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Abortion Activists in U.S. Say They Are Losing the Battle (1 Viewer)


Jul 2, 2005
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Abortion Activists in U.S. Say They Are Losing the Battle

By Gudrun Schultz

January 30, 2006 (LifeSiteNews.com) – After thirty-three years of abortion-on-demand in the US, abortion activists are saying they can feel their grip on the country starting to slide away.

"I think [Roe vs. Wade] in the short term will be dismantled," said Nancy Keenan, president of NARAL Pro-Choice America, to Reuters. "We have an anti-choice president, an anti-choice Congress and now ... with the confirmation of Judge Alito to the Supreme Court, we are seeing the potential for a very right-leaning, anti-choice Supreme Court."

Judge Samuel Alito’s nomination to the Supreme Court has given pro-life advocates concrete hope that Roe vs. Wade, the 1973 judicial activist decision to make abortion a constitutional right, may finally be overturned. There are many other factors, however, which are contributing to the sense among both pro-life and pro-abortion groups that the balance is beginning to shift toward the side of life.

A survey conducted in November 2005 by the Pew Research Center showed that a majority of Americans think abortion is the central issue before the Supreme Court. John Green, senior researcher at the Pew Forum on religion and Public Life, said the flood of anti-abortion legislation is linked to conservative religious groups.

"I do think it is a critical moment," Green said. "A lot really hinges on Alito and other judges who may be appointed in the near future. I could imagine in the next 10 years or so there could be steady changes in the law regarding abortion."

Organizations working for the protection of the unborn say research that shows babies’ complex development at very early stages has undermined support for abortion. Testimonies of women who have suffered emotional and physical damage from aborting their babies have also helped turn public opinion.

Above all, technological advances have had an impact. Ultra-sound improvements that let pregnant women see the faces of their babies have been a significant force in turning people away from abortion.

"The technology has allowed someone who before had no face and no voice to become an actual child," said Mary Spaulding Balch, director of state legislation for the National Right to Life Committee. "In the 70s and 80s whenever you debated abortion you talked about the mother. Now the baby is being brought into the debate."

Across the country, state legislation restricting abortion is being brought forward, ranging from laws banning abortion outright, to laws restricting access, requiring parental notification, longer “cooling off” periods before obtaining abortions, and even restrictions on birth control and sex education.

Every state now has anti-abortion legislation either established or under way. Twenty-six states have laws banning abortion after three months of pregnancy. Legislation underway in four states, South Dakota, Tennessee, Indiana and Ohio, would ban abortions entirely unless the mother’s life was clearly in danger.

"There is a growing public realization that abortion is an injustice, the destruction of an innocent human life," said American Life League executive director David Bereit.

The up swell of anti-abortion measures cannot be activated while Roe vs. Wade stands, however, which barricades state legislation.

See related LifeSiteNews coverage:

Abortion Ban Considered in Growing Number of States: South Dakota, Indiana, Ohio
jimmyjack said:
Abortion Activists in U.S. Say They Are Losing the Battle

"I think [Roe vs. Wade] in the short term will be dismantled," said Nancy Keenan, president of NARAL Pro-Choice America, to Reuters. "We have an anti-choice president, an anti-choice Congress and now ... with the confirmation of Judge Alito to the Supreme Court, we are seeing the potential for a very right-leaning, anti-choice Supreme Court."

The point you are trying to make is that the individual rights of (born) humans are slowly being taken away by a conservative rightwing controlled gov't. I couldnt agree more!
Sir_Alec said:
The point you are trying to make is that the individual rights of (born) humans are slowly being taken away by a conservative rightwing controlled gov't. I couldnt agree more!

You have missed the point.
...LifeSiteNews.com? :lol:

Wow, credible, well done.
Just a point...

"Legislation underway" for something means... nothing. There's "legislation underway" that allows cousins to marry each other. That doesn't mean it will pass or has support. There's "legislation underway" to re-instate a draft, that doesn't mean it's serious legislation.

