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Ah, finally found a good looking political forum (1 Viewer)


New member
Oct 18, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Slightly Liberal
Hey guys, my first post here. It looks like people stay pretty active in posting, etc. I was raised in the US (NC) and now I'm in Germany living with family. I will be travelling to China for 3 months in March and plan to further my education in the UK studying Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences.

I love politics. I love to debate. I am in the right place. :smile:
...by the way, that is indeed me in my avatar.
Docalex007 said:
I love politics. I love to debate. I am in the right place. :smile:

Welcome to Debate politics my friend!:2razz:
Hello Docalex007!...:2wave:

Welcome to Debate Politics!
Welcome to the community Docalex007! :2wave:



I want to say thank you for the warm reception.

To answer the question from AK_Conservative regarding my ideology - I'm a humanist. As a scientist to be, I am highly critical and naturally, a tough analyzer. As a humanist, I am a strong proponent of unversal acceptance and tolerance. I'm not a big fan of borders and believe we humans are all in this together and therefore should all be working for the advancement of civilization with a global perspective.

US Politics - I am an independent but find myself agreeing most with the donkey party (no pun intended). I am against trigger happy leaders and believe wars can be averted through tough diplomatic tactics. An attack or invasion, rightfully of course, calls for defence and thus more times than not an offensive strike in return.

Once again, I am for equality amongst humans and for the lessening of religious groups that teach exclusiveness. I believe in a higher power and as a scientist to be, I hope to contribue as much as I can to further our development as a species.

Enjoy the day,

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