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AIDS DOES discriminate, here's the proof (1 Viewer)


Jun 14, 2005
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The below chart comes from LA County health Department AIDS Surveillance reports. It does not break it down relative to the groups relative numerical representation in society, so even though homosexuals are comparatively rare to heterosexuals, not even acconting for this, look at the remarkable disparity in raw numbers of who is seroconverting based upon what vector modality, and one can see that in spite of the ACT UP! slogan designed to democratize HIV into a heterosexual epidemic, that male homosexuals ar ethe statistical risk group and overwhelming vector, evne when NOT adjusted for theri rare numbers within society.

Male risk categories

Male-male sexual contact 34193 ( 76%)
Injection drug user (IDU) 2439 ( 5%)
Male-male sexual contact/IDU 3278 ( 7%)
Hemophilia or coagulation disorder 165 ( <1)
Heterosexual contact 817 ( 2%)
Transfusion recipient 303 ( 1%)
Mother with/at risk for HIV 8 ( <1)
Other/Undetermined 3812 ( 8%)

Now if "AIDS Doesn't Discriminate", as homosexual political extremists sloganeer then why aren't as many heterosexual males aquiring AIDS at the same rates as homosexual males? For that matter, why don't female homosexual sseroconvert at the exact same rates as male homosexual sunless AIDS discriminates based upon behaviors that are disproportionately engaged in by male homosexuals?

Look at the disparity between male homosexuals and male heterosexuals. 76% for male homosexuals and 2% for heterosexual contact. And the heterosexual stats apply to those who refused to admit to any of the other frowned upon behaviors like IDU and male to male homosexual contact., thus the 2% is probably lower.

Now take into account that those who self identify as male homosexuals make up about 1.5% of the population, yet represent 76% of new AIDS cases in L.A. during the period.

Wow, I guess AIDS does discriminate, and I guess it is primarily a male homosexual disease, GRIDS-Gay Related Immune Deficiency Syndrome
Please post links to your source. It is within the rules.
LA County Health Department has a faily lame website where they have PDF files... I had to copy the info off one nebulous pdf file, so it wasn't conducive to quoting a link as I would have liked....
The reason it is higher among male homosexuals is that they normally don't use condoms as they aren't afraid of getting pregnant...

I know that the AIDS virus can get through the pores of condoms, but it does reduce the risk.
And LA county's representative of the world?

And the areas of the world where the spread of HIV is almost 100% through heterosexual sex?

Yes, the HIV virus does discriminate: it only infects those unfortunate enough to come into contact with it, and those people deserve the same level of support as people with cancer, diabetes, epilepsy or whatever. Whether that contact was sex, needles, blood transfusion or flying pig is irrelevant.
How exactly does this prove that HIV actually discriminates? Hmmm...

I'd like proof of a virus actually having the capacity to think as well as choose its victims.

Not too much to ask considering the title of the thread.
Why would you ask me how is it that AIDS can "discriminate" when it is homosexual politial extremist AIDS organizations that concocted that term "discrimination" n the first place! They are the ones that chose it, so ask them! I am just merely taking their own propaganda term and showing they are lying propaganda spewers.

And to naughtynurse, the stats clearly show that male to male sexual contact is the overwhelmingly most efficient HIV seroconversion vector in L.A. County.

Frankly, it is the same everywhere in the U.S. For Americans, why should we worry that we might get HIV like Africans do if we are not African? It is like debating whether we are going to walk 5 mile through the Santa Monica Mountains to meet some friends and worry that a Cape buffalo, lion, or pack of hyenas might attack us and try to eat us.....
'd like proof of a virus actually having the capacity to think as well as choose its victims.

If they dont' choose their victims, how do the victims get it? Do the victims choose it?
Libertarian said:
If they dont' choose their victims, how do the victims get it? Do the victims choose it?
Some do, some don't. It's not binary. Children born from a parent with HIV or a person who receives a blood transfusion didn't choose it. A person having intercourse with someone who didn't know they had HIV is another. A person having intercourse with someone they know is even another. The question is a simple one, the answer, like life, is a bit more complex.
Oh the question was more rhetorical for him......I know you're up to snuff on this stuff shuamort....
Libertarian said:
Why would you ask me how is it that AIDS can "discriminate" when it is homosexual politial extremist AIDS organizations that concocted that term "discrimination" n the first place! They are the ones that chose it, so ask them! I am just merely taking their own propaganda term and showing they are lying propaganda spewers.

