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Abbott's Texas is a disgrace. Y'all find a new governor (1 Viewer)


USMC 1988-1996
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DP Veteran
Sep 18, 2011
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New Mexico
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Just awful.

Abbott can’t do anything about it tho. He’s too busy creating new bills to target LGBTQ folks, wasting money at the border, and not doing anything about CPS sex trafficking children.
Texas is a red-leaning state. The only way Democrats win there is a good message and aggressive appeals to Latinos.
Latinos lean Republican in Texas and Florida.
Also, Texas is pro-gun. Even the average liberal Texas Democrat is pro-gun.
Texas is a red-leaning state. The only way Democrats win there is a good message and aggressive appeals to Latinos.
Latinos lean Republican in Texas and Florida.
Also, Texas is pro-gun. Even the average liberal Texas Democrat is pro-gun.
Accept Latinos are running from the democratic party now. Thanks Biden! You will see this November 2022.

Texas halts Melissa Lucio's execution, court to consider new evidence​

"I am grateful to have more days to be a mother," Lucio said.

Thank you Roadvirus for the update!


Accept Latinos are running from the democratic party now. Thanks Biden! You will see this November 2022.
They are still Democratic, they lean Democratic, but they are a 60-40 or 70-30 Democratic. They are not like the Black vote.
Abbott is still #2 behind DeSantis in being the leading trumpistani asshole.

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