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AFL: The Arena Football League (1 Viewer)

Oooops, sorry.....thought this was the discussion about the NFL, I'll just see my way out!:3oops: :2wave:
Deegan said:
Oooops, sorry.....thought this was the discussion about the NFL, I'll just see my way out!:3oops: :2wave:

Ever watch the AFL? It is loads of fun. Get to see some future NFL stars learning their craft too.

I think of it like Minor legaue baseball, not up to the level of the big show, but lots of passion, lots of action, and lots of fun.
Indeed it is, I just don't seem to ever find the time, but I wouldn't mind checking out a game, we have one here in Chicago.

The Rush girls, for your entertainment.;)

Deegan said:
Indeed it is, I just don't seem to ever find the time, but I wouldn't mind checking out a game, we have one here in Chicago.

The Rush girls, for your entertainment.;)


I've seen them live, very nice. LOL I go see the Rampage at least once a season, and watch on NBC or Fox whenever it is broadcast too. The Rush are my second favorite team actually.

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