Almost all states do have legislation about abortion in some regard or other. The most common one would probably be the age of the mother has to be X in order for her to make a choice and not have the parents informed.

I'm not arguing for or against either side. Just pointing out that the article that's quoted paints the picture one way, when it's very arguably another scene entirely.
jimmyjack said:
Thank you.

Sacasm, Einstein. :roll: I notice your lack of a real reply.
Well lets put it this way. The tide is turning. People are worried.

NARAL is upset, the ACLU is upset, the Democratic Party upset, and left liberal Democrats like Schumer,Kennedy and Durbin devestated over their appointments. The ACLU takes up 80 percent of all the pro-abortion cases in the Supreme Court. They have almost a monopoly on it and they are worried.

Alan Dershowitz, Harvard Law School professor( formerly on the board of directors of the ACLU) was asked about the business of the ACLU spending so much time on abortion. He said...

"You can make more money supporting reproductive rights than you can supporting civil liberties."

Guess it comes down to BUCKS for some.

I say let them rant and rave...they do damage to their own party, they alienate Americans and they are starting to alienate fellow Democrats.

Look at what happened to Dean after his emotional outburst during his campaign. He was a front runner, who in the matter of one speech illiminated himself from all possibilities of winning.

We see pro-choice Democrats having a sudden change of heart. Why? To get votes. They have got to change their stance or else they will not get the votes in order to win.

Those on the Left are worried.
doughgirl said:
Those on the Left are worried.

Pft, I'm not. Nor have I heard anyone on the Left (or pro-choicers on the Right) say "Wow, the pro-life minority might be getting somewhere!"
jimmyjack said:
You have missed the point.
Useless propaganda or is it wishful thinking by someone desperate to believe something that will never happen?

Abortion will always be legal in the USA...get over it...why not spend your energy on helping people get educated so that they don't get pregnant to begin with.
"Pft, I'm not. Nor have I heard anyone on the Left (or pro-choicers on the Right) say "Wow, the pro-life minority might be getting somewhere!"

Then why all the hoopla over Roberts and Alito from Democrats and liberals?

If they are not worried one bit that Roe v Wade won't be overturned, then why did they only question them about abortion. No I take that back, they drilled them unlike any other candidate that was ever nominated. kennedy especially.
Ginsberg wasnt drilled......that is because she is pro-death and fit in with the group.

26 X World Champs said:
Abortion will always be legal in the USA...

Abortion will not always be around, it cannot go on for the simple fact that it is only the pro-choice that are killing themselves, the pro-life will eventually out number the pro-choice, it is just a matter of time, the sooner you realise this, the better.
jimmyjack said:
Abortion will not always be around, it cannot go on for the simple fact that it is only the pro-choice that are killing themselves, the pro-life will eventually out number the pro-choice, it is just a matter of time, the sooner you realise this, the better.
What????? Where did you come up with this logic? :rofl

Newsflash... a strong majority of Americans are pro-choice, and you know who else respects the Roe v. Wade decision and won't dismiss it? That's right, Chief Justice Roberts...which makes the score 6-3. Hmmm..that then must mean that even if Roberts gets a hemorage and changes his mind it will still be 5-4...

There's just no chance of Roe being dismissed...oh...and if it were...then abortion would still be legal in almost every state....and the states that would outlaw it will have outrageous social problems because of it, especially financially as the amount of people on welfare will balloon...

Americans are allowed to choose what to do with their bodies and their lives and government will never legislate away from this most basic of Constitutional facts, period.

BTW - No amount of passion against abortion will change the truth, though one's passion against it is admirable if one believes that abortion is wrong. It's just too bad that people want to tell others what to do.
doughgirl said:
Ginsberg wasnt drilled......that is because she is pro-death and fit in with the group.
HO HO HO! I love the attack term "pro-death." Sounds good to those who already believe that point of view but it sounds petty, bitter and ignorant to those of us who do not want to tell someone else what to do.

BTW - Newsmax is as right wing as it gets...no creditability in respected circles, it only has creditability to people who already believe the rabid right wing propaganda.

