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Afghanistan War (1 Viewer)

Arch Enemy

DP Veteran
Mar 27, 2005
Reaction score
North Carolina
Political Leaning
Slightly Conservative
I know this has sort of been bumped out of the media because of the Iraqi War... but I just want to know a few things from the people here.

1) What is your position of this war; for or against?

2) Was this a gamble that our current Presidency had to take or was it supported by foreigners?

3) Was this really the beginning of the war on terror or was this just the publics introduction to the war on terror?

4) Was it right for Americans to have supported this regime as it held off Russia?

5) What is the future like for Afghanistan?
Arch Enemy said:
1) What is your position of this war; for or against?

2) Was this a gamble that our current Presidency had to take or was it supported by foreigners?

3) Was this really the beginning of the war on terror or was this just the publics introduction to the war on terror?

4) Was it right for Americans to have supported this regime as it held off Russia?

5) What is the future like for Afghanistan?

1) Totally for the war, I think it was a truthful offensive at terrorism and any one that disputes that just wants to shove Americans around.

2) I think it wasn't much of a gamble for the Bush War Machine, considering it was ran by a well-known terrorist organization one which easily breeds more and more followers yearly.

3) I think that it was only the Publics first look into the War on Terror; America has been after known world-wide terrorists for a long time.. nows the time that our actions have gone public.

4) Yes, no telling what Russia would have done to this country.

5) I think Afghanistan has proven that it's democracy is here to stay, it'll have hardships for a while but eventually it will smooth out and really become free.
Arch Enemy said:
1) Totally for the war, I think it was a truthful offensive at terrorism and any one that disputes that just wants to shove Americans around.

2) I think it wasn't much of a gamble for the Bush War Machine, considering it was ran by a well-known terrorist organization one which easily breeds more and more followers yearly.

3) I think that it was only the Publics first look into the War on Terror; America has been after known world-wide terrorists for a long time.. nows the time that our actions have gone public.

4) Yes, no telling what Russia would have done to this country.

5) I think Afghanistan has proven that it's democracy is here to stay, it'll have hardships for a while but eventually it will smooth out and really become free.

I agree with all five wholeheartedly
Been out of pocket the last few days. Bah.. school! hehe

But, I agree with Arch's answers. Not much more to add.

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