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A World Without War? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 23, 2005
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South Shore of Long Island.
Political Leaning
Very Liberal
I had a thought last night that rather intriqed me.

Everyone knows that war is a horrible thing. I myself am very anti war, though not a pacifist but I began to think if everyones dream for world peace would come true what exactly would happen?

Or better yet, what would've happened if there was no war? Perhaps all our great literiture would have been reduced by half. No more epic heroes or fanciful tales of knights and warriors and kings. No more struggle between good and evil with good always triumphing eventually. What a sad thought. writers would be forced to write straight drama tales.

I mean don't get me wrong I don't like war but if there was no conflicts and no war I mean it would almost make things a bit more boring you know?

I hope I made some sense with this post.
well you are right. if there were no war there would essentially be no conflict in the world. With no conflict wouldn't you agree that there is no purpose in life?
Yeah exactly things would just be more. . .boring I guess. even for the protestors there would be nothing to protest. nothing to fight about. hmm. . .strange.
FinnMacCool said:
I had a thought last night that rather intriqed me.

Everyone knows that war is a horrible thing. I myself am very anti war, though not a pacifist but I began to think if everyones dream for world peace would come true what exactly would happen?

The possibilities are limitless. The entire Human race united. All of our resouces aimed at improving the quality of life and the standard of living.

Or better yet, what would've happened if there was no war? Perhaps all our great literiture would have been reduced by half. No more epic heroes or fanciful tales of knights and warriors and kings. No more struggle between good and evil with good always triumphing eventually. What a sad thought. writers would be forced to write straight drama tales.

I mean don't get me wrong I don't like war but if there was no conflicts and no war I mean it would almost make things a bit more boring you know?

I don't know why it would be boring. A world without killing, without hatred. Artists will always have something to say, that's what makes them artists.
If we didn't understand evil, if evil didn't exist. Then we wouldn't miss those things? Now would we?

Your personal preferences are not based on what's here and what's not. Instead, they're based on what you're used to and you're accustomed to.

Honestly, I'd take a world without epic novels but world-wide peace, then our current one... ANYDAY.

I do not see how you could say that your entertainment is more important then the lives of countless people.

World without evil, is an impossible, but very delightful fantasy.
Governments need the threat of, or the actual happening of, war. It is a means to make its citizens believe that they cannot live without their government leaders. I am not saying that they do it intentionally to cause this, but they do it and it results in this.
FinnMacCool said:
I had a thought last night that rather intriqed me.

Everyone knows that war is a horrible thing. I myself am very anti war, though not a pacifist but I began to think if everyones dream for world peace would come true what exactly would happen?

Or better yet, what would've happened if there was no war? Perhaps all our great literiture would have been reduced by half. No more epic heroes or fanciful tales of knights and warriors and kings. No more struggle between good and evil with good always triumphing eventually. What a sad thought. writers would be forced to write straight drama tales.

I mean don't get me wrong I don't like war but if there was no conflicts and no war I mean it would almost make things a bit more boring you know?

I hope I made some sense with this post.

all the heroes and fancifull tales are fantasy
the real history would not have too many heroes and tales of grandeur
as the history in school is only 60% politicaly correct
the other 40% would make alot of american kids weary
Gandhi>Bush said:
The possibilities are limitless. The entire Human race united. All of our resouces aimed at improving the quality of life and the standard of living.

I don't know why it would be boring. A world without killing, without hatred. Artists will always have something to say, that's what makes them artists.

good points
I rather listen to classical music then bullets and bombs or a dreary CNN report on them
Canuck said:
all the heroes and fancifull tales are fantasy
the real history would not have too many heroes and tales of grandeur
as the history in school is only 60% politicaly correct
the other 40% would make alot of american kids weary

Dude, will you stop with your stupid posts? This is actually a pretty interesting thread and you are just going to ruin it with your 60% this, and your 40% that, and your euro dollar, and your......
A world without war would mean a world without religion. Human history is largely a violent contest of gods and the men who served them. With this in mind, how many actual wars this last century have been fought based on religion. (One sided religious wars by Muslims don't count.)
probably a polytheistic people. I don't believe the monotheistics have ever actually had a war because of religion. But the Norse believe that if they do not die in war, they wouldn't go to Vahalla
I have come to a conclusion!