It would be like my quoting Air America....would you accept that as a legitimate source?
It's gotten so bad for the Pro-Choice crowd they had a Pro-Life Democrat offer the response to the President's SOTU.

DFLA, Democrats for Life of America, is seeing more growth than anticipated.

I think these are positive developments.
Salute your Pro-Life Demcrats:

Judy Belk- 1st Congressional District

U.S. Representative Marion Berry - 1st Congressional District
Senator Tim Wooldridge - 11th District
Senator Jack Critcher - 12th District
Jerry Taylor - 23rd District
Senator Jimmy Jeffress - 24th District
Senator Gene Jeffress - 25th District
Senator Bobby Glover - 28th District
Robert Jeffrey - 7th District
Dewayne Mack - 23rd District
Dawn Creekmore - 27th District
State Representative Dwight Fite - 28th District
Tommy Coates - 48th District
Tommy Dickinson - 58th District
David Wyatt - 72nd District
Ray Kidd - 76th District
Travis Boyd -79th District
State Representative Harmon Seawel - 80th District

Chris Rose - 27th District

Bob Hagenmaier - Congressional District
Carl Joaquin Duncan - 7th District
Dwight Stansel - 11th District

Representative Jim Marshall
Sylvia Delamar - 8th Congressional District
Judge Rick Crawford- 11th Congressional District
Roger Boatright - 7th District
Howard Rainey - 13th District
Terrell Starr - 44th District
Mike Snow - 1st District
Charles Jenkins - 8th District
Stan Watson - 91st District
Carl Bergman - 102nd District
Darrius Geter - 111th District
Terry Evans - 112th District
Greg Morris - 155th District
Woodrow Lovett - 157th District
Bert Oliver - 166th District
A. Richard Roval - 171 District
Jesse Andres Crews, Jrs. - 177th District
Hinson Mosley - 178th District

Dan Lipinski - 3rd Congressional District
U.S. Representative Jerry Costello - 12th Congressional District
John Sullivan - 47th District
State Senator William Haine - 56th District
Gary Forby - 59th District
Joseph Lyons - 19th District
Ralph Capparelli - 20th District
James Brosnahan - 36th District
Bill Scheurer - 61st District
Bob Brown - 70th District
Jack McGuire - 86th District
Gary Hanig - 98th District
Robert "Bob" Flider - 101st District
Bill Grunloh- 108th District
Dan Reitz - 116th District
John Bradley - 117th District
Brandon Phelps - 118th District

Joe Donnelly - 2nd Congressional District
State Senator Lindel O. Hume - 48th District
State Representative Bob Bischoff- 68th District

Bill Gluba - 1st Congressional District
State Senator John ("Jack") P. Kibbie, - 4th District
Tom Hancock - 16th District
State Representative Dolores Mertz - 8th District
State Representative Brian Quirk - 15th District
Thomas J. Schueller - 26th District
State Representative Pat Murphy - 28th District
Ray Zirkelbach - 31st District
Michael McMahon - 32nd District

Tony Miller- 3rd Congressional District
Nick Clooney - 4th Congressional District
State Senator David Boswell - 8th Senate District
James R. Carr - 8th House District
Joseph E. "Eddie" Ballard - 10th District
State Representative Tommy Thompson - 14th District
State Representative Jimmie Lee - 25th District
Mike Weaver - 26th District
Jim Wayne- 35th District
Denver Butler - 38th District
State Representative Robert R. Damron - 39th District
Tom Riner - 41st District
Royce W. Adams - 61st District
Arnold R. Simpson - 65th District
John Will Stacy - 71st District
Rick Nelson - 87th District
W. Keith Hall - 93rd District
Tanya Pullin - 98th District

