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African American (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2005
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AFRICAN AMERICAN is that not dicrimination,or if is not,

what is Donald Rumusfelt


can someone explain to me what is the


WHY not call them AMERICAN

PC run amok
more things that are keeping the blacks, i mean African Americans, from being americans
keeping them from moving on a country where they were treated poorly, yet have every chance they need like the rest of us
this term was probably coined by the losers that supposedly represent their interests
yet keep them down by constantly portraying them / referring to them as victims

if anything, it is discriminatory and segregational, because "blacks" come from more places than just africa
Donkey1499 Y do they say these bad things, i thought



thanks m8

mikeey said:
Donkey1499 Y do they say these bad things, i thought



thanks m8


You'd have to try and think like them. I can't, cuz I'm far too intelligent to think like a liberal (LOL).
Because a lot of those folks do not know where in Africa they originated from, and hence the African American. Still it was a well used term back in the 1900's, immigrants(the proud ones) did want others to know where they were from, and they would say Italian American, Irish American, etc. I think it's time has really passed, and there is no need for such information these days, as we are all from other countries, unless you're a native American of course.;)
I have a friend who is black.He detests the name african american..He says he is just and American and he is right........
mikeey said:
AFRICAN AMERICAN is that not dicrimination,or if is not,

what is Donald Rumusfelt


can someone explain to me what is the


WHY not call them AMERICAN


Ask Jesse Jackson that question. I'd love to hear the answer!

I might make a separate thread about minority self-victimization. If I do, your answer might be there.

*Grammar Hammer*

One, you can use sentences. This is a forum. Not a chat room.
Two, I hate to say it, this is not an insult, but work on your spelling.
Three, you can make a signature. And we know your name is mikeey.
Donkey1499 said:
You'd have to try and think like them. I can't, cuz I'm far too intelligent to think like a liberal (LOL).

My advice: don't try to think like them. It hurts too much, and it may kill you.

I can't think like them either. I'm not screwed up enough. And the only thing I am ignorant of are my parents yelling at me :2razz:
Ah here we go. . .putting all liberals in the same category. When will we learn?

Why do we call people african-americans? Well, the same reason why we call people Irish-Americans and Native Americans and Italian-Americans. Theres your answer.
FinnMacCool said:
Ah here we go. . .putting all liberals in the same category. When will we learn?

Why do we call people african-americans? Well, the same reason why we call people Irish-Americans and Native Americans and Italian-Americans. Theres your answer.

That is a crock and you know it.....I am Irish American and have never been called that...........
Navy Pride said:
That is a crock and you know it.....I am Irish American and have never been called that...........

Irish, Scot-Irish, Dutch, French, Welsh, German, and Italian is my ancestry. I dare one of the PC'ers to try to classify me LMAO You can't. I'm American, why? because I was born here. Some may be American, why? because they immigrated here, and worked their damndest to get their PROPER citizenship papers. Which I guess makes the rest illegals, in which case... OUT ALREADY :2wave:
That is a crock and you know it.....I am Irish American and have never been called that...........

If I was writing a news report and I said "Americans claim they are discriminated Against" how would you know what group were being discriminating against whom? You could say blacks but african americans sound nicer.

I really don't even know why I'm arguing for this cause I don't really think it matters that much.

I'm American, why? because I was born here

True. I come from a very multi cultured family also.
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What in your point of view is the difference between American and African American.

I just don't see the use in someone who is an African American fighting to be viewed as an American. This race of people have gone from being known as:

African Americans

and many other names inbetween those. Now here's the thing, what is the benefit of being viewed as an American, I mean...what comes with that? a trophy, a ribbon, 40 acres and a mule, a tax incentive, a plaque, etc... what?
Maybe because they like to celebrate and remember their culture?
My son-in-law doesn't mind being called African American, nor does he mind being called black. I don't mind being called European American nor white, although I am rawthah polka-dot, what with the freckles and all.
Two of my grandsons are a beautiful shade of caramel. My third almost pearly white.
Paladin said:
Maybe because they like to celebrate and remember their culture?
My son-in-law doesn't mind being called African American, nor does he mind being called black. I don't mind being called European American nor white, although I am rawthah polka-dot, what with the freckles and all.
Two of my grandsons are a beautiful shade of caramel. My third almost pearly white.

If your son-in-law's ancestory is traced to Africa, then I could see how he wouldn't mind it. But let's say his ancestory hailed from Haiti, would he still feel the same? There are many countries that blacks leave to come to America. Tying one race of people with one country is ludicrous, and I think that's the point trying to be made here. At least that's the way it looks to me.
FinnMacCool said:
Ah here we go. . .putting all liberals in the same category. When will we learn?

Why do we call people african-americans? Well, the same reason why we call people Irish-Americans and Native Americans and Italian-Americans. Theres your answer.

I was joking. Haha... Hardy har har... LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
I don't think it's at all raciest. thats what they are. I am Ittalian / anglosaxon American. Thats my herritage
kmhowe72 said:
I don't think it's at all raciest. thats what they are. I am Ittalian / anglosaxon American. Thats my herritage

And I'm Native/Irish/Scottish/British/French/German American. In fact, I'd enjoy it if ppl called me Injun/Mick/Kilt/Limey/Frog/Kraut Cowboy. That would be hillario!

Political Correctness SUCKS!!!
Well political correctness my SUCK!! as you say. But heritage is what made this country. Oh ya, I am 8th indian. My husband is Irish /french candian, indian.
Navy Pride said:
I have a friend who is black.He detests the name african american..He says he is just and American and he is right........

Agreed. Especially since a lot of blacks don't even know where Africa is.
Old and wise said:
Agreed. Especially since a lot of blacks don't even know where Africa is.

Old and wise? How about old and foolish. Stop drinking the Kool-Aid that the KKK passes around. It's bad for your brain, man.
Old and wise said:
Agreed. Especially since a lot of blacks don't even know where Africa is.

if i am not mistaken, that was a racist statement
and an obnoxious one at that
kmhowe72 said:
I don't think it's at all raciest. thats what they are. I am Ittalian / anglosaxon American. Thats my herritage

Your American
I think it's used by blacks to further the seperation between them and the rest of the country.

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