Homosexual political extremist AIDS organizations, eh? Well, I'm not sure I know which organizations you're talking about, so I did a search on Google to see what came up. I only looked through the first several links, but I didn't see any homosexual organizations. What I did see is:

Minority Nurse, a website run by nurses from minority races:

An article by a member of Treatment on Demand in New Bedford:

An AIDS awareness website:

And an AIDS prevention online store:

I must say that I didn't see any noticable homosexual ties coming from these organizations. What I did see is a lot of information explaining that everyone who is sexually active is at risk, why they are at risk, and how to prevent AIDS.

I do not believe that "AIDS don't discriminate" is a slogan originating from the "Homosexual political extremist AIDS organizations" you spoke of, but from organizations genuinely interested in protecting the health of all people and preventing the spread of AIDS. The slogan isn't meant to imply that gay people are getting AIDS in the same proportions as straight people, and it isn't meant to imply that they are not. The slogan is meant to make people engage in safe sexual activities so that AIDS isn't spread.

And to naughtynurse, the stats clearly show that male to male sexual contact is the overwhelmingly most efficient HIV seroconversion vector in L.A. County.

Stats never lie, but they never speak for themselves. As someone who is geniunely interested in finding out the truth of this matter, it is your job to understand all the possible reasons those numbers might exist. It is possible, for example, that AIDS awareness programs in the gay community have resulted in homosexuals being more likely to test themselves for AIDS. It is further possible that the majority of the people in that county are homosexual and do not use drugs, so AIDS in homosexual males shows up more often because there are more homosexuals.

I don't mean to disagree; I think those stats probably do show that homosexuals are recieving AIDS in higher proportions in that particular county. I think you're probably right. But saying that the stats alone prove your conclusion is usually a failure to give those thoughts enough careful consideration, and that's all I meant to point out.

Frankly, it is the same everywhere in the U.S. For Americans, why should we worry that we might get HIV like Africans do if we are not African? It is like debating whether we are going to walk 5 mile through the Santa Monica Mountains to meet some friends and worry that a Cape buffalo, lion, or pack of hyenas might attack us and try to eat us.....

Well, it is exactly this type of thinking that the "AIDS doesn't discriminate" slogan is trying to prevent. The truth is that AIDS does spread through heterosexual sex, and we should encourage people to be aware of that and to practice safe sex. If heterosexuals go into sex with the attitude that they could never get AIDS, then they aren't going to have safe sex. That sort of thinking is exactly how AIDS gets spread; it's exactly how AIDS gets worse. We don't want that to happen. The "AIDS doesn't discriminate" slogan is meant to save your life, or the life of someone like you.

Please, it is not a good idea to tell people that heterosexuals in America don't have to worry about AIDS. That simply isn't true.
Wow said:
Gay as opposed to straight males get tested more regularly then straight males AND are more open to admitting they have the disease. Anal sex also puts you more at risk for contracting aids. Gays also HAVE more sex then the average straight male. Gays also cannot get married which reduces chances of monogamus relatiobships. So what exactly was your point for posting all this information anyhow?
Jaxian said:
Homosexual political extremist AIDS organizations, eh? Well, I'm not sure I know which organizations you're talking about...

Then you must not be too familair with homosexual politics.

The most extreme homosexual extremist AIDS goup is ACT Up, whose founder admitted he was an LSD freaked out Hitler admirer and admitted that they used Mein Kampf as a guide for their tactics. THEY are the ones who came up with : "AIDS, it is not just a gay disease", AIDS, Anyone Can Get It" and "AIDS Doesn't Discriminate". Yoruy attempt to sugar coat the comparatively benign aspects parts of homosexual groups is EXACTLY the tactic espoused in the Homosexual Agenda strategized in "The Overhauling of Straight America".

I must say that I didn't see any noticable homosexual ties coming from these organizations. What I did see is a lot of information explaining that everyone who is sexually active is at risk, why they are at risk, and how to prevent AIDS.

Sorry, not everyone who is sexually active is at risk, that is just a flagrant fearmongering.

I do not believe that "AIDS don't discriminate" is a slogan originating from the "Homosexual political extremist AIDS organizations" you spoke of, but from organizations genuinely interested in protecting the health of all people and preventing the spread of AIDS.

