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Abramoff Scandal - A White House Who's Who (1 Viewer)


Slayer of the DP Newsbot
DP Veteran
Aug 27, 2005
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Houston, TX
Political Leaning
This does not count the possible Bush-Abramoff connection, which at the point, is documented by Abramoff emails.


Full Wall Street Journal article on the main White House Players in the Abramoff scandal is here
Finally, an Abramoff thread.....er, wait, nevermind. :3oops:
This is interesting stuff. I hope that Bush's denying that he even knows Abramoff doesn't come back to bite him in the butt. ;)
aps said:
This is interesting stuff. I hope that Bush's denying that he even knows Abramoff doesn't come back to bite him in the butt. ;)
Of course you do. :rofl
KCConservative said:
Of course you do. :rofl

I like your following me around today. Does this mean we're back together? *bats eyelashes*
Another earth shattering scandal thread....this one only lasted 19 minutes. Off to the danarhea scandal graveyard.
danarhea said:

Interesting to see what the WSJ take is on this mess. I wonder how long this is going to take to play out? My guess is the timing will be to delayed as much as possible until after the mid term elections. Then get it all done asap, leaving the maximum amount of time for the American people to forget as much as possible prior to the 08 presidential elections.
Pacridge said:
Interesting to see what the WSJ take is on this mess. I wonder how long this is going to take to play out? My guess is the timing will be to delayed as much as possible until after the mid term elections. Then get it all done asap, leaving the maximum amount of time for the American people to forget as much as possible prior to the 08 presidential elections.

I would say your assessment of the situtation is correct. The GOP better pray to whatever God it is they really pray to that the Dems dont take back the House this year.

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