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ACLU Sues Ohio Over Punch Card Ballots (1 Viewer)


Benevolent Dictator
DP Veteran
May 19, 2004
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Libertarian - Right
Source: Yahoo News

CLEVELAND - The hanging chad — that much maligned product of punch-card voting — is on its way to a court room in Ohio.

The American Civil Liberties Union (news - web sites) has sued the state for sticking with the same elderly technology that bewildered many Americans during the 2000 presidential election. The trial, set to begin Monday, is the first in the nation, voting experts say.

The ACLU wants all punch-card ballots in the state removed before November, saying the system causes errors that lead to undercounting of minority group votes. But even a victory would be unlikely to bring change before this year's presidential election because there would be too little time to make a conversion. read more...

It's only starting folks. Get ready for the roller coster ride bigger and longer than 2000.
Wouldn't it be easier if the morons would actually read the instructions before punching the ballot?
This makes my head hurt and my vision go blurry.

As flippant as this may sound, if the ACLU is concerned that voting is too complicated, then I would suggest that the ACLU invest in the education of future generations.

My first voting experience was by absentee ballot (stationed outside home of record) and the procedure is a touch more convoluted than casting a ballot in a booth. As a young individual, I had no problem figuring the process out.

If there were such positions available, I would volunteer my time to stand in front of a precinct and give 5 minute blocks of instruction on how to physically vote so people could get it right. Why doesn't the ACLU volunteer to do something similar if they are so concerned?
Wouldn't it be easier if the morons would actually read the instructions before punching the ballot?

My answer to that will be taken from a post from : It may be up to parents to block web porn. Posted by LiberalFinger on Wed Jul 28, 2004 9:59 pm:
Laws should be and are there for the stupid people

Then now he expresses his true sentiment saying:

As flippant as this may sound, if the ACLU is concerned that voting is too complicated, then I would suggest that the ACLU invest in the education of future generations.

Is the law really for morons too? Then why do we concern about educating them. Let's just make it easy for them. The ACLU is just trying to make the law work for everyone.
Liberal Puke,

I respectfully point out to you that the quotes that you have used were actually penned by our very own Vauge.

He accidentally edited my post instead of quoting from it.

It is unfortunate that you did not review the thread before posting a reply or using quotes from the thread to further articulate your thoughts in other topics.
Yes, I did goof by editing a post of LiberalFINGER. My appologies.

Laws should be and are there for the stupid people

These are my words, and I stand by them.

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