War is human nature so it is impossible to have world peace. Literiture is also a part of human nature too. So therefore, it is only natural that we would write about things that concern us as humans and if there were no war, I would not lament the losses of the Illiad and the Arthurian legends etc. because war would not be a part of our own nature.

Keeping this in mind, if I asked the question to myself if I would trade a world without war instead with a world without epic war poems and stories I would prefer the former. However, as war is a part of our nature and will never change, even if I did wish for the former to happen, it shall not be.

Literiture talks about very human things such as sex, love and predominatly war and death, which in my opinion is perhaps the most powerful of thse things. If there is no more war or death or sex or love or whatever, I would not worry about it because it wouldn't be any of my business. Instead I would worry about whatever else concerns me. Hell if I was a penguin and if penguins could write books, I might write about that damn bastard of a penguin that tried to steal my egg when they lost theirs. If its part of our nature, then we will write about it. If war was not, then we wouldn't, of course but it is so therefore there need not be any regrets.

I hope I've made some sense with this post.

A world without war would mean a world without religion. Human history is largely a violent contest of gods and the men who served them. With this in mind, how many actual wars this last century have been fought based on religion. (One sided religious wars by Muslims don't count.)
Perhaps if there was no relgion there would be no war? But religion I think is part of human nature also. We as humans need to explain things but when we reach our lmiits, we rely on fiction to do this for us.

As for your question on wars I'm not really sure but I know there were quite a few in recent years. Honestly, I really had no idea that there were so many wars when I was little. I thought the only wars we had were like World War 2 and the american civil war etc. Nobody told me that there were like african civil wars etc. Ah well.
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FinnMacCool said:
I have come to a conclusion!

War is human nature so it is impossible to have world peace. Literiture is also a part of human nature too. So therefore, it is only natural that we would write about things that concern us as humans and if there were no war, I would not lament the losses of the Illiad and the Arthurian legends etc. because war would not be a part of our own nature.

Keeping this in mind, if I asked the question to myself if I would trade a world without war instead with a world without epic war poems and stories I would prefer the former. However, as war is a part of our nature and will never change, even if I did wish for the former to happen, it shall not be.

Literiture talks about very human things such as sex, love and predominatly war and death, which in my opinion is perhaps the most powerful of thse things. If there is no more war or death or sex or love or whatever, I would not worry about it because it wouldn't be any of my business. Instead I would worry about whatever else concerns me. Hell if I was a penguin and if penguins could write books, I might write about that damn bastard of a penguin that tried to steal my egg when they lost theirs. If its part of our nature, then we will write about it. If war was not, then we wouldn't, of course but it is so therefore there need not be any regrets.

I hope I've made some sense with this post.

Perhaps if there was no relgion there would be no war? But religion I think is part of human nature also. We as humans need to explain things but when we reach our lmiits, we rely on fiction to do this for us.

As for your question on wars I'm not really sure but I know there were quite a few in recent years. Honestly, I really had no idea that there were so many wars when I was little. I thought the only wars we had were like World War 2 and the american civil war etc. Nobody told me that there were like african civil wars etc. Ah well.

its impossible to not have war, because war is an extension of human conflict. It is impossible to not have human conflict because it is in our very nature. Survival itself is a series of conflicts. Life would be meaningless as we know it.
FinnMacCool said:
Perhaps if there was no relgion there would be no war? But religion I think is part of human nature also. We as humans need to explain things but when we reach our lmiits, we rely on fiction to do this for us.

