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Against Embryonic Stem Cells? Are You Ready to DIE? (1 Viewer)

Embryonic Stem Cells - Would You Choose to Die Vs. Using Them to Live?

  • I choose to live! I would use stem cells to save myself of loved ones - No exceptions

    Votes: 16 88.9%
  • I choose to DIE! I would never use EMBRYONIC stem cells to save myself or loved one - No exceptions

    Votes: 2 11.1%

  • Total voters

26 X World Champs

DP Veteran
Mar 6, 2005
Reaction score
Upper West Side of Manhattan (10024)
Political Leaning
I asked this in another thread:

Would you use a cure that was derived from embryonic stem cells which, according to the zealots would be from a "dead baby" then you would allow yourself to die, right? Since there would be no way to determine the source of the embryonic stem cell for you to follow your conscience you would have to let yourself die despite knowing that there was a cure for your disease.

Do you think, in truth, you would stick to your guns rather than live?

That's the poll question! Choose to live, or choose to die? What would you do?

Please try to include a post too? I am super curious to read posts from people who sincerely believe that when push comes to shove (or life vs. death) they would allow themselves to die or their loved ones to die knowing there is a cure to their disease from embryonic stem cells.
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The entire argument is a smoke screen designed to back the President into a corner. However he shows no signs of backing off.

1. There are no restrictions with respect to stem cell research. Any individual or company involved in research is free to do whatever they wish with stem cells.

2. The noise is just about using taxpayer funds to pay for the research.

3. If a pharmaceutical company wishes to use its own money to fund its own research to develop whatever it can from stem cells, then it can obtain patent(s), sell the resultant product(s), recoup its investment, and enjoy the profits that flow thereafter.

4. The fact that pharmaceutical companies are not rushing to spend their money on stem cell research belies the claims being made by the noise makers.

5. The opinions are divided. Some say it will be beneficial; some say it will be a waste. There are those who say that there are better alternatives for research.

6. If and when the pharmaceutical companies decide that any research, including stem cell research, is worth the risk of its money, they spend the money and commence the research.

7. There's no stronger incentive than the opportunity to make a profit.
Fantasea said:
6. If and when the pharmaceutical companies decide that any research, including stem cell research, is worth the risk of its money, they spend the money and commence the research.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but pharmaceutical companies don't spend much money on research anyway...they spend it on advertising.

Most of the groundbreaking research is done by our universities.
Hoot said:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but pharmaceutical companies don't spend much money on research anyway...they spend it on advertising.

Most of the groundbreaking research is done by our universities.
The companies do spend more on advertising than they do on r&d, but they also fund a lot of research at universities and do a lot of research on their own as well. It's not like they don't spend a lot of money on it, but in comparison to what they spend on advertising, it might seem that way.

Oh, and 26x, love the options, live or die. Classic. :rofl
I would choose to die. I wish. But you never know what you would do when it comes down to it. I'm pro-life, and I am against using stem cells. I would hope that, even when my life is on the line, I would let myself die rather than kill someone else. However, I will never know if I would chicken out or not unless it happens.


Do you get to choose who you are going to kill for your brain stem cells? I nominate you. They dont purposefully go out and kill anyone for it. They just save tissue from the dead donor.

Another ****ing thing.... Lets not make quality of life any better because its EVIL. HAHAHHA WHAT THE **** IS THE WORLD COMMING TO HAHAHHAHAH.
OK.... Here is an analogy for you. I ran my ****ing dog over yesterday. He pissed on the carpet. OK That was after he was beaten within an inch of his life. Hes dead and your ******* kid has cerebral paulsy. You going to use his spine for the cerebral paulsy inflicted demon. No let the bastard suffer right. ,,!,,
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Youve Got To Be Kidding! said:


Do you get to choose who you are going to kill for your brain stem cells? I nominate you. They dont purposefully go out and kill anyone for it. They just save tissue from the dead donor.

Another ****ing thing.... Lets not make quality of life any better because its EVIL. HAHAHHA WHAT THE **** IS THE WORLD COMMING TO HAHAHHAHAH.
OK.... Here is an analogy for you. I ran my ****ing dog over yesterday. He pissed on the carpet. OK That was after he was beaten within an inch of his life. Hes dead and your ******* kid has cerebral paulsy. You going to use his spine for the cerebral paulsy inflicted demon. No let the bastard suffer right. ,,!,,

Welcome to Debate Politics!:2wave:

We still await your first debatable post....
Youve Got To Be Kidding! said:


Do you get to choose who you are going to kill for your brain stem cells? I nominate you. They dont purposefully go out and kill anyone for it. They just save tissue from the dead donor.

