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According to QAnon, Trump's Chy-na is codeword for Ukraine - the place where COVID-19 originated (1 Viewer)


Air Muscle
DP Veteran
Dec 1, 2020
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Well then, this latest Q brain fart may support DJT's praise for Putin's 'peacekeeping' slaughter on Ukraine..... to kill, kill, kill those damn virus germs!!! o_O

As Russia's invasion of Ukraine nears the end of week three, the eyes of QAnon conspirators have now turned to Ukraine. The latest QAnon theory concerns the uncommon way in which former President Trump pronounces "China," often emphasizing the word so that it sounds more like "chy-na."

Some QAnon followers now reportedly believe that Trump's pronunciation is purposeful, according to a Monday Vice News report. The pronunciation, these followers allegedly think, is actually a codeword that Trump is using to refer not to China, but to Ukraine.

While scientists have commonly traced the origins of the COVID-19 virus back to China, QAnon's conspiracy holds that the virus actually originated in Ukraine. Vice reported that the theory is tied in to an additional debunked conspiracy regarding "biolabs" being used in Ukraine, which, despite being disproven, continues to be seen among Russian far-right news outlets as well as American.
This one was almost too stupid to believe. Apparently, wikipedia or google maps mistranslates the name of a Ukranian city that means one thing in Cyrillic, but got translated as *****'chyna

Something like that. Don't know the exact letters. But the theory appears to be that Trump's dumbassed "chy-na" pronunciation is meant to refer to "chyna" in the mistranslation, which in turn is a secret coded signal telling his supporters that COVID actually came out of Ukraine.

Imagine all the things you would have to not know and imagine just how stupid you would have to be for that to make an inkling of sense to you.

Then again, this is the party that shamelessly heckles a president for mentioning his dead son, compares twitter bans to being beaten to death in the street in a pogrom, and thinks that Jews actually have space lasers that we use to start forest fires in California.

It basically breaks down into two categories: evil, and too ****ing stupid to be evil.
Apparently, wikipedia or google maps mistranslates the name of a Ukranian city that means one thing in Cyrillic, but got translated as *****'chyna

Something like that. Don't know the exact letters. But the theory appears to be that Trump's dumbassed "chy-na" pronunciation is meant to refer to "chyna" in the mistranslation, which in turn is a secret coded signal telling his supporters that COVID actually came out of Ukraine.

Imagine all the things you would have to not know and imagine just how stupid you would have to be for that to make an inkling of sense to you.
I had no clue also. Like you stated, as stupid as it all sounded like, this one appeared to be completely pulled out of the Q's and DJT's ass. What I did know is it sure the hell belonged in this forum CT. Now, these foolish idiots will justify the complete destruction of Ukraine, the COVID Capitol of the world. :rolleyes:
Well then, this latest Q brain fart may support DJT's praise for Putin's 'peacekeeping' slaughter on Ukraine..... to kill, kill, kill those damn virus germs!!! o_O

View attachment 67380278
As Russia's invasion of Ukraine nears the end of week three, the eyes of QAnon conspirators have now turned to Ukraine. The latest QAnon theory concerns the uncommon way in which former President Trump pronounces "China," often emphasizing the word so that it sounds more like "chy-na."

Some QAnon followers now reportedly believe that Trump's pronunciation is purposeful, according to a Monday Vice News report. The pronunciation, these followers allegedly think, is actually a codeword that Trump is using to refer not to China, but to Ukraine.

While scientists have commonly traced the origins of the COVID-19 virus back to China, QAnon's conspiracy holds that the virus actually originated in Ukraine. Vice reported that the theory is tied in to an additional debunked conspiracy regarding "biolabs" being used in Ukraine, which, despite being disproven, continues to be seen among Russian far-right news outlets as well as American.
Oh my god, How do these morons actually manage to feed themselves?
As soon as the bio weapon bullcrap started to spread from the mouth of Alex Jones, I knew they'd tie it to Covid and claim Covid came from Ukraine.
Oh my god, How do these morons actually manage to feed themselves?
I'm guessing that they inhale a steady diet of DJT sh*t.

:) Some have told that it carries a flavoring of Big Mac.
Yikes.... Talk about stupid!
The left loves this QAnon crap.
Well then, this latest Q brain fart may support DJT's praise for Putin's 'peacekeeping' slaughter on Ukraine..... to kill, kill, kill those damn virus germs!!! o_O

View attachment 67380278
As Russia's invasion of Ukraine nears the end of week three, the eyes of QAnon conspirators have now turned to Ukraine. The latest QAnon theory concerns the uncommon way in which former President Trump pronounces "China," often emphasizing the word so that it sounds more like "chy-na."

Some QAnon followers now reportedly believe that Trump's pronunciation is purposeful, according to a Monday Vice News report. The pronunciation, these followers allegedly think, is actually a codeword that Trump is using to refer not to China, but to Ukraine.

While scientists have commonly traced the origins of the COVID-19 virus back to China, QAnon's conspiracy holds that the virus actually originated in Ukraine. Vice reported that the theory is tied in to an additional debunked conspiracy regarding "biolabs" being used in Ukraine, which, despite being disproven, continues to be seen among Russian far-right news outlets as well as American.
Uh... um... eh... hmm...

Are their heads up their asses for the warmth?

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