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Additional and Clear Proof of Trump Incompetence - Unemployment Rate (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jun 20, 2018
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Miami, FL
Political Leaning
In debating with a Trump supporter this morning, he brought out the fact the the unemployment rate has dropped from 14.7% in April to 8.4% in August. He stated that this was "amazing" and proof of Trump's competence.

I decided to do some research and here is what I found:

Germany unemployment rate in 2019 = 5%. Germany unemployment rate in August 2020 5.2%
Spain unemployment rate in 2019 = 13.7%. Spain unemployment rate in August 2020 = 13.8%
England unemployment rate in 2019 = 3.8%. England unemployment rate in August 2020 = 3.9%
United Stated unemployment rate in 2019 = 3.5%. United States unemployment rate in August 2020 = 8.4%

It is evident by the numbers that Trump's handling of the Corona Virus has been miserable and his handling of the economy incompetent. The U.S. has more than doubled in unemployment from what it was last year and yet in Europe where they got hit as badly with the virus, their unemployment rate has only increased fractions of a point.

I guess the Trump supporter that I was debating with feels that anything that is better than absolute chaos and disaster is "amazing" when it comes to Trump.
In debating with a Trump supporter this morning, he brought out the fact the the unemployment rate has dropped from 14.7% in April to 8.4% in August. He stated that this was "amazing" and proof of Trump's competence.

I decided to do some research and here is what I found:

Germany unemployment rate in 2019 = 5%. Germany unemployment rate in August 2020 5.2%
Spain unemployment rate in 2019 = 13.7%. Spain unemployment rate in August 2020 = 13.8%
England unemployment rate in 2019 = 3.8%. England unemployment rate in August 2020 = 3.9%
United Stated unemployment rate in 2019 = 3.5%. United States unemployment rate in August 2020 = 8.4%

It is evident by the numbers that Trump's handling of the Corona Virus has been miserable and his handling of the economy incompetent. The U.S. has more than doubled in unemployment from what it was last year and yet in Europe where they got hit as badly with the virus, their unemployment rate has only increased fractions of a point.

I guess the Trump supporter that I was debating with feels that anything that is better than absolute chaos and disaster is "amazing" when it comes to Trump.

Doesn't take much to show what a grifting idiot Trump is does it?
Doesn't take much to show what a grifting idiot Trump is does it?

Not really, all the evidence is really just sitting there right on the top of the pile.
In debating with a Trump supporter this morning, he brought out the fact the the unemployment rate has dropped from 14.7% in April to 8.4% in August. He stated that this was "amazing" and proof of Trump's competence.

I decided to do some research and here is what I found:

Germany unemployment rate in 2019 = 5%. Germany unemployment rate in August 2020 5.2%
Spain unemployment rate in 2019 = 13.7%. Spain unemployment rate in August 2020 = 13.8%
England unemployment rate in 2019 = 3.8%. England unemployment rate in August 2020 = 3.9%
United Stated unemployment rate in 2019 = 3.5%. United States unemployment rate in August 2020 = 8.4%

It is evident by the numbers that Trump's handling of the Corona Virus has been miserable and his handling of the economy incompetent. The U.S. has more than doubled in unemployment from what it was last year and yet in Europe where they got hit as badly with the virus, their unemployment rate has only increased fractions of a point.

I guess the Trump supporter that I was debating with feels that anything that is better than absolute chaos and disaster is "amazing" when it comes to Trump.

Trump has done very little, beyond signing two stimulus bills passed by Congress, to affect the COVID unemployment rate.

He didn't close down any businesses. He hasn't opened any businesses. He hasn't re-closed any businesses. That was...and still is...the work of the various state governors.
Trump has done very little, beyond signing two stimulus bills passed by Congress, to affect the COVID unemployment rate.

He didn't close down any businesses. He hasn't opened any businesses. He hasn't re-closed any businesses. That was...and still is...the work of the various state governors.

He did even less about the pandemic, except downplaying it, ignoring expert advice, and a colossal failure to lead the country during one of the biggest health crises ever to hit the U.S.
In his own words: "I take no responsibility at all"!
He did even less about the pandemic, except downplaying it, ignoring expert advice, and a colossal failure to lead the country during one of the biggest health crises ever to hit the U.S.
In his own words: "I take no responsibility at all"!

Oh, the COVID19 will just go away pretty soon. Trump himself said it would. It's like a toothache, just ignore it and it will go away. Don't need no stinkin' vaccine, mask, or dentist.
I have to chuckle when people who support government mandated lockdowns and closing of businesses complain about unemployment and the economy. Hopefully we’ve learned to never do this again.
Oh, the COVID19 will just go away pretty soon. Trump himself said it would. It's like a toothache, just ignore it and it will go away. Don't need no stinkin' vaccine, mask, or dentist.

