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Again democrats dont make sense (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 24, 2018
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Political Leaning
Very Conservative
Democrats are now blaming Trump for all the riots. If that was true, would they have spent the last 3 months trying to convince us they were peaceful??

Do democrats ever think about what they say day to day??

Democrats--------------a hint---------------if you always tell the truth, you dont have to remember what you said yesterday.
Democrats are now blaming Trump for all the riots. If that was true, would they have spent the last 3 months trying to convince us they were peaceful??

Do democrats ever think about what they say day to day??

Democrats--------------a hint---------------if you always tell the truth, you dont have to remember what you said yesterday.

Got a link to your source?
Democrats are now blaming Trump for all the riots. If that was true, would they have spent the last 3 months trying to convince us they were peaceful??

Do democrats ever think about what they say day to day??

Democrats--------------a hint---------------if you always tell the truth, you dont have to remember what you said yesterday.

It is the right wing that Trump emboldens that is the root of much of the violence that has plagued the mostly peaceful protests. Also Trump has refused to acknowldege the legitimate grievances behind millions of Americans who took to the streets. That is a critical job for any President.

Man who helped ignite George Floyd riots identified as white supremacist: Police - ABC News

Police: Richmond riots instigated by white supremacists disguised as Black Lives Matter
Democrats are now blaming Trump for all the riots. If that was true, would they have spent the last 3 months trying to convince us they were peaceful??

Do democrats ever think about what they say day to day??

Democrats--------------a hint---------------if you always tell the truth, you dont have to remember what you said yesterday.

Trump doesn't have to remember what he said yesterday either.

Are the Democrats rioting in Democratic cities to make Trump look bad?

This guy stepping on his neck was all because of how we responded to our boarder crisis when Obama's policies were abandoned.

Trump not only looks and sounds bad, but he is bad.
It is the right wing that Trump emboldens that is the root of much of the violence that has plagued the mostly peaceful protests. Also Trump has refused to acknowldege the legitimate grievances behind millions of Americans who took to the streets. That is a critical job for any President.

Man who helped ignite George Floyd riots identified as white supremacist: Police - ABC News

Police: Richmond riots instigated by white supremacists disguised as Black Lives Matter

"mostly peaceful" How the hell many buildings and businesses have been burned, and how many people have been murdered by these peaceful protesters?

Care to answer that???
Democrats are now blaming Trump for all the riots. If that was true, would they have spent the last 3 months trying to convince us they were peaceful??

Do democrats ever think about what they say day to day??

Democrats--------------a hint---------------if you always tell the truth, you dont have to remember what you said yesterday.

Protestors are peaceful. Rioters are not. Were there rioters taking advantage of the protests? YUP. Do we actually know their genesis....ANTIFA, White Supremacist saboteurs, Russian agents, possibly agitators from all three groups working in independent cells or together? Nope...I don't know AND NEITHER DO YOU unless of course you are a member of one of the possible suspects.
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Trump doesn't have to remember what he said yesterday either.

Are the Democrats rioting in Democratic cities to make Trump look bad?

This guy stepping on his neck was all because of how we responded to our boarder crisis when Obama's policies were abandoned.

Trump not only looks and sounds bad, but he is bad.
Yes democrat are rioting in their own cities and burning down businesses that they need.

They are essentially crapping in their own nest, that is why any intelligent person think they are incredibly stupid.

That would make sense if those were true pictures of the effected areas of either Portland or Kenosha or Seattle for that matter. They aren't. All you have to do is pick up the local newspapers to know they aren't. But people carrying guns into conflict zones, driving pick-up trucks into conflict zones which is a known yellow steak cowardly tactic used by white supremacists, now that is true idiocy and truly damaging.

You can build a building. You can't replace a life no matter what side of a conflict the deceased supported.
Yes democrat are rioting in their own cities and burning down businesses that they need.

They are essentially crapping in their own nest, that is why any intelligent person think they are incredibly stupid.

It's the science of deception; Trump, you have this going on.

It's what he manifested with all his double talk.

