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Aeroflot passenger traffic in March decreased by 20.4% (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 2, 2017
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Political Leaning
Aeroflot's passenger traffic in March 2022 decreased by 20.4% to 2.2 million compared to a year earlier. Passenger traffic on domestic lines decreased by 15.7% to 2 million. Passenger seat occupancy decreased by 3.3 percentage points to 79.5%. This is stated in the carrier's message.

Aeroflot Group of Companies is the largest holding company in Russia, which includes a number of subsidiaries: JSC Donavia, JSC Rossiya Airlines, JSC Orenburg Airlines (Orenair), JSC Aurora Airlines (United Far Eastern Airline, made its first flight in November 2013), as well as Pobeda Airlines LLC, which carries out low-cost air transportation.

with other words, our sanctions work )


Moscow has Lost 3,000 Armored Vehicles and Has No Way to Replace Them

The tires are literally coming off their vehicles in Ukraine and they have no way to replace them when they break down, get destroyed or abandoned. Corruption within their own military has destroyed any chance of that. The Muscovy death toll is up to 20,000+ in just a mere 2 months of fighting. We haven't seen losses in lives and equipment like this since the second world war. None of this is sustainable. Muscovy is done, Putin just doesn't realize it yet.
Kremlin is debating on banning the usage of the word Aeroflot or changing its name to LandFlot. 😆

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