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Al-Jazera Article (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 23, 2005
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South Shore of Long Island.
Political Leaning
Very Liberal
I am apparently one of the very few who actually reads then English website for Al-Jazeera. In truth, I find it to be very informative, though to some extent biased, but this is in no way unexpected.

I was actually very impressed witht he quality of this opinion writer. It is an interesting perspecte on the Muhamaad Charicitures. Take a look

FinnMacCool said:
I am apparently one of the very few who actually reads then English website for Al-Jazeera. In truth, I find it to be very informative, though to some extent biased, but this is in no way unexpected.

I was actually very impressed witht he quality of this opinion writer. It is an interesting perspecte on the Muhamaad Charicitures. Take a look


I surf the site also
but she lost me midway with the Great worldwide "Muslim oppression"...
...here we go again...The world hates us bullchit...

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