I already rebutted that, and as to the latter part of the sentence, you should know that ACTUP! has been responsible for blocking responsible partner notification laws, thus enforcing silence that equals death, in direct contradiction to the slogan they created, "silence equals death". You really, REALLY don't study homosexual politics much.

The slogan isn't meant to imply that gay people are getting AIDS in the same proportions as straight people,

That is utterly untrue. There is an entire conspiracy by homosexual AIDS groups to democratize the disease, and they have enlisted the CDC to help them fearmonger, lie and distort, and the CDC has PUBLICALLY admitted to such. Would you care to wager as to whether I have the exact person and date at the CDC and exactly what they publicalyl said available? Maybe you would like several of my over 100 instances of contradictory statistical propaganda from the radical left?

It is further possible that the majority of the people in that county are homosexual and do not use drugs, so AIDS in homosexual males shows up more often because there are more homosexuals.

Uh, "the majority of people in L.A. County are homosoexual"!

I don't mean to disagree; I think those stats probably do show that homosexuals are recieving AIDS in higher proportions in that particular county.

Across the entire US, male homosexuals are seroconverting at rates drastically disproportionate compared to heterosexual contact. Even though numerically rare compared to heterosexuals, even if you went with raw number, male homosexuals make up the vast majority of serconvertees.

The truth is that AIDS does spread through heterosexual sex, and we should encourage people to be aware of that and to practice safe sex.

But using condoms to stop HIV prevention in heterosexual communities is a drastic action based upon an almost non-existent risk, just like wearing a lightining rod is similary a disproportionate response relative to the risks. using yoru analogy, you would be better off convincing heterosexuals to wear helmets while driving.

[qiote]The "AIDS doesn't discriminate" slogan is meant to save your life, or the life of someone like you.

That is exactly what homosexual AIDS organizations want stupid, ignorant peopel to believe. It is meant to divert resources disproportionately based upon activism and propaganda, not science and reason.

Please, it is not a good idea to tell people that heterosexuals in America don't have to worry about AIDS. That simply isn't true.

It simply is true, and all the epidemiology modeling proves it out.
Libertarian said:
My point was the thread title, how do you not get that?

Right, but your post didn't prove anything to the fact that Aids discriminates. You only put up statistics for one city, and then made no comments when given a reasonable explanation of why possibly rates are higher. (more frequent testing etc...)
Libertarian said:
Then you must not be too familair with homosexual politics.

There you go again, making assumptions about those you know nothing about!

Dennis, back off. Just because Jaxian isn't a firebreathing zealot doesn't mean he/she doesn't know anything about politics. Actually one has very little to do with the other. I've seen your website, I know all too well from previous experiences with you that all your energy is spent raging against homosexuals... AND that it ALL stems from your anger at your ex-wife who left you for another woman, and got full custody of your children. Ever since then it has been your life's work to destroy gays, gay groups, gay rights...it's your personal issue.
One that will ultimately destroy only you and your current wife, in the end.

I'm sorry you haven't gotten the necessary treatment for your anger, but taking it out the way you have, on every gay/lesbian is the ultimate in extremist activities. You have become obsessed, and not in a good way.

The most extreme homosexual extremist AIDS goup is ACT Up, whose founder admitted he was an LSD freaked out Hitler admirer and admitted that they used Mein Kampf as a guide for their tactics. THEY are the ones who came up with : "AIDS, it is not just a gay disease", AIDS, Anyone Can Get It" and "AIDS Doesn't Discriminate". Yoruy attempt to sugar coat the comparatively benign aspects parts of homosexual groups is EXACTLY the tactic espoused in the Homosexual Agenda strategized in "The Overhauling of Straight America".

Libertarian said:
Sorry, not everyone who is sexually active is at risk, that is just a flagrant fearmongering.

Anyone who is sexually active and has more than one monogamous partner, is most certainly at risk.

Libertarian said:
I already rebutted that, and as to the latter part of the sentence, you should know that ACTUP! has been responsible for blocking responsible partner notification laws, thus enforcing silence that equals death, in direct contradiction to the slogan they created, "silence equals death". You really, REALLY don't study homosexual politics much.

Granted ACTUP did infact attempt to stop partner notification action, but their motives were clear. Their concern was that the TYPE of notification would in fact "out" men and women with the virus who might not actually be gay or lesbian.
Their concerns were over the type of backlash such notifications might have had on an entire community.

No, I personally don't agree with their tactics nor their reactionary extremes. I do, however understand and empathize with their concerns, although do not believe their concerns should have blocked measures which were meant to actually slow the transmission of HIV.

