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Abortion Supporters: Deceived or Wolves? (1 Viewer)


Jun 18, 2005
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Are those who support any form or abortion abortion wolves or deceived? Well a wolf won't change after being rebuke . . . and a deceived person can . . . .

So you're telling me that if a mother's life is at stake and it's down to her life or the babies, the mother should not have a choice?
Gandhi>Bush said:
So you're telling me that if a mother's life is at stake and it's down to her life or the babies, the mother should not have a choice?
But are you implying a woman should be able to demand an abortion at any time, even if her reason is nothing more than she's in a bad mood? Seems to me that if people want to have a civil society, aboriton rights need to be limited in some way...
Gandhi>Bush said:
So you're telling me that if a mother's life is at stake and it's down to her life or the babies, the mother should not have a choice?

Christian don't practice secular humanism . . . God haters do . . . .

secular humanism

1. An outlook or philosophy that advocates human rather than religious values.
2. Secularism.

Shamgar said:
Christian don't practice secular humanism . . . God haters do . . . .

secular humanism

1. An outlook or philosophy that advocates human rather than religious values.
2. Secularism.

Confusing, the card seems to accept the definition of secular humanism as: ' 1. An outlook or philosophy that advocates human rather than religious values.' and yet accuses secular humanism of being a religion. Looks like the asshole who makes those inane pieces of **** is a HYPOCRITE!
Imudman said:
But are you implying a woman should be able to demand an abortion at any time, even if her reason is nothing more than she's in a bad mood? Seems to me that if people want to have a civil society, aboriton rights need to be limited in some way...

I think abortion should be limited to people who have been raped(because it wasn't the mother's fault though I still want counseling as effort to suade her to keep it), incest(that hurts the gene pool), and when the mother's life is at stake. This is where I think there should be a choice, but just because a mother's in a bad mood? Maybe she just needs to get laid... ohh... wait...

Shamy said:
Christian don't practice secular humanism . . . God haters do . . . .

secular humanism

1. An outlook or philosophy that advocates human rather than religious values.
2. Secularism.

I want you to know that if you have something to say, you should type it out. I'm not going to be reading your cartoons.

When a man and women decide that they want to be parents, I think this is a noble decision. They do the nasty and lo and behold: She's knocked up. The it is discovered that there is a complication and there is a large chance that the mother to be will not make it. It is my personal opinion that the mother should be able to choose her life or the life of her unborn child. There is no way to avoid that one person is going to die. It should be the mother's choice. That's just my opinion. I don't think God will see such a decision as a sin. It's not about humanity over religion, it's just a matter of circumstance, and one way or another, your religion should not dictate the decisions of another human being.
N.Lmn said:
Confusing, the card seems to accept the definition of secular humanism as: ' 1. An outlook or philosophy that advocates human rather than religious values.' and yet accuses secular humanism of being a religion. Looks like the asshole who makes those inane pieces of **** is a HYPOCRITE!

When you learn how to use a dictionary and look up the word "religion" you will see it fits the defintion . . . .

Main Entry: re·li·gion
Pronunciation: ri-'li-j&n
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English religioun, from Latin religion-, religio supernatural constraint, sanction, religious practice, perhaps from religare to restrain, tie back -- more at RELY
1 a : the state of a religious <a nun in her 20th year of religion> b (1) : the service and worship of God or the supernatural (2) : commitment or devotion to religious faith or observance
2 : a personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices
3 archaic : scrupulous conformity : CONSCIENTIOUSNESS
4 : a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith
- re·li·gion·less adjective

Main Entry: hu·man·ism
Pronunciation: 'hyü-m&-"ni-z&m, 'yü-
Function: noun
1 a : devotion to the humanities : literary culture b : the revival of classical letters, individualistic and critical spirit, and emphasis on secular concerns characteristic of the Renaissance
3 : a doctrine, attitude, or way of life centered on human interests or values; especially : a philosophy that usually rejects supernaturalism and stresses an individual's dignity and worth and capacity for self-realization through reason
- hu·man·ist /-nist/ noun or adjective
- hu·man·is·tic /"hyü-m&-'nis-tik, "yü-/ adjective
- hu·man·is·ti·cal·ly /-ti-k(&-)lE/ adverb
Abortion Supporters: Deceived or Wolves?

Couldn't we have third choice and turn this into a false trilemma?
I think we should add " or willing demonic servants of the Dread C'thulu" to our available choices.

I'd pick that one in a heart beat. Love me some C'thulu. Hope I get eaten first.
Gandhi>Bush said:
I think abortion should be limited to people who have been raped(because it wasn't the mother's fault though I still want counseling as effort to suade her to keep it), incest(that hurts the gene pool), and when the mother's life is at stake. This is where I think there should be a choice, but just because a mother's in a bad mood? Maybe she just needs to get laid... ohh... wait...
LOL! Good one! That's pretty darn clever...
When a man and women decide that they want to be parents, I think this is a noble decision. They do the nasty and lo and behold: She's knocked up. The it is discovered that there is a complication and there is a large chance that the mother to be will not make it. It is my personal opinion that the mother should be able to choose her life or the life of her unborn child. There is no way to avoid that one person is going to die. It should be the mother's choice. That's just my opinion. I don't think God will see such a decision as a sin. It's not about humanity over religion, it's just a matter of circumstance, and one way or another, your religion should not dictate the decisions of another human being.
I agree with everything you said here, except that all too often the complications are not endangering the life of the mother, only the baby. So if there are complications during the pregnancy, like the possibility of mongolism or something, the first thing they do now is send the mother to "genetic counseling". It's a nice euphamism for promoting aborition...
Shamgar said:
Are those who support any form or abortion abortion wolves or deceived?

