jallman said:
Now what was the point of that?
Anyone attempting to use one's own religion against them WITHOUT understanding the individual is purely judgemenmental, and in this case, as with many more threads I've seen, is not an excercise in trying to understand...it's an exercise to put people in their place.
It's totally disgusting when someone says "It says right HERE that
your religion says "A", and
you are doing "B", so that means you're a hypocrite!"
I have disagreements with my religion, but that is a personal thing between my religion and myself; not evidence to be used in a court of public opinion against that religion, especially by someone outside of the realm of my brain.
Pointing out hypocracies or double standards does nothing to improve one's own point of view...(some people won't eat meat and then sit down in leather seats in their car...that's their choice)...It's a case of putting others down so you can appear to look better. Equate it to political mud-slinging during an election.
That's the bigger picture....now we'll take a crack at this inparticular thread.
fu-chick were to delve more deeply into Christianity, she would understand that there is more than one kind of sin, and different ways the Big Cheese will judge them by individual standards. A homeless man watches a guy drops ten dollars and waits for him to leave before picking it up. A sin? Yes...Bill Gates does the same thing...Judged differently?...You betchya...
The church teaches that original sin is not a sin that was done by the "sinner" intentionally...It's more of a way of saying "You can't be on the team until baptism, which is an announcement, USUALLY done by relatives(or "Godparents") that this person made the cut and is now part of the program.
That's pretty tough to do when the chance of that is denied by being dead before having a baptism, don't you think? By equating a sin that was never knowingly committed against a death penalty winner who did is both rude and insulting to those who believe the concept of original sin.
Also, by including original sin into the debate, you are removing the LEGAL aspects of a death penalty. If you were to say that the death penalty should be thrown out based on this connection with original sin, the laughter in the courtroom would destroy the silence resonating between your ears.
So now it comes down to an introspective discussion to this question..."The religion says one thing, the state says another, which contradicts the religion's stance...Is that acceptable?...
Your answer is "No, YOU are NOT allowed to think that way because your book says so!"...
My reply?..."I'll think for myself, thank you very much....I don't need to you to tell me how."
PS - Notice I have never stated my stance on the issue? I only pointed out the churches teachings on original sin...didn't mention how I felt about abortion once.