U.S. Representative Chris John - U.S. Senate
Damon Baldone
Don Cravins
Willie Mount
State Representative Roy "Hoppy" Hopkins - 1st District
State Representative Cedric Bradford Glover - 4th District
State Representative Beverly Bruce - 7th District
State Representative Jane Smith - 8th District
State Representative Billy Montgomery - 9th District
State Representative Jean Doerge -10th District
State Representative James R. "Jim" Fannin - 13th District
State Representative Charles McDonald -14th District
State Representative Willie Hunter -17th District
State Representative Donald "Don" Cazayoux -18th District
State Representative Francis Thompson -19th District
State Representative Lelon Kenney - 20th District
State Representative Bryant Hammett - 21st District
State Representative Tommy Wright - 22nd District
State Representative Taylor Townsend - 23th District
State Representative Joe Salter - 24th District
State Representative Charles W. "Charlie" Dewitt 25th District
State Representative Rick Farrar27th District
State Representative MonicaWalker 28th District
Sharon Weston Broome 29th District
State Representative John Smith 30th District
State Representative Herman Hill 32nd District
State Representative Elcie Guillory 34th District
State Representative Dan "Blade" Morrish 37th District
State Representative Eric LaFleur 38th District
State Representative Clara Baudoin 39th District
State Representative Gil Pinac 42nd District
State Representative Jerry Luke LeBlanc 45th District
State Representative Sydnie Mae Durand 46
State Representative Mickey Frith 47th District
State Representative Errol "Romo" Romero 48th District
State Representative Troy Hebert 49th District
State Representative Jack Smith 50th District
State Representative Carla Dartez 51st District
State Representative Damon Baldone 53th District
State Representative Warren Triche 55th District
State Representative Gary Smith 56
State Representative Robert R. Bobby Faucheux 57th District
State Representative Karen Gaudet St. Germain 60th District
State Representative William Daniel 68th District
State Representative Robert Carter 72nd District
State Representative John Alario 83th District
State Representative N.J. Damico 84th District
State Representative Austin Badon, Jr. 100th District
State Representative Kenneth Odinet 103th District
State Representative Ernest Wooton 105th District

U.S. Representative Mike Michaud
Richard J. Carey - 18th District
Senator Stephen Stanley - 27th District
Joseph C. Perry - 32nd District
John Martin - 35th District
Troy D. Jackson - 1st District
Rosaire Paradis, Jr. - 2nd District
Jacqueline A. Lunden - 6th District
State Representative Herbert E. Clark - 10th District
Raymond G. Pineau - 87th District
State Representative Ross Paradis - 150th District

Senator Norman R. Stone - 6th District
Senator Leo E. Green - 23rd District
Senator Thomas M. Middleton - 28th District
Senator Roy P. Dyson - 29th District
Senator Philip C. Jimeno - 31st District
Senator James E. DeGrange - 32nd District
State Representative Kevin Kelly - District 1B
State Representative John P. Donoghue - District 2C
State Representative Joseph J. Minnick - 6th District
State Representative Emmett C. Burns, Jr. - 10th District
State Representative Anne Healey - 22nd District
State Representative Mary A. Conroy - District 23A
State Representative Joseph F. Vallario, Jr. - District 27A
State Representative George W. Owings, III - District 27B
State Representative Van T. Mitchell - 28th District
State Representative John F. Wood, Jr. - District 29A
State Representative Theodore J. Sophocleus - 32nd District
State Representative David D. Rudolph - District 34B
[Pro-Life Demcrats Continued]

U.S. Representative Stephen Lynch
State Senator Marian Walsh - Norfolk and Sufolk District
State Representative Emile Goguen - 3rd Worcester District
State Representative Mark Carron - Sixth Worcester District
State Representative Paul J. Donato - 35th District
State Representative Philip Travis - Fourth Bristol District
Edward Connolly

U.S. Representative Bart Stupak - 1st Congressional District
U.S. Representative Dale Kildee - 5th Congressional District
Bill Fuller - 3rd Congressional District
Ed Clemente - 14th District
Andy Dillon - 17th District
Daniel Myslakowski - 46th District
John Gleason - 48th District
Herb Kehrl - 56th District
Dudley Spade - 57th District
Martin Griffin - 64th District
Mike Simpson - 65th District
Michael Sak - 76th District
John Espinoza - 83rd District
Mike Powers - 85th District
Timothy Muter - 94th District
Jeff Mayes - 96th District
Sharon Tillman - 99th District
Joel Sheltrown - 103rd District
Gary McDowell - 107th District
Rich Brown - 110th District
Nick Ciaramitaro, Macomb County Prosecutor
Brandon Dillion - Kent County Commission

