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Adelson and Big Donors Lining Up Behind Trump (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 22, 2015
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I donated $100 myself. I don't see a problem until the big donors ask for something in return.

Funny, really. The Clintons are as close to rich as it goes and are unlikely to act against their self interest. And at least with them you know, what's in the box.
The money was going to go somewhere. If not to helping Hillary, it would be to going against her.
Let's put it this way - Adelson is the biggest donor to the Republicans there is. If he's lining up with Trump, it will exert a major pull for all the others to fall in line. The other big GOP donors are now following suit, and the Trump train is moving forward and onward.

Meanwhile, Hillary is still slugging it out with a feisty Bernie, and embarrassing her every step of the way. Bernie should nominate a VP choice like Cruz did, just to needle Hillary.

I feel good about the Trump movement - he's thinking very pragmatically, more so than previous GOP presidential runs. He's thinking past the elections and about a VP who will help him get legislation passed. Most nominees just think of picking a VP that will get them elected. Trump doesn't need a VP to help him win the campaign - he'll take that full on his own shoulders - he needs a VP who will help get the legislation passed once he's in office. That's a very good sign of professionalism, and that he's running for president to get things done, not just to bask in office. If Trump picks Gingrich, it'll be a really effective Whitehouse.
Let's put it this way - Adelson is the biggest donor to the Republicans there is. If he's lining up with Trump, it will exert a major pull for all the others to fall in line. The other big GOP donors are now following suit, and the Trump train is moving forward and onward.

Meanwhile, Hillary is still slugging it out with a feisty Bernie, and embarrassing her every step of the way. Bernie should nominate a VP choice like Cruz did, just to needle Hillary.

I feel good about the Trump movement - he's thinking very pragmatically, more so than previous GOP presidential runs. He's thinking past the elections and about a VP who will help him get legislation passed. Most nominees just think of picking a VP that will get them elected. Trump doesn't need a VP to help him win the campaign - he'll take that full on his own shoulders - he needs a VP who will help get the legislation passed once he's in office. That's a very good sign of professionalism, and that he's running for president to get things done, not just to bask in office. If Trump picks Gingrich, it'll be a really effective Whitehouse.

Gingrich is radioactive. I happen to like Newt and think he a borderline genius when it comes to understanding history and the impacts that move things along.

However, just his name is an incendiary device for about half of the population.
Gingrich is radioactive. I happen to like Newt and think he a borderline genius when it comes to understanding history and the impacts that move things along.

However, just his name is an incendiary device for about half of the population.

I like Newt, but he's too smug. He always acts like there's absolutely nothing he hasn't considered, and considered better than anybody else. I generally don't trust such people. When they make a mistake, it's usually a biggie. I'm not up for any biggies right now in the mistake department.
I donated $100 myself. I don't see a problem until the big donors ask for something in return.

Billionaires giving to billionaires....probably just be a wash.:cool:
Funny, really. The Clintons are as close to rich as it goes and are unlikely to act against their self interest. And at least with them you know, what's in the box.

So what's in the box?
I'm sure that Trump will spend a lot of money but I predict that it won't put him in the White House.

Wait and see.
Gingrich is radioactive. I happen to like Newt and think he a borderline genius when it comes to understanding history and the impacts that move things along.

However, just his name is an incendiary device for about half of the population.

I really like Newt Gingrich. I think he's probably a political genius but his personal life baggage will harm Trump if chosen as the VP candidate.
Gingrich is radioactive. I happen to like Newt and think he a borderline genius when it comes to understanding history and the impacts that move things along.

However, just his name is an incendiary device for about half of the population.

It could be called "the adultery ticket".
Let's put it this way - Adelson is the biggest donor to the Republicans there is. If he's lining up with Trump, it will exert a major pull for all the others to fall in line. The other big GOP donors are now following suit, and the Trump train is moving forward and onward.

Meanwhile, Hillary is still slugging it out with a feisty Bernie, and embarrassing her every step of the way. Bernie should nominate a VP choice like Cruz did, just to needle Hillary.

I feel good about the Trump movement - he's thinking very pragmatically, more so than previous GOP presidential runs. He's thinking past the elections and about a VP who will help him get legislation passed. Most nominees just think of picking a VP that will get them elected. Trump doesn't need a VP to help him win the campaign - he'll take that full on his own shoulders - he needs a VP who will help get the legislation passed once he's in office. That's a very good sign of professionalism, and that he's running for president to get things done, not just to bask in office. If Trump picks Gingrich, it'll be a really effective Whitehouse.
I agree with everything you say here, except for Ginrich's role as an office-holding legislative driver. He's far to polarizing for Veep.

However, I felt early in Trump's campaign he should've been brought-on somehow, to earn gravitas with the GOP establishment and giving other establishment types a permission-slip to jump to Trump.

But I do believe there's now a place for Newt in Trump's cabinet or staff somewhere, and he'd be not only a potent confidant, but a very good fit for the billionaire and could do much for him in a non-office-holding position.
I hope everyone posting on this topic is aware that if adelson endorses Trump, then Trump is not anti-establishment.
I hope everyone posting on this topic is aware that if adelson endorses Trump, then Trump is not anti-establishment.

Because of the money? Be careful here.
It could be called "the adultery ticket".



Uhh, which glass house you flingin stones from again?
I like Newt, but he's too smug. He always acts like there's absolutely nothing he hasn't considered, and considered better than anybody else. I generally don't trust such people. When they make a mistake, it's usually a biggie. I'm not up for any biggies right now in the mistake department.

I think Newt usually has considered everything pretty well.

His troubles come not when he thinks, but when he communicates. That' s probably the smugness you notice.

A good salesman agrees with you until you buy what he's selling.

Newt tells you you're an idiot if you don't agree with him, you're wrong and he's right. Not the recipe for making a new friend.

If his field was IT, this would be normal. In politics, not so much.

It's a testament to his intelligence that he was successful in politics lacking so much tact. A little like a successful college QB who can run well but can't throw.
Big donors? Big money? Big favors? So the anti-establishment Donald Trump's conversion to 1 of 'them' will soon be taking place.

Now that the GOP primary is over let the flip, flopping by Mr. Trump begin.

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