So it works both ways, the Democrats look bad, he looks bad.
That would make sense if those were true pictures of the effected areas of either Portland or Kenosha or Seattle for that matter. They aren't. All you have to do is pick up the local newspapers to know they aren't. But people carrying guns into conflict zones, driving pick-up trucks into conflict zones which is a known yellow steak cowardly tactic used by white supremacists, now that is true idiocy and truly damaging.

You can build a building. You can't replace a life no matter what side of a conflict the deceased supported.

The rage has existed since Hillary lost and #resist was declared. Also declared on Day One: #impeachnow #pushback.

Maxine Waters said that nobody in Trumps cabinet can eat dinner at a restaurant, and should be shouted down as unwelcome, and made to leave. "Get in their faces" is what she said. That's what we're seeing; democrat fueled violence.
The rage has existed since Hillary lost and #resist was declared. Also declared on Day One: #impeachnow #pushback.

Maxine Waters said that nobody in Trumps cabinet can eat dinner at a restaurant, and should be shouted down as unwelcome, and made to leave. "Get in their faces" is what she said. That's what we're seeing; democrat fueled violence.

Nope....the rage has existed since WASP's saw a black man standing in the doorway of the WH. That is all it took. That was compounded by the complete and utter ignorance of the Tea Party with regard to the Wall St bailouts and here we are.
"mostly peaceful" How the hell many buildings and businesses have been burned, and how many people have been murdered by these peaceful protesters?

Care to answer that???

Care to answer why right wing extremists are known to be starting the fires and looting? Do you know what the word "opportunist" means? A few agitators on either side do not make the millions of people who were peaceful all to blame.
Democrats are now blaming Trump for all the riots. If that was true, would they have spent the last 3 months trying to convince us they were peaceful??

Do democrats ever think about what they say day to day??

Democrats--------------a hint---------------if you always tell the truth, you dont have to remember what you said yesterday.

If Trump has no control over the riots, perhaps we should vote him out and elect someone who does?
That would make sense if those were true pictures of the effected areas of either Portland or Kenosha or Seattle for that matter. They aren't. All you have to do is pick up the local newspapers to know they aren't. But people carrying guns into conflict zones, driving pick-up trucks into conflict zones which is a known yellow steak cowardly tactic used by white supremacists, now that is true idiocy and truly damaging.
You can build a building. You can't replace a life no matter what side of a conflict the deceased supported.

Kenosha after the peaceful protest of the left ...


Democrats are now blaming Trump for all the riots. If that was true, would they have spent the last 3 months trying to convince us they were peaceful??

Do democrats ever think about what they say day to day??

Democrats--------------a hint---------------if you always tell the truth, you dont have to remember what you said yesterday.

Well they've been saying this from the beginning that Trump is responsible for the leftists attacking leftist cities because Trump is so divisive. But, it is rather funny how all of this time the left has been calling the protests peaceful and are now acknowledging that they aren't. It's also funny how Trump sent in the feds to stop the rioting in Portland and the leftists chased the feds out and now the leftists have let the rioters have free reign to do whatever they want.
It is the right wing that Trump emboldens that is the root of much of the violence that has plagued the mostly peaceful protests. Also Trump has refused to acknowldege the legitimate grievances behind millions of Americans who took to the streets. That is a critical job for any President.

Man who helped ignite George Floyd riots identified as white supremacist: Police - ABC News

Police: Richmond riots instigated by white supremacists disguised as Black Lives Matter

This is lefties attacking lefties. It's pretty damn hard to blame Trump for that. That is full blown TDS in it's final stages.
This is lefties attacking lefties. It's pretty damn hard to blame Trump for that. That is full blown TDS in it's final stages.

Ahhh, TDS, another righty runs out of answers.
Protestors are peaceful. Rioters are not. Were there rioters taking advantage of the protests? YUP. Do we actually know their genesis....ANTIFA, White Supremacist saboteurs, Russian agents, possibly agitators from all three groups working in independent cells or together? Nope...I don't know AND NEITHER DO YOU unless of course you are a member of one of the possible suspects.

The peaceful protesters and the wall of moms were providing cover for the rioters.

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