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After Gatwick airport drama, U.K. police face possibility drones never existed (1 Viewer)


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A forensic examination of a damaged drone found near the airport is underway, Sussex Police said on Monday.

LONDON — British police insisted Monday that last week's drone sightings merit an ongoing investigation after questions were raised about whether the devices, which prompted a shutdown of the country's second-largest airport at the height of the Christmas travel season, ever existed at all.

Drones were spotted at Gatwick Airport on Wednesday, leading to a 36-hour closure that affected more than 120,000 passengers. Another sighting on Friday led to a second brief shutdown.
The question being asked by the police: were most of the reports of drones near the airport symptoms of some mass hysteria?

A forensic examination of a damaged drone found near the airport is underway, Sussex Police said on Monday.

LONDON — British police insisted Monday that last week's drone sightings merit an ongoing investigation after questions were raised about whether the devices, which prompted a shutdown of the country's second-largest airport at the height of the Christmas travel season, ever existed at all.

Drones were spotted at Gatwick Airport on Wednesday, leading to a 36-hour closure that affected more than 120,000 passengers. Another sighting on Friday led to a second brief shutdown.
The question being asked by the police: were most of the reports of drones near the airport symptoms of some mass hysteria?

After Gatwick airport drama, U.K. police face possibility drones never existed
Filed Under: It can always get worse.

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