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Al-Qaeda in Iraq Issues Statement Claiming Video Proof Of Marines Capture (1 Viewer)


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Oct 13, 2005
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By SITE Institute....

In a message posted by Abu Maysara Al-Iraqi, the official spokesman of Al-Qaeda in Iraq, the organization claims to possess video evidence disputing 'Western media' reports that the group did not capture two American Marines. The statement reads in part, “Although delays in showing such things [videos] are usually due to reasons not under our control, we will do our most to overcome them, with the help of Allah. Our brothers are right to ask us for something that will delight their eyes and remove some of the fury in their hearts.”


SITE Institute.org
Well if they have them they are dead, if not now then at some point. Lets go see if Abu Mysara has a wife or a brother or sister. Put them in a deep hole and video tape them. Anybody can take a hostage, if this is the game they want to play, then lets play it. For every soldier these is captured and killed we go after 10 people significant to the killers. So if there are 20 people involved in the capture and murder of a soldier, we round up 200 "acquaintances" for "attitude adjustment".
I've got a better idea Calm. Instead of going after his kids, whom are not yet old enough to decide what they are going to do with their life, why don't we go after the actual guy?
well Finn, that would be too much work. Why go through all the trouble of stopping these sorts of people when we can just kidnap people they care about, and make grisly videotapes of their suffering? That way, we can use 'scare' tactics to stop them from doing the nasty things they do. God-willing, it'll be able to stop those fanatics for good.

Scruples are for tree-hugging hippies.
FinnMacCool said:
I've got a better idea Calm. Instead of going after his kids, whom are not yet old enough to decide what they are going to do with their life, why don't we go after the actual guy?

OOOOi forgot those kids are cleans slates. And that living with a terrorist they weren't already probably baptized into the i hate the US rederict. I want the guys that did it, then I want the others. OR .... they stop taking hostages. But if they insist on doing that then we make it a very expensive course of action for them. I know this makes me a rotten person, i'll live with it..........
Befuddled_Stoner said:
well Finn, that would be too much work. Why go through all the trouble of stopping these sorts of people when we can just kidnap people they care about, and make grisly videotapes of their suffering? That way, we can use 'scare' tactics to stop them from doing the nasty things they do. God-willing, it'll be able to stop those fanatics for good.

Scruples are for tree-hugging hippies.

Scrupples are for those not being shot at or having a saw blade pressed to the back of your neck
Calm2Chaos said:
Well if they have them they are dead, if not now then at some point. Lets go see if Abu Mysara has a wife or a brother or sister. Put them in a deep hole and video tape them. Anybody can take a hostage, if this is the game they want to play, then lets play it. For every soldier these is captured and killed we go after 10 people significant to the killers. So if there are 20 people involved in the capture and murder of a soldier, we round up 200 "acquaintances" for "attitude adjustment".

If we take hostages and torture/kill them, then we are no better than the terrorists. Do you really want to lower yourself to their standard? To do that would be completely rediculous.
Donkey1499 said:
If we take hostages and torture/kill them, then we are no better than the terrorists. Do you really want to lower yourself to their standard? To do that would be completely rediculous.

Sure it would... I am not in a moral fight here. Soldiers are in a fight for there lives and "lowering themselves" is probably the least of there worries. I will sleep fine at night. If you perform these actions against our soldiers will come back at you 10 fold and make you pay very dearly. You fight within the rules of engagement as long as your opponent does the same. Soon as goes to terrorist or guerilla tactics you follow suit. Sorry but **** like this needs to become to expensive of a tactic to be an option
Calm2Chaos said:
Sure it would... I am not in a moral fight here. Soldiers are in a fight for there lives and "lowering themselves" is probably the least of there worries. I will sleep fine at night. If you perform these actions against our soldiers will come back at you 10 fold and make you pay very dearly. You fight within the rules of engagement as long as your opponent does the same. Soon as goes to terrorist or guerilla tactics you follow suit. Sorry but **** like this needs to become to expensive of a tactic to be an option

Like I said in the other thread, I'd rather kill them on the battle field than take them as prisoners. NO SURVIVORS! RRRRAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!
Sure it would... I am not in a moral fight here. Soldiers are in a fight for there lives and "lowering themselves" is probably the least of there worries. I will sleep fine at night. If you perform these actions against our soldiers will come back at you 10 fold and make you pay very dearly. You fight within the rules of engagement as long as your opponent does the same. Soon as goes to terrorist or guerilla tactics you follow suit. Sorry but **** like this needs to become to expensive of a tactic to be an option

So basically when they attack innocent people such as when they took down the WTC buldings they are wrong and terroists but we are justified in torturing and killing their people and thats cool with you?
FinnMacCool said:
So basically when they attack innocent people such as when they took down the WTC buldings they are wrong and terroists but we are justified in torturing and killing their people and thats cool with you?

You would think that some ppl by now would understand that torture is like so 16th Century, man. It's like so un-cool! LOL
Calm2Chaos said:
Scrupples are for those not being shot at or having a saw blade pressed to the back of your neck

Just curious....did the blade sting, or did you only feel the cold steel on your neck. And I hope you managed to avoid the bullets.

You are indeed...a very brave man.
Calm2Chaos said:
Sure it would... I am not in a moral fight here. Soldiers are in a fight for there lives and "lowering themselves" is probably the least of there worries. I will sleep fine at night. If you perform these actions against our soldiers will come back at you 10 fold and make you pay very dearly. You fight within the rules of engagement as long as your opponent does the same. Soon as goes to terrorist or guerilla tactics you follow suit. Sorry but **** like this needs to become to expensive of a tactic to be an option

I think you are very brave, that think it's not enaugh that already today innocent children, women and men are getting killed ten times more often then profesional american soldiers. But now you want to make it into officiall policy. Also remember USA has only 5 percent of worlds population so you can't controle the world with brute force. And using the tactict you mention is getting things into that direction.

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