There would still be war, because in today's world only the Muslims wage war based on their religion. Revolutionary wars, Civil Wars, WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Gulf War and many wars waged by other countries have not been about religion. However, Religion in our past and in some cases our present has played a large role in conflict. The beginnings of all religions have seen conflict in the name of their gods. People don’t realize that Islam is the youngest of the world’s great religions, that it is still very much a work-in-progress on its vast frontiers, and that its forms are at least as various as the countless confessions and sects of Christendom. Islam is a vivid, dynamic, and vibrant religion of changing shape and potential. But Islam’s local identities are far from decided in its struggling borderlands, and, in times of tumult, any religion can turn toward the darkness as easily as toward the light. Religious intolerance always returns in times of doubt and disorder. This struggle between religious forms and between prescriptive and repressive doctrine of faiths, is one of the two great strategic issues of our time—along with the redefinition of the socio-economic roles of women, their transition from being the property of men to being equal partners with men (which is the most profound social development in human history).

The ease with which today’s Americans of diverse faiths interact in social settings has allowed us to forget that our ancestors, in their homelands, massacred one another over the contents of the communion cup, or slaughtered Jews and called it God’s desire, or delivered their faith to their colonies with Bibles and breech-loading rifles. Some even brought their hatreds to our shores, but America conquered their bigotries over the generations—although even we have not vanquished intolerance completely. Still, for most contemporary Americans, religion has become as comfortable as it remains comforting. But human history is largely a violent contest of gods and the men who served them, and our age is the latest, intense serial in a saga that shaped our earliest myths.

Religions change, because men change them. Fundamentalists insist upon an historical stasis, but evolution in the architecture of faith has always been essential to, and reflective of, human progress. Certainty is comforting, but a religion’s capacity for adaptive behavior unleashes the energies necessary to renew both the faith and the society in which it flourishes. On its frontiers, Islam remains capable of the changes necessary to make it, once again, a healthy, luminous faith whose followers can compete globally on its own terms. But the hard men from that religion’s ancient homelands are determined to frustrate every exploratory effort they can. The Muslim extremist from the Middle East has one consistent message: Return to the past, for that is what God wants. Beware, no matter his faith, of the man who presumes to tell you what God wants. It cannot be accomplished, of course, this longed-for return to a golden age of sanctity and success, that is mostly myth, is gone. But the bloody-handed terrorists and their mentors are determined to pay any price to frustrate those Muslims who believe that God is capable of smiling, or that it is possible to change the earth without challenging Heaven.

Religion can and should be a powerful belief for peace. However, often enough, it has been used to wage war. History has shown us that as religions take it's final form, the will to wage war on behalf of it, dissapears.
GySgt said:
There would still be war, because in today's world only the Muslims wage war based on their religion. Revolutionary wars, Civil Wars, WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Gulf War and many wars waged by other countries have not been about religion. However, Religion in our past and in some cases our present has played a large role in conflict. The beginnings of all religions have seen conflict in the name of their gods. People don’t realize that Islam is the youngest of the world’s great religions, that it is still very much a work-in-progress on its vast frontiers, and that its forms are at least as various as the countless confessions and sects of Christendom. Islam is a vivid, dynamic, and vibrant religion of changing shape and potential. But Islam’s local identities are far from decided in its struggling borderlands, and, in times of tumult, any religion can turn toward the darkness as easily as toward the light. Religious intolerance always returns in times of doubt and disorder. This struggle between religious forms and between prescriptive and repressive doctrine of faiths, is one of the two great strategic issues of our time—along with the redefinition of the socio-economic roles of women, their transition from being the property of men to being equal partners with men (which is the most profound social development in human history).

The ease with which today’s Americans of diverse faiths interact in social settings has allowed us to forget that our ancestors, in their homelands, massacred one another over the contents of the communion cup, or slaughtered Jews and called it God’s desire, or delivered their faith to their colonies with Bibles and breech-loading rifles. Some even brought their hatreds to our shores, but America conquered their bigotries over the generations—although even we have not vanquished intolerance completely. Still, for most contemporary Americans, religion has become as comfortable as it remains comforting. But human history is largely a violent contest of gods and the men who served them, and our age is the latest, intense serial in a saga that shaped our earliest myths.