15 cases max- and it will magically disappear!
He did even less about the pandemic, except downplaying it, ignoring expert advice


He did everything he was able to do as President...including listening to his experts. Seriously...didn't you see any of the task force briefings? Those were his experts.

The one thing he COULDN'T do, as President, is force the governors to do the right things. That's why we STILL have governors who are closing parts of their state's economy.

Guess what...that is the cause of the unemployment rate.
I have to chuckle when people who support government mandated lockdowns and closing of businesses complain about unemployment and the economy. Hopefully we’ve learned to never do this again.

You mean re-elect a corrupt nitwit? I agree!
Oh, the COVID19 will just go away pretty soon. Trump himself said it would. It's like a toothache, just ignore it and it will go away. Don't need no stinkin' vaccine, mask, or dentist.

Yes, but the toothache only goes away after 20% of the other teeth fell off because the toothache had an infection and was not treated. Yes, that tooth is now fine but the mouth is not in good shape.


He did everything he was able to do as President...including listening to his experts. Seriously...didn't you see any of the task force briefings? Those were his experts.

The one thing he COULDN'T do, as President, is force the governors to do the right things. That's why we STILL have governors who are closing parts of their state's economy.

Guess what...that is the cause of the unemployment rate.


You're obviously cherry-picking, or only watching Fox News.

One of the biggest recommendations was to wear a mask! He still isn't doing it, and has sent a very clear message that you shouldn't either. Just yesterday he wanted a reporter to remove one during a press conference. Trump was having trouble hearing him, you know, the guy that constantly holds reporter question sessions near a running helicopter. :roll:

You're obviously cherry-picking, or only watching Fox News.

One of the biggest recommendations was to wear a mask! He still isn't doing it, and has sent a very clear message that you shouldn't either. Just yesterday he wanted a reporter to remove one during a press conference. Trump was having trouble hearing him, you know, the guy that constantly holds reporter question sessions near a running helicopter. :roll:

Which has nothing to do with the unemployment rate.
In debating with a Trump supporter this morning, he brought out the fact the the unemployment rate has dropped from 14.7% in April to 8.4% in August. He stated that this was "amazing" and proof of Trump's competence.

I decided to do some research and here is what I found:

Germany unemployment rate in 2019 = 5%. Germany unemployment rate in August 2020 5.2%
Spain unemployment rate in 2019 = 13.7%. Spain unemployment rate in August 2020 = 13.8%
England unemployment rate in 2019 = 3.8%. England unemployment rate in August 2020 = 3.9%
United Stated unemployment rate in 2019 = 3.5%. United States unemployment rate in August 2020 = 8.4%

It is evident by the numbers that Trump's handling of the Corona Virus has been miserable and his handling of the economy incompetent. The U.S. has more than doubled in unemployment from what it was last year and yet in Europe where they got hit as badly with the virus, their unemployment rate has only increased fractions of a point.

I guess the Trump supporter that I was debating with feels that anything that is better than absolute chaos and disaster is "amazing" when it comes to Trump.

How is an increase in unemployment caused entirely by lock downs that Trump opposes and are beyond his authority to control somehow Trump's fault?
Which has nothing to do with the unemployment rate.

Ahhh, it has everything to do with it! What is the overriding factor that the U.S has had the worst reaction and numbers in the world regarding the pandemic? A failure of leadership from Donald Trump. There wouldn't be as big of an unemployment rate if Trump had followed pandemic experts recommendation to shutdown simultaneously instead of sequentially. Just like other countries that did do it right, we would have been fully opened months ago. To shut down the entire country requires leadership from the leader, like during a war, not leave it up to each state.
Ahhh, it has everything to do with it! What is the overriding factor that the U.S has had the worst reaction and numbers in the world regarding the pandemic? A failure of leadership from Donald Trump. There wouldn't be as big of an unemployment rate if Trump had followed pandemic experts recommendation to shutdown simultaneously instead of sequentially. Just like other countries that did do it right, we would have been fully opened months ago. To shut down the entire country requires leadership from the leader, like during a war, not leave it up to each state.

Trump has NEVER had any power to shut down...whether simultaneously or sequentially...the entire country. He didn't "leave it up to each state". Only the governors had the power...and exercised that power...to shut down their individual states.

Are you telling me you would have preferred that Trump violate the Constitution to deal with the pandemic the way other countries did? Or, are you totally clueless about what kind of powers our President has and doesn't have?
How is an increase in unemployment caused entirely by lock downs that Trump opposes and are beyond his authority to control somehow Trump's fault?

I suggest you use Google to get your answers.

All I can tell you is that the countries I used as examples are exactly in the same boat as we are and their unemployment has stayed low. Some of it has to do with the handling of the Corona Virus to the point that now they are mostly fully open whereas we are not due to the still high number of infections and deaths. I also read an article this morning that stated Europe's stimulus package was better than ours was. Not necessarily more money but better in distributing funds to those that needed it.

There are a lot of things that Trump could have done differently. Things that in Europe were done better than here. The proof is in the unemployment numbers seen.
Trump has NEVER had any power to shut down...whether simultaneously or sequentially...the entire country. He didn't "leave it up to each state". Only the governors had the power...and exercised that power...to shut down their individual states.

Are you telling me you would have preferred that Trump violate the Constitution to deal with the pandemic the way other countries did? Or, are you totally clueless about what kind of powers our President has and doesn't have?

He did not have the power to shut down but he had the power to set policy and suggest they shut down. Governors "tend" to follow WH recommendations and in this case Trump recommended that they "don't" shut down. He was pushing for reopening in April and not follow strictly the CDC guidelines. As such, he did not have the power to enforce the shutdowns but he had the power to "strongly SUGGEST". He did exactly the opposite.
Trump has NEVER had any power to shut down...whether simultaneously or sequentially...the entire country. He didn't "leave it up to each state". Only the governors had the power...and exercised that power...to shut down their individual states.

Are you telling me you would have preferred that Trump violate the Constitution to deal with the pandemic the way other countries did? Or, are you totally clueless about what kind of powers our President has and doesn't have?

If Trump had been someone capable of uniting the country, yes, I believe the states would have shut down on his recommendation from the experts. As it was, there was nothing but downplaying it, and saying it was going to magically go away. Has it gone away?
There's now problems with schools and universities that have opened with outbreaks because there is division on what to do... still!
I suggest you use Google to get your answers.

All I can tell you is that the countries I used as examples are exactly in the same boat as we are and their unemployment has stayed low.

You suggest I use Google to prove YOUR argument? Isn't that cute.

The countries you listed have longstanding employment policies that prevent workers from being laid off during a crisis like this. No such policies were put into place during 8 years of the Obama administration.
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In debating with a Trump supporter this morning, he brought out the fact the the unemployment rate has dropped from 14.7% in April to 8.4% in August. He stated that this was "amazing" and proof of Trump's competence.

I decided to do some research and here is what I found:

Germany unemployment rate in 2019 = 5%. Germany unemployment rate in August 2020 5.2%
Spain unemployment rate in 2019 = 13.7%. Spain unemployment rate in August 2020 = 13.8%
England unemployment rate in 2019 = 3.8%. England unemployment rate in August 2020 = 3.9%
United Stated unemployment rate in 2019 = 3.5%. United States unemployment rate in August 2020 = 8.4%

It is evident by the numbers that Trump's handling of the Corona Virus has been miserable and his handling of the economy incompetent. The U.S. has more than doubled in unemployment from what it was last year and yet in Europe where they got hit as badly with the virus, their unemployment rate has only increased fractions of a point.

I guess the Trump supporter that I was debating with feels that anything that is better than absolute chaos and disaster is "amazing" when it comes to Trump.

as usual you have no clue what you are talking about. The unemployment rate has 0 to do with trump and everything to do with the fact that some states are still
in lock down or only half open or limited in capacity.

As usual your argument is refuted by facts.
So why don't you show us what the unemployment number was before the Gov's shut their states down.
I have to chuckle when people who support government mandated lockdowns and closing of businesses complain about unemployment and the economy. Hopefully we’ve learned to never do this again.

This is the final nail in the liberal lie that it is government that creates money and wealth for people.
Looks like this virus proved the opposite.
He did not have the power to shut down but he had the power to set policy and suggest they shut down. Governors "tend" to follow WH recommendations and in this case Trump recommended that they "don't" shut down. He was pushing for reopening in April and not follow strictly the CDC guidelines. As such, he did not have the power to enforce the shutdowns but he had the power to "strongly SUGGEST". He did exactly the opposite.

And what happened...the governors ignored him and shut down anyway...and ballooned their unemployment rates.

But you and the other Trump haters won't admit that. You prefer to blame Trump for the unemployment rate.
If Trump had been someone capable of uniting the country, yes, I believe the states would have shut down on his recommendation from the experts. As it was, there was nothing but downplaying it, and saying it was going to magically go away. Has it gone away?
There's now problems with schools and universities that have opened with outbreaks because there is division on what to do... still!

Again...that has nothing to do with the unemployment rate.

And you must be pretending to know that the governors DID shut down their states.
You suggest I use Google to prove YOUR argument? Isn't that cute.

The countries you listed have longstanding employment policies that prevent workers from being laid off during a crisis like this. No such policies were put into place during 8 years of the Obama administration.

How about that. You just proved the point that Trump has no real interest in the common worker. No new stimulus has been approved and durng the first 2 years of his presidency (while he could get anything he wanted done because the Republicans had majority in both the House and the Senate), no programs were put into place to improve the work guarantees for the workers. Great Job, Don!

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