U.S. Representative Jim Oberstar - 8th District
U.S. Representative Collin Peterson
State Representative Irv Anderson - District 3A
State Representative Mary Ellen Otremba - District 11B
Bob Keeton - District 12B
Anne Nolan - District 15A
Joe Eckstein - District 21B
Richard Peterson - 22B
Patti Fritz - District 26B
Don Samuelson

George D. Weber - 2nd Congressional District
Joan Barry - 3rd Congressional District
Steve Stoll- 3rd Congressional District
Congressman Ike Skelton - 4th Congressional District
State Senator Harry Kennedy - 3rd District
State Senator Victor Callahan - 11th District
Randall Vaught - 29th District
Sam Berkowitz - 1st District
Mike Waltermath - 5th District
State Representative Rachel Bringer - 6th District
Tom Shivley - 8th District
State Representative Wes Shoemyer - 9th District
State Representative Wayne Henke - 11th District
State Representative Tom Green - 15th District
Jeff Simpson, Sr. - 19th District
Jason Grill - 32nd District
State Representative Gary Kelly - 36th District
State Representative John Burnett - 40th District
State Representative Kate Meiners - 46th District
State Representative Michael R. Brown - 50th District
State Representative Ray Salva - 51st District
State Representative Curt Dougherty - 53rd District
State Representative Fred Kratky - 65th District
State Representative Gina Walsh - 69th District
State Representative Tom George - 74th District
State Representative Michael Spring - 76th District
State Representative Al Liese - 79th District
State Representative Pat Yaeger - 96th District
State Representative Jane Koeller - 97th District
State Representative Sue Schoemehl - 100th District
State Representative Tim Meadows - 101st District
Ron Casey - 103rd District
State Representative Wes Wagner - 104th District
State Representative Harold Selby - 105th District
David Cramp - 106th District
State Representative Brad Robinson - 107th District
State Representative Tom Villa - 108th District
State Representative Belinda Harris - 110th District
Tom Tramel - 112th District
Tom Kruckmeyer - 114th District
Marvalene Pankey - 133rd District
State Representative Frank Barritz - 150th District
State Representative J.C. Kuessner - 152nd District
Gene Oakley - 153rd District
Ralph Herron - 155th District
State Representative Terry Swiper - 162nd District
Jeff McCormick - 163rd District

U.S. Representative Gene Taylor

U.S. Senator Ben Nelson
Senator John Synowiecki - 7th District

Senator John Lee - 1st District
Senator Richard Young - 22nd District

New Hampshire
State Representative Thomas Donovan
State Representative Henry Parkhurst
State Representative Stephen DeStefano
State Representative Paul Brassard
State Representative Peter Sullivan
State Representative Allice McDonough-Wallace
State Representative Robert Haley
State Representative Benjamin Baroody
State Representative Maurice Pilotte
State Represenative Roland Lefebvre
State Representative Claudette Jean
State Representative Roger Berube
State Representative Frank Callagahan
State Representative Roland Hofemann

New Jersey
Tim Robb - 2nd Congressional District

New York
U.S. Representative Mike McNulty

New Mexico
Robert L. Frost - 7th Senate District
Senator Pete Campos - 8th Senate District
State Representative Kandy Cordova - 7th District
Harriet Ruiz - 16th District
Andrew Nunez - 36th District
State Representative Pauline Ponce - 58th District

North Carolina
U.S. Representative Mike McIntyre - 7th Congressional District
State Senator Marc Basnight - 1st District
Jim Crawford - 32nd District

U.S. Representative Tim Ryan
Representative Derrick Seaver
Terry Lyons

Dan Boren - 2nd Congressional District
Susan Paddack - 13 Senate District
Wes Hilliard - 22nd House District