Religions change, because men change them. Fundamentalists insist upon an historical stasis, but evolution in the architecture of faith has always been essential to, and reflective of, human progress. Certainty is comforting, but a religion’s capacity for adaptive behavior unleashes the energies necessary to renew both the faith and the society in which it flourishes. On its frontiers, Islam remains capable of the changes necessary to make it, once again, a healthy, luminous faith whose followers can compete globally on its own terms. But the hard men from that religion’s ancient homelands are determined to frustrate every exploratory effort they can. The Muslim extremist from the Middle East has one consistent message: Return to the past, for that is what God wants. Beware, no matter his faith, of the man who presumes to tell you what God wants. It cannot be accomplished, of course, this longed-for return to a golden age of sanctity and success, that is mostly myth, is gone. But the bloody-handed terrorists and their mentors are determined to pay any price to frustrate those Muslims who believe that God is capable of smiling, or that it is possible to change the earth without challenging Heaven.

Religion can and should be a powerful belief for peace. However, often enough, it has been used to wage war. History has shown us that as religions take it's final form, the will to wage war on behalf of it, dissapears.
war is fought for power & profits
there is no other wars
not modern day wars at least
but they will teach you to hate and incite you to war in their scheme to
garnish the wealth and power of others
nkgupta80 said:
its impossible to not have war, because war is an extension of human conflict. It is impossible to not have human conflict because it is in our very nature. Survival itself is a series of conflicts. Life would be meaningless as we know it.

You think you have to eradicate conflict to eradicate war?
FinnMacCool said:
I had a thought last night that rather intriqed me.

Everyone knows that war is a horrible thing. I myself am very anti war, though not a pacifist but I began to think if everyones dream for world peace would come true what exactly would happen?

Or better yet, what would've happened if there was no war? Perhaps all our great literiture would have been reduced by half. No more epic heroes or fanciful tales of knights and warriors and kings. No more struggle between good and evil with good always triumphing eventually. What a sad thought. writers would be forced to write straight drama tales.

I mean don't get me wrong I don't like war but if there was no conflicts and no war I mean it would almost make things a bit more boring you know?

I hope I made some sense with this post.
So how do you propose to solve world peace? People will always have conflict with each other. People are always going to fear what is different, or not part of their culture or social norm. Then add in when two different cultures, such as African-Americans and Neo-Nazis clash, their is always going to be a battle, which in a sense, is a war.
GySgt said:
Dude, will you stop with your stupid posts? This is actually a pretty interesting thread and you are just going to ruin it with your 60% this, and your 40% that, and your euro dollar, and your......

HEY moron get a proper eduacation

60 % of what is taught in schools is politically correct the other 40% is not

Dont take it up with me take it up with your govt.

I dont care if you believe me chk for yourself

bottom line is stop being a MORON

there isw always going to be war America the super power is unraveling
Your country is the harlot run by the ELITE they wont let the country slip
they go to war
The reason they get away with it are because MORONS like sgt dufus here
thinks America is the righteous with god on it's side is 100% right 100% of the time
as long as we have moronic people like this we will have wars

want to stop war cleanse your govt. educate the people with the other 40% of education that they are not geting
Then go post that on another topic. You are not accomplishing anything by trying to hijack my thread. And besides he posted that a long time ago.

So how do you propose to solve world peace? People will always have conflict with each other. People are always going to fear what is different, or not part of their culture or social norm. Then add in when two different cultures, such as African-Americans and Neo-Nazis clash, their is always going to be a battle, which in a sense, is a war.

World peace can never be accomplished unless we have one global totalitarian state that convinces everyone to love living in servitude.
stsburns said:
So how do you propose to solve world peace? People will always have conflict with each other. People are always going to fear what is different, or not part of their culture or social norm.

I do not believe that differences will always be solved by war.

Then add in when two different cultures, such as African-Americans and Neo-Nazis clash, their is always going to be a battle, which in a sense, is a war.

Hate groups like the Neo Nazis are on their way out.

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