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Al Gore smears the US. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 31, 2005
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Political Leaning
Slightly Conservative
Loyalty must not mean a damn thing to Al Gore.While the media was worrying about why a bunch of old geezers did not reveal a hunting accident,Al Gore was over seas smearing the US at the .

I think he should be investigated to see who contributes to him.He should be slammed for seidtion.


Gore told the largely Saudi audience, many of them educated at U.S. universities, that Arabs in the United States had been "indiscriminately rounded up, often on minor charges of overstaying a visa or not having a green card in proper order, and held in conditions that were just unforgivable."

Someone should remind this **** that he works for the US tax payers and not for our enemies.
Do you suppose losing the presidency did something to Al's mind ??? Is he quite sane??????
ballybofy said:
Do you suppose losing the presidency did something to Al's mind ??? Is he quite sane??????

Insanity is no excuse for stabbing your country in the back.
Ha. Stabbing the US in the back?

He's right, you know.

Ever heard of a little place called Guantanamo Bay?
Mickeytrout11 said:
Ha. Stabbing the US in the back?

He's right, you know.

Ever heard of a little place called Guantanamo Bay?

And this has to what with rounding up inncoent Arabs?
Mickeytrout11 said:
Sorry, these stupid hyperlinks never work for me. I'll just post the URL.


Innocent Arabs, indiscriminately rounded up and held in conditions that were just unforgivable.

Just like Gore put it. Don't hate him for speaking truth.

Terrorist are not exactly innocent arabs.

Rat lawers tried the same thing during WWII to help nazi spies.

Who cares what that atari-geek internet inventor said. If foreigners are missing maybe they should check Gore's LOOCKBOOOX.
talloulou said:
Who cares what that atari-geek internet inventor said.
He is our employee and should be kissing our ass,not the asses of those pieces of **** internationalist and terrorist lovers.He sould not be a terrorist cheerleader.
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jamesrage said:
He is our employee and should be kissing our ass,not the asses of those pieces of **** internationalist and terrorist lovers.

Aaaah come on cut the guy a break. Democrats have no real platform or direction so they just try to stay "hip" as best they can. Being anti-american is extremely "hip" right now. Gore's a cool dude. Isn't he also the father of the enviroment? He's probably just bashing the US to help out Hilary's bid for president. Liberals hate the US so Gore has to make sure it's clear that the dems hate the US as well!:mrgreen:
Al Gore travelled to a foreign land, paid by Saudi Arabia, to give a speech. during that speech in a foreign land, Al Gore gives a critically damning speech, attacking not only the Bush administration but his own country as well during a time of war!

To the Democrats, this is perfectly fine. they call it freedom of speech. they have a long history of that sort of Freedom of Speech.

During the Viet Nam war, Bill Clinton traveled (fled) to the Soviet union from which he protested the war. Freedom of Speech!

During the Viet Nam war, John Kerry returned home to commit perjury under oath by falsely testifying (self admittedly later) about war crimes he supposedly had seen himself - he later re-canted his story in an interview, saying he had done so to jump-start his anti-war political career. During that time, and while still in the military, Kerry travelled to another country to meet secretly with leaders of North Viet Nam to discuss this country's terms for surrender, although he was in no way on an official mission for the U.S. While any normal person might consider this to be treason, the Democrats claim 'Freedom of Speech'.

During a speech before congress, (D) Dick Durbin reads aloud what he thinks is a classified document based on facts - the man 'knew' the document was 'classified' , that exposing classified documents was against the law, and still read the document aloud. (It turned out NOT to be classified, but he did not know it at the time...). During this speech, Durbin equated our brave men and women in the military with Hitler's Nazis, Pol Pot's genocidal regime, and the Russian's Ghoulag soldiers. When he later realized the information was false, he STILL refused to recant his words!

During an interview, John Kerry called our soldiers in combat 'terrorists', declaring that our troops were terrorizing women and children in Iraq.

- The legal definition of 'treason' is "... aiding and abbetting the enemy, weakening the nation's resolve in a time of war....eroding the morale of troops in combat..."

What do you call calling our troops in combat Nazis and genocidal regimists if not weakening our nation's resolve and eroding the morale of our troops in combat? I call it treason - the Democrats call it 'Freedom of Speech'!

What do you call calling our troops 'terrorists' if not emboldening the enemy to stay the course in hopes that our troops and nation folds? I call it treason - the Democrats call it 'Freedom of Speech'!

Now Al Gore goes to Saudi Arabia, is paid by their goverment, and gives a scalding, damning attack against this country designed to incite Muslim anger and hatred, intending to incite a backlash of violence aimed at more attacks and death of our troops abroad!

I remind the many rabid liberals who have devbated me and have argued that Saudi Arabia is the enemy! You have argued that they support terrorism, that they can not be trusted, that they are responsible for the deaths of Americans, and more!
--- Well here is one of your Democratic Leaders, the Ex-Vice president of the United States, in saudi Arabia, on the Saudi Pay-roll, giving an Anti-American speech that was designed to incite anger and violence against Bush, against America, and against our troops in harm's way! YOU, who have argued how evil saudi is and how they are a terrorist state, please justify how it is OK for Al Gore to do this!

I know, I know - you are going to say 'Freedom of Speech'. I might agree with you if he was here in the United states, but I whole-heartedly disagree with you when he is IN Saudi Arabia, when he is on their payroll, and when he is inciting violence against this country and against our troops!

