portect herself is to almost guarantee their success.

The anti-Bush crowd is so driven by their hate that they dont see this -- or they do, and don't care.

(Note: they arent anti-war, just anti-Bush. If a Dem were doing all this, they'd be rock-solid behind him)
M14 Shooter said:
And to withdraw frrom Iraq before Iraq can portect herself is to almost guarantee their success.

The anti-Bush crowd is so driven by their hate that they dont see this -- or they do, and don't care.

(Note: they arent anti-war, just anti-Bush. If a Dem were doing all this, they'd be rock-solid behind him)

hope its loud and clear

shes a comin

and I hope it is loud and clear there will be no end

get your duct tape and plastic now before the rush
and dust off those old duck and cover booklets
as long as america keeps her bases in the middle east you fight what you can not see and you will have no rest

dont implicate canada please
ThePhoenix said:
Clarify this for me, Are you saying that if America and their Allie's pulled out of Iraq, every soldier withdrawn by say, the first of the year, they would no longer use terror against anyone and America and Israel would not have reason to be threatened by Al Qaeda anymore?

the military base in both S.arabia and isreal that bin laden and his team have been squabling about all along
is Why there are terrorists
the islam people are peace loving you have 1000's of islamic people in Detroit
if they were not peace loving you would be on life support

pull out
Canada America's best allie says NO does not support war in IRAQ they are no threat
how do you tell between yerrorists and civilians in IRAQ they all dress the same

you make your enemies
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