Libertarian said:
That is exactly what homosexual AIDS organizations want stupid, ignorant peopel to believe. It is meant to divert resources disproportionately based upon activism and propaganda, not science and reason.

Really? Because that seems to be what you are doing, but in the opposite direction.

Libertarian said:
It simply is true, and all the epidemiology modeling proves it out.

You're just simply wrong. Any heterosexual who participates in "high risk" sexual behaviors, most certainly IS "AT RISK."
To even attempt to say anything else only puts EVERYONE at risk.

I don't believe the heterosexuals in Hatti or Africa would agree with you.
Justine.....are you as a homosexual political activist willing to go on the record here that the African AIDS epidemiological model is identical to the U.S model?

This is going to be good......
Libertarian said:
Justine.....are you as a homosexual political activist willing to go on the record here that the African AIDS epidemiological model is identical to the U.S model?

Did I make such a statement? No.

Did you distinguish between U.S. models and African? No.

Your only purpose here is to incite arguments, not debate. I pointed to the flaw in your statement and all you can do is back peddle?

Dennis, you never cease to disappoint.
Libertarian said:
So you admit Africa is a different epidemiological model?
It sure does disprove your claim, is that why you're trying to discredit it by any means possible?
Sum up my claim with quotes then argue how in your opinion the African epidemiological disproves my claim, and then once you have risen to back up your statements, I will demolish your argument.
Libertarian said:
The below chart comes from LA County health Department AIDS Surveillance reports. It does not break it down relative to the groups relative numerical representation in society, so even though homosexuals are comparatively rare to heterosexuals, not even acconting for this, look at the remarkable disparity in raw numbers of who is seroconverting based upon what vector modality, and one can see that in spite of the ACT UP! slogan designed to democratize HIV into a heterosexual epidemic, that male homosexuals ar ethe statistical risk group and overwhelming vector, evne when NOT adjusted for theri rare numbers within society.

Male risk categories

Male-male sexual contact 34193 ( 76%)
Injection drug user (IDU) 2439 ( 5%)
Male-male sexual contact/IDU 3278 ( 7%)
Hemophilia or coagulation disorder 165 ( <1)
Heterosexual contact 817 ( 2%)
Transfusion recipient 303 ( 1%)
Mother with/at risk for HIV 8 ( <1)
Other/Undetermined 3812 ( 8%)

Now if "AIDS Doesn't Discriminate", as homosexual political extremists sloganeer then why aren't as many heterosexual males aquiring AIDS at the same rates as homosexual males? For that matter, why don't female homosexual sseroconvert at the exact same rates as male homosexual sunless AIDS discriminates based upon behaviors that are disproportionately engaged in by male homosexuals?

Look at the disparity between male homosexuals and male heterosexuals. 76% for male homosexuals and 2% for heterosexual contact. And the heterosexual stats apply to those who refused to admit to any of the other frowned upon behaviors like IDU and male to male homosexual contact., thus the 2% is probably lower.

Now take into account that those who self identify as male homosexuals make up about 1.5% of the population, yet represent 76% of new AIDS cases in L.A. during the period.

Wow, I guess AIDS does discriminate, and I guess it is primarily a male homosexual disease, GRIDS-Gay Related Immune Deficiency Syndrome

In the UK,for some years now the number of heterosexuals contracting HIV has been somewhat higher than homosexual males.The overall number of homosexuals who are HIV+ is still substantially higher,but the gap is closing.
The homosexual community has been hit harder over the years and as a result is well aware of the risks.
You would be shocked at the number of obtuse heterosexuals that still believe they are safe from infection.Showing figures like this will only help to convince some that they are right and that precautions are practically unneccessary.
You only have to look at the epidemic in Africa to realise just how wrong you are.
Actually, if as a heterosexual living in the United States, I don't really need to worry about African AIDS affecting me, now do I?

The stats are excellent indicators that there is no heterosexual AIDS epidemic.

Readers, take note that another in a growing list of people here has used the "But What About Africa?" tactical cry....

As soon as enough go on record, I am going to demolish that deflecting tactic.....
Libertarian said:
Readers, take note that another in a growing list of people here has used the "But What About Africa?" tactical cry....

As soon as enough go on record, I am going to demolish that deflecting tactic.....
Go ahead and make it now.
As I said, once a few more go on record...or perhaps when it appears that others will have permanently chickened out....

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