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adopt a military member (1 Viewer)




The holiday season is once again upon us. Most of us will spend the holidays at home, surrounded by the ones we love. There is a large group of citizens, however, who don't have that luxury. Citizens who willingly sacrifice time with their families so you will have the freedom to enjoy time with yours: thousands of United States Military personnel deployed all over the world.

There are ways that we, safe in our homes, can help make the holidays a little brighter for those who give us our freedom.

How can you help? We need patriotic Americans to send cards and letters and care packages to service members stationed overseas. Know that this support provides tremendous benefit in morale for our deployed men and women who need to know that we stand behind them, and that they will never be forgotten.

As difficult as serving in the armed forces may be, the worst part is probably the time when they are deployed, away from family and friends. Many thousands of our military men and women were just deployed. That is the reason for Operation Military Pride. Cards and carepackages are gathered from around the country for shipment to units and personnel who are deployed throughout the year. This is an ideal project for school classes, church groups, synagogues, organizations, families and individuals.

For information on how you or your family or organization may participate in Operation Military Pride and receive addresses of deployed visit www.operationmilitarypride.org or to adopt a deployed military member email Admin@operationmilitarypride.org with adopt in subject line
Thanks I was looking for something like this yesterday.
Thanks for the reminder.

I suggested to my office that this year we support our troops for the holiday season instead of local families like we have done every other year, and they went for it. So we are giving to the USO and OperationShoeBox.
I've been thinking about the troops more and more, what with the holidays nearing. Thanks. Programs of this nature are a great way to support our service men and women. Regardless of your political opinions. Supporting the troops and their families should be a given.

Our Family this year will not be exchanging gifts between adults but rather using the money instead to help support local families with military members.
WKL815, is that something you guys are doing in your group or are you taking donations from the outside?

IM me with info.
I talked to my wife this evening and we are going to do the same. Not exchanging gifts. Unsure which military assistance group we are going to support.
I've done a little research and IMHO this Operation Military Pride has got a good reputation. Another way to help is to give directly to the USO. I know when I was in the Navy I greatly appreciated the shows they put on and if I remember right they had rooms at most major airports for service men and women. You could get free beverages and sometimes a sandwich. Plus it was always a clean comfrotable place to rest as you made your way form one base to another. Support for them would be good.
USO lounges are the schizz and they support troops regardless of deployment status.

I have no idea how many hours I've spent in USO lounges waiting for planes back home. The smallest I've seen is an information desk with phones and helpful maps to the lounge in Frankfurt Germany that had rows of chairs a TV, pool table, and a makeshift office to ease logistical burdens for troops on the go.

The USO is an incredible organization.

I would also suggest the Army Emergency Releif Fund if we have access to it.
The smallest one I saw was a combination International Service to Seaman center/USO in Nairobi, Kenya. Five chairs, one table, a phone two decks of playing cards and a keg of beer in a trash can full of ice. Oh, and a TV playing some German soap opera. Yep, I owe the USO.

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