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A UN-approved protracted war in Ukraine to bring about regime change (1 Viewer)


Green Party progressive
DP Veteran
Nov 4, 2020
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What to call it? