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Add one more to Westmoreland's body count (1 Viewer)


Jun 9, 2005
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Slightly Conservative
Don't Mourn, Memorialize
Add One More to Westmoreland's Body Count

News that General William Westmoreland, who oversaw the escalation of the catastrophic Indochina War from 1964 through '68-a pointless and criminal war that cost 58,000 American lives and millions of Vietnamese, Cambodian and Laotian lives-died at the age of 91 with "no regrets" about the conflict had me fantasizing about some special circle of hell reserved for military leaders.

Aren't these medal-bedecked generals, who spend their days being pampered in sumptuous offices in the Pentagon, and squired around in limos and helicopters, incredible? They aren't bothered at all by the chewing up of human beings on their orders-as stupid or venal as those orders might be.

There are plenty like Westy in today's Pentagon-men who are thinking plenty about their careers, but not much about the men and women who are being destroyed on their orders in Iraq.

" We don't do body counts," say both Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and Gen. Tommy Franks, of the 25-125,000 Iraqis who have been killed as a result of America's invasion, to name just two of the Westmoreland clones in today's Pentagon.

Or take depleted uranium weapons. Like the toxic Agent Orange that Westmoreland dumped all over the Southeast Asian countryside in a criminal attempt to destroy the livelihood of the peasants of South Vietnam who were helping the Viet Cong-a tactic which led to the death and maiming of countless Vietnamese, living and yet unborn, and of thousands of his own men and their offspring, DU weapons are now favorite weapon in the arsenal of the current generals and admirals. They care not a whit that the resulting dust is poisoning a nation, as well as their own army, and that it promises nightmarish birth defects in the families of returning veterans.

They too will likely pass on having "no regrets" about the horrific slaughter they are now wreaking in Iraq.

The least we can do when a conscience-challenged war criminal like Gen. Westmoreland passes on is memorialize his atrocities for him.

Dave Lindorff is the author of Killing Time: an Investigation into the Death Row Case of Mumia Abu-Jamal. His new book of CounterPunch columns titled "This Can't be Happening!" is published by Common Courage Press. Information about both books and other work by Lindorff can be found at www.thiscantbehappening.net.

He can be reached at: { Personal email address removed due to privacy clause in rules. }
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God Bless William Westmoreland for his service to his country. Let his family pull through their time of grief.

To his family אלוהים מברך אותם .
superskippy said:
God Bless William Westmoreland for his service to his country. Let his family pull through their time of grief.

To his family אלוהים מברך אותם .
You're sick.
robin said:
Like the toxic Agent Orange that Westmoreland dumped all over the Southeast Asian countryside in a criminal attempt to destroy the livelihood of the peasants of South Vietnam

Is that what you think Agent Orange was used for? It was used to clear foliage thus increasing visibility , taking away cover for the VC. Mostly for LZ's and along rivers for the boats to have safer passage. Maybe you should sit down with a vet and here some nam stories first hand . But then you wouldn't like what you hear and would have to play your ace in the hole the "I'm Robin and I own lots of property and have made more money than you ever will". I've seen you say that more than once and that says more about your character then anything. Petulant, childish.The thing I take great pleasure in is the knowledge that you are an angry bitter person who will never find joy in their life for any length of time. Your "facts" are your opinions. Your proclamations are bullshit. Your debate style is childish. Your all consuming hatred of America and Bush gives me great pleasure instead of debating you to simply say. Bush is president and will be for years. What you so hate is the status quo for the next four years.There is nothing you can do about it except for whine and vent your little tirades on this site. You, Urethra Franklin, Billo Riley, and 26x world champs should all get together in a little cluster f*uck and start a pool to see who has the first aneurysm, heart attack, or burst forehead vein. Your post about Westmoreland exhibits your total lack of class. But that is to be expected. All your property will not end Bush's term so to put it in terms you use and understand, na na na na na. :moon:
Wait Robin is abandoning the chance to hurl reasons why an accomplished soldier and general is a war criminal? What is going on!
superskippy said:
Wait Robin is abandoning the chance to hurl reasons why an accomplished soldier and general is a war criminal? What is going on!

gotta consult the book of war criminal's first to make sure the war crimes listed are at least in the ball park of the definition, perhaps?

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