John McColgan- 2nd Congressional District

U.S. Representative Mike Doyle
U.S. Representative Tim Holden
U.S. Representative John Murtha
U.S. Representative Paul Kanjorski
State Representative Tom Tangretti - 57th District
State Representative Edward P. Wojnaroski, Sr. - 71st District
State Representative Thomas Yewcic - 72nd District
State Representative Robert E. Belfanti - 107th District
State Representative Rich Grucela - 137th District
Brendan F. Boyle - 170th District
Jack Wagner - Auditor General
Auditor General Robert Casey Jr. -State Treasurer

Rhode Island
U.S. Representative Jim Langevin

U.S. Representative Lincoln Davis - 4th District
State Representative Nanthan Vaughn - 2nd District
State Representative George Fraley - 39th District
State Representative Charles Curtiss - 43rd District
Gary Moore - 50th District
State Representative Mike Turner - 51st District
State Representative Curt Cobb - 62nd District

U.S. Representative Charlie Stenholm - 19th Congressional District
U.S. Representative Solomon Ortiz

Senator Phillip Puckett - Lieutenant Governor
Sen. Charles J. Colgan, Sr. - 29th District

State Representative Mark Miloscia - 30th District

West Virginia
Secretary of State Joe Manchin - Governor
Glen Gainer - State Auditor
John Purdue - State Treasurer
U.S. Representative Alan Mollohan
U.S. Representative Nick Rahall
Jeff Kessler
Joe DeLong
Randy Swartzmiller
Timothy Ennnis
Jack Yost
Kenneth Tucker
Scott Varner
J.D. Beane
Brady Paxton - 13th Delegate
Last Updated ( Friday, 24 June 2005 )

Pro-Life Democrats are..."the life of the party."
26 X World Champs said:
What????? Where did you come up with this logic? :rofl

Newsflash... a strong majority of Americans are pro-choice, and you know who else respects the Roe v. Wade decision and won't dismiss it? That's right, Chief Justice Roberts...which makes the score 6-3. Hmmm..that then must mean that even if Roberts gets a hemorage and changes his mind it will still be 5-4...

There's just no chance of Roe being dismissed...oh...and if it were...then abortion would still be legal in almost every state....and the states that would outlaw it will have outrageous social problems because of it, especially financially as the amount of people on welfare will balloon...

Americans are allowed to choose what to do with their bodies and their lives and government will never legislate away from this most basic of Constitutional facts, period.

BTW - No amount of passion against abortion will change the truth, though one's passion against it is admirable if one believes that abortion is wrong. It's just too bad that people want to tell others what to do.

The fact still remains, Abortion will not always be around, it cannot go on for the simple fact that it is only the pro-choice that are killing themselves through abortion, the pro-life will eventually out number the pro-choice, it is just a matter of time, the sooner you realise this, the better.

It is simple plain logic.
jimmyjack said:
The fact still remains, Abortion will not always be around, it cannot go on for the simple fact that it is only the pro-choice that are killing themselves through abortion, the pro-life will eventually out number the pro-choice, it is just a matter of time, the sooner you realise this, the better.

It is simple plain logic.

ROTFLMAO! :lol: :lol: :lol: Dumbest theory I've ever heard.

Yes, because no one pro-choice ever has any children. :roll: What the hell am I doing on this planet, then?
jimmyjack said:
You are testimony to the Pro-life cause.

My parents are pro-choice!

That's why it's pro-CHOICE, not pro-ABORTION. Having a child when they want to is a CHOICE. Is it that damn hard to understand? What, Stace hasn't noticed her pregnancy or something? :roll:
vergiss said:
My parents are pro-choice!

That's why it's pro-CHOICE, not pro-ABORTION. Having a child when they want to is a CHOICE. Is it that damn hard to understand? What, Stace hasn't noticed her pregnancy or something? :roll:

Like I said, you are testimony to the Pro-life cause.
...and your death through abortion would have been testimony to the pro-choice, there are not many people around to provide such testimonies.

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