Another ****ing thing.... Lets not make quality of life any better because its EVIL. HAHAHHA WHAT THE **** IS THE WORLD COMMING TO HAHAHHAHAH.
OK.... Here is an analogy for you. I ran my ****ing dog over yesterday. He pissed on the carpet. OK That was after he was beaten within an inch of his life. Hes dead and your ******* kid has cerebral paulsy. You going to use his spine for the cerebral paulsy inflicted demon. No let the bastard suffer right. ,,!,,

[moderator gaval]


This is not okay for so many reasons.

1. You cannot nominate people to be killed, it's not nice, and someone could take it as a threat.

2. It makes no sense, involves beating and running over a dog for tinkling on your carpet, and you call a kid with cerebral palsy a "bastard"

Please take it to the basement.

The Vegan Mod.

[/moderator gaval]
Its an analogy.

1st, what is wrong with being a bastard?

Jesus was a Bastard is he shamefull for it?

2nd I am a Bastard am I shamefull for it?

3rd The reason I used Bastard are because most abortionees are Bastards.

Thank you. Still havent answered the analogical question.
Youve Got To Be Kidding! said:
Its an analogy.

1st, what is wrong with being a bastard?

Jesus was a Bastard is he shamefull for it?

2nd I am a Bastard am I shamefull for it?

3rd The reason I used Bastard are because most abortionees are Bastards.

Thank you. Still havent answered the analogical question.

[mod mode]
You are more than welcome to use analogies to argue your point. You just have to do it in a civil manner. Calling someone a bastard, even if you don't have a problem with it, is not civil
[/mod mode]
Against Embryonic Stem Cells? Are You Ready to DIE?
We are all going to die. Besided who would want live longer, and suffer one more day, knowing that: the disease they have, their failing organs will eventually stop working. It's just delaying death. Can someone give me some benefits to embryonic stem cells? Thanks. :2wave:
Well as I am against cloning as anyone should be. I will say with stem cell research they claim to be able to form cures for deseases such as cancer, aids, gonorea, and others. They will also be able to clone body parts which I am not too sure of how I would feel toward this. It has its pros and cons. So I would say I guess it would be ok but only if it was very meticulously watched. Which it will prolly not.
they recently produced stem cells from skin cells or something in a harvard lab study. I forgot the details but yeah....
Youve Got To Be Kidding! said:
Its perfectly ok in the context i used it. Its called English.

[mod mode]
A lot of things are in English. That doesn't mean you can post them. We try to keep these threads civil so that people will enjoy coming here. If you don't like that or have a problem with it, I can't help you.
[/mod mode]
stsburns said:
Can someone give me some benefits to embryonic stem cells? Thanks. :2wave:

So far embryonic stem cells have proven that they are great at creating teratomas, and nothing else.

Some Harvard scientists have apparently discovered a method of fusing ESS's and adult skin cells which may or may not lead to creating a useful stem cell without using embryos.
A lot of things are in English. That doesn't mean you can post them. We try to keep these threads civil so that people will enjoy coming here. If you don't like that or have a problem with it, I can't help you.

Everyone say Hi kelzie. How are you today? Wel the cab ride was fun last night we gotta do it again sometime, :lol:
Kelzie said:
[mod mode]
A lot of things are in English. That doesn't mean you can post them. We try to keep these threads civil so that people will enjoy coming here. If you don't like that or have a problem with it, I can't help you.
[/mod mode]

I just thought we where all adults here. I clarified the context of what I was saying is that still not ok? Can I use the word hell? That is verry obscene to a lot of people? How about damn.

Still have not answered the question.
Youve Got To Be Kidding! said:
I just thought we where all adults here. I clarified the context of what I was saying is that still not ok? Can I use the word hell? That is verry obscene to a lot of people? How about damn.

Still have not answered the question.

[mod mode]

You cannot call someone a bastard. End of story. That is flaming, and it is clearly stated in the rules that it is unacceptable. You also cannot say "Do you get to choose who you are going to kill for your brain stem cells? I nominate you." And no, we are not all adults here. That is why we have the basement. For the people who feel like acting like kids sometimes. Feel free to use it in the future. And if I could have figured out what your question was, I might have answered it.

[/mod mode]
Everyone say Hi kelzie. How are you today? Wel the cab ride was fun last night we gotta do it again sometime, :lol:

Huh. Stayed up way too late wasting my time with you two...Kept falling asleep at odd spots on campus...:mrgreen:
Huh. Stayed up way too late wasting my time with you two...Kept falling asleep at odd spots on campus...

Awwwee...... how sweet she slept on campus cause of us. :lol:

Well too bad you had to go to class on a fri. I have that day off.
Awwwee...... how sweet she slept on campus cause of us. :lol:

Well too bad you had to go to class on a fri. I have that day off.

Hey, I appreciate your effort to make me feel better. Thanks a lot. Just pour salt in next time, it's easier. :lol:
Hey, I appreciate your effort to make me feel better. Thanks a lot. Just pour salt in next time, it's easier.

Hey too much salt isnt good for you. But i would gladly pour some Smirnoff, hehe

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