Hmmm... choices...

Like the way there's no GOOD way to support abortion... that's clever, that.

Makes me want to try my own...

Are people that believe in God lackwits, or child molesters? Discuss in a meaningful way.
Gandhi>Bush said:
So you're telling me that if a mother's life is at stake and it's down to her life or the babies, the mother should not have a choice?
Yup, there are nuts out there like that. Let me take you back a couple years, twenty to be exact, in Minnesota. State Republican Senator Allen Quist, darling of the religious right and a pro-lifer, has his pregnant wife driving along and she gets into an accident. She's rushed to the hospital and there's a dilemma, the fetus is 7 months along and it becomes a choice of aborting the fetus and saving the mother or letting them both die. Guess which one he picked?

If you guessed "let 'em both die" you'd be correct. He did have an open casket funeral and had the fetus removed and put into his dead wife's arms for all to see.
shuamort said:
Yup, there are nuts out there like that. Let me take you back a couple years, twenty to be exact, in Minnesota. State Republican Senator Allen Quist, darling of the religious right and a pro-lifer, has his pregnant wife driving along and she gets into an accident. She's rushed to the hospital and there's a dilemma, the fetus is 7 months along and it becomes a choice of aborting the fetus and saving the mother or letting them both die. Guess which one he picked?

If you guessed "let 'em both die" you'd be correct. He did have an open casket funeral and had the fetus removed and put into his dead wife's arms for all to see.

So, the pro-LIFER, rather than having only ONE person die, let TWO people die. Brilliant!!

I'm sure he's convinced it's his God that let them die, by his Noodly Appendage, of course. And praised him for his wisdom.

Maybe he won't get remarried and we'll get him out of the gene pool.
shuamort said:
Yup, there are nuts out there like that.

Well a nut would be an atheist since there is no proof that God does not exist via the scientific methd so it violates the "logical" religion he worships . . . . whereas a person who is consistent to their beliefs would be zealous . . . not a "nut" . . so the opinion of a hypoctrite to his religion (atheism) is worthless since it is based on irrational incoherent and illogical thinking.

James 1: 8 a double minded man is unstable in all ways .
Shamgar said:
Well a nut would be an atheist since there is no proof that God does not exist via the scientific methd so it violates the "logical" religion he worships . . . . whereas a person who is consistent to their beliefs would be zealous . . . not a "nut" . . so the opinion of a hypoctrite to his religion (atheism) is worthless since it is based on irrational incoherent and illogical thinking.



Oh man, that was funny. Thank you very much for that! I needed a good laugh to start the day!!

And to think I thought you didn't understand satire and ironic comedy! Boy was I wrong!
Shamgar said:
Well a nut would be an atheist since there is no proof that God does not exist via the scientific methd so it violates the "logical" religion he worships . . . . whereas a person who is consistent to their beliefs would be zealous . . . not a "nut" . . so the opinion of a hypoctrite to his religion (atheism) is worthless since it is based on irrational incoherent and illogical thinking.

James 1: 8 a double minded man is unstable in all ways .
You're the one who suggests that God is provable via scientific method and after many attempts of asking you to prove that statement, you've quite often ignored it. Is this going to be another case of that?
shuamort said:
You're the one who suggests that God is provable via scientific method and after many attempts of asking you to prove that statement, you've quite often ignored it. Is this going to be another case of that?

See there is that irrational, illogical and incoherent thinking (obviously you must still be a practicing atheist - illogical) as I would be happy for you to show me where I said that God could be put into a test tube . . . . do you have that quote?

Imudman said:
LOL! Good one! That's pretty darn clever...
I agree with everything you said here, except that all too often the complications are not endangering the life of the mother, only the baby. So if there are complications during the pregnancy, like the possibility of mongolism or something, the first thing they do now is send the mother to "genetic counseling". It's a nice euphamism for promoting aborition...
Normally, at the beginning of a pregnancy, the fertilized egg travels from the fallopian tube to the uterus, where it implants and grows. In nearly 2% of diagnosed pregnancies, however, the fertilized egg attaches to an area outside of the uterus, resulting in an ectopic pregnancy (also known as tubal pregnancy or extrauterine pregnancy).1

An ectopic pregnancy cannot support the life of a fetus for very long. However, an ectopic fetus can grow large enough to endanger the mother. A woman with signs or symptoms of ectopic pregnancy requires immediate medical care.

under medical care read abortion.
Burnasty said:
Normally, at the beginning of a pregnancy, the fertilized egg travels from the fallopian tube to the uterus, where it implants and grows. In nearly 2% of diagnosed pregnancies, however, the fertilized egg attaches to an area outside of the uterus, resulting in an ectopic pregnancy (also known as tubal pregnancy or extrauterine pregnancy).1

An ectopic pregnancy cannot support the life of a fetus for very long. However, an ectopic fetus can grow large enough to endanger the mother. A woman with signs or symptoms of ectopic pregnancy requires immediate medical care.

under medical care read abortion.
I guess your point is to convince me I'm wrong about genetic counseling. No, I didn't follow the link, because I have my own life experience to back up my position. The fact is as I stated it, and no amount of research will ever convince me otherwise. Yup, that's right - I'm a narrow-minded pro-lifer...
Shamgar said:
See there is that irrational, illogical and incoherent thinking (obviously you must still be a practicing atheist - illogical) as I would be happy for you to show me where I said that God could be put into a test tube . . . . do you have that quote?
Here you go:
Shamgar said:
Yup. Scinetist have proven the existence of God through their research/observations time and time again.

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