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Abramoff may plead guilty and implicate members of Congress (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 25, 2005
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If he pleads guilty, this will be interesting. Apparently, he will implicate Ney. Who else he implicates remains to be seen. Will it be republicans and democrats or just republicans? I wonder if this scares Tom DeLay.

Abramoff Reportedly Negotiating a Deal in Which He Would Plead Guilty, Testify

By Susan Schmidt
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, December 21, 2005; Page A05

aps said:
If he pleads guilty, this will be interesting. Apparently, he will implicate Ney. Who else he implicates remains to be seen. Will it be republicans and democrats or just republicans? I wonder if this scares Tom DeLay.

Abramoff Reportedly Negotiating a Deal in Which He Would Plead Guilty, Testify

By Susan Schmidt
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, December 21, 2005; Page A05

I posted about 3 months ago that the Abramoff scandal was going to end up destroying much of the Republican party machinery. At the time, everyone was pretty much hooked on Delay, and my thread was ignored. However, Abramoff is now coming into the limelight, and as I said before, the Abramoff scandals are going to make the Delay indictment look like a tempest in a teapot. Count on indictments of a lot of Republican offials, other cogs in the Republican party machinery, and even a Democrat or 2. You can thank Gus Boulis for this, because it was his murder by the Mafia which really opened up the case when the gangsters got caught.
danarhea said:
I posted about 3 months ago that the Abramoff scandal was going to end up destroying much of the Republican party machinery. At the time, everyone was pretty much hooked on Delay, and my thread was ignored. However, Abramoff is now coming into the limelight, and as I said before, the Abramoff scandals are going to make the Delay indictment look like a tempest in a teapot. Count on indictments of a lot of Republican offials, other cogs in the Republican party machinery, and even a Democrat or 2. You can thank Gus Boulis for this, because it was his murder by the Mafia which really opened up the case when the gangsters got caught.
I'm guessing the media will still pretty much ignore it as they have so far.
scottyz said:
I'm guessing the media will still pretty much ignore it as they have so far.

Olberman and Democracy Now will cover it for sure.

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