The Democrats have gone so insane, so over the edge with their lust for power and the desire to regain the Presidency, that they are willing to betray this country and our soldiers by inciting violence that will potentially result in more deaths of Americans, especially our soldiers! Treasonous fruitcakes like al Gore will not stop their blind hateful attacks until they are successful in ensuring this nation fails - until we are brought to our knees and are forced to turn to them...and they are doing everything they can to drive us to our knees!

what Al Gore has done is treasonous, no matter how you want to spin it! Just like Clinton armed the chinese military with the missile technology which has finally given them the ability to reach us with their nukes, putting Americans at risk, so has Al Gore been paid off by the enemy for 'fueling their weapon' of hatred against our troops and this nation, putting our soldiers and people at risk!
Gore went off the deep end long ago........For and American Citizen to go to a foreing country and criticize his own country borders on treason.......This guy and Cindy Sheehan belong in the same padded cell........
Navy Pride said:
Gore went off the deep end long ago........For and American Citizen to go to a foreing country and criticize his own country borders on treason.......This guy and Cindy Sheehan belong in the same padded cell........

No, it does not "BORDER ON" treason - IT IS TREASON!
easyt65 said:
No, it does not "BORDER ON" treason - IT IS TREASON!

Of course your right I was trying to give him the benefit of doubt........
First it was President Carter the worst President in the last 50 years.Now Al Gore our tree hugger Vice President. Seems democrats just don't know how to act in public.
Compounding this was the fact that Gore took money, a lot of money. When he did this.
Gore is an idiot. If he thinks he will ever change the "butt-buddy" relationship between the Saudi's and the Bush's by whining about arab discrimination, he's a bigger idiot that I thought.
Captain America said:
Gore is an idiot. If he thinks he will ever change the "butt-buddy" relationship between the Saudi's and the Bush's by whining about arab discrimination, he's a bigger idiot that I thought.

Seems like thoe only Saudi 'butt-buddy' in the news is AL GORE! He is the one taking dirty/"terrorist" Saudi money to incite violence against the U.S.!
Look, the man is telling the truth.

Face it, we have locked up innocent Arabs in the past. We may even have some locked up now.

I don't care if it's war or peace or nukes falling from the sky, anybody should say whatever they want, whenevr they want, wherever they want. Including, and especially, truth.

Just because it's damming to your personal political beliefs doesn't mean it's unpatriotic to say, contrary to most crazy conservatives' beliefs.
Al who?

This is what we should be asking ourselves, and why would anyone care what he has to say? He was paid to make those comments, and I would assume paid quite handsomely, this is the problem I have with him. What he said is not as important as why he said it. He claims to be trying to repair strained relations, but his motivation appears to be money, and he'll say anything for a few bucks.
Mickeytrout11 said:
Look, the man is telling the truth.

Face it, we have locked up innocent Arabs in the past. We may even have some locked up now.

I don't care if it's war or peace or nukes falling from the sky, anybody should say whatever they want, whenevr they want, wherever they want. Including, and especially, truth.

Just because it's damming to your personal political beliefs doesn't mean it's unpatriotic to say, contrary to most crazy conservatives' beliefs.

There is a time and a place to say what you want against your country. Giving a speech on foreign/Muslim soil designed to incite Muslim violence against your country and against our soldier's in harm's way during a time of war, especially when you are taking a large amount of cash from a country accused of supporting terrorism and being the enemy to give that speech IS a SERIOUS PROBLEM - TREASON!

Again, leave it to the Dems who commit such acts to cling to 'Freedom of Speech' to justify their treasonous behavior! Reverse the rolls and the Democrats would be calling for Treason charges and mandatory jail time for such an act against this nation during a time of war! Isn't Democratic Party Hypocrisy wonderful?! :roll:
Mickeytrout11 said:
Look, the man is telling the truth.

Face it, we have locked up innocent Arabs in the past. We may even have some locked up now.

Well maybe that's why the US hasn't been successfully attacked since 9/11. Gore should be proud that we tried to figure out who the crazies were and lock them up. If some true innocents got locked up as well that sucks but I for one am glad that my kids can walk to school and people aren't being captured and beheaded here on our soil. Muslims aren't rioting in the streets here in the US so as far as I can tell they did a pretty good job in the round up.
Don't get me started on party hypocrisy, conservative.

But on topic...

easyt65 - Since when are we at war with Saudi Arabia? If we are not at war, they are not the enemy. The only "enemy" America is fighting right now is the Democratic Party, 'cause they're easier to find than bin laden.

Now, as for the previous post - That is ridiculous. We haven't had another 9/11 ... because we arrested innocent people? Or is it the Muslim/Arab thing that sets you off? That's wholly racist. I have a question for you: Would you be supportive of the plan if you were sent to Guantanamo Bay so some guy could feel glad that his kids could walk to school?
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Mickeytrout11 said:
Or is it the Muslim/Arab thing that sets you off? That's wholly racist. I have a question for you: Would you be supportive of the plan if you were sent to Guantanamo Bay so some guy could feel glad that his kids could walk to school?

Clearly not all Muslim and Arabs were sent to Guantanamo Bay. As for the ones who were there must have been something that set them apart in the governments mind from the others.

As for the second part of your question....

If a bunch of soccer moms were going nuts and screaming jihad and trying to kill Americans and I did something that made the government suspect I might be one of those crazy soccer moms hell bent on killing then I would consider it my country's duty to lock me up till they could figure out what the heck my agenda was. Damn straight.
^^^OK, if you honestly would allow yourself to be locked up as an innocent until your country figured out what your agenda was, you're crazy.

See, the way things are supposed to work in America is that we figure out whether or not you're guilty before we toss you in jail indefinetely.

Something the current administration likes to forget.

Now, if you acted like those "soccer moms", maybe they have good reason. What if you just looked like them? What if the government was immediately more suspicious of you because you looked like the jihadist soccer moms? Would you still consider it your patriotic duty to be locked up?

Also, would you consider it you duty if the Pres. was Democratic?

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