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About People in Denial (1 Viewer)


Slayer of the DP Newsbot
DP Veteran
Aug 27, 2005
Reaction score
Houston, TX
Political Leaning
They make for great comedy :)

:rofl Good find.

I don't get it though...A penguin reporting the news??!! with a conservative guy commenting? Strange. I thought I saw everything with that duck guy you know in Mallard Fillmore.
I'm in Denial.

I cannot believe that the Earth is round... .whaddayaknow
Arch Enemy said:
I'm in Denial.

I cannot believe that the Earth is round... .whaddayaknow

I used to believe that the Flat Earth Society was all BS. Not so sure now, because something happened to that organization. They set off on a quest to prove that the earth is flat, and guess what happened? Click on the link, and you will become a believer too. :)

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