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Aboot (1 Viewer)


Oct 9, 2005
Reaction score
Southern California
Political Leaning
Why do canadians say "aboot". It sounds like someone very cold trying to say "about". :2razz:
I don't know...

Why do you start meaningless threads?...

Boredom?...Lack of actual debating skills?...

What you think is more important than what everyone else thinks?...
It's cuz we Canadian are really terrorists. Don't be fooled by the "nice, friendly and humble" people rumours that you've heard. In fact, just last week, our government spent billions on the absolute best pea shooters ever made (I think they came from China). These shooters are so lethal, they can leave bruises that last for weeks.

So wolves in sheep's clothing. That's us.

On day, the world will be ours. Be afraid... be very afraid! *evil laugh*
Middleground said:
It's cuz we Canadian are really terrorists. Don't be fooled by the "nice, friendly and humble" people rumours that you've heard. In fact, just last week, our government spent billions on the absolute best pea shooters ever made (I think they came from China). These shooters are so lethal, they can leave bruises that last for weeks.

So wolves in sheep's clothing. That's us.

On day, the world will be ours. Be afraid... be very afraid! *evil laugh*

Shaddap or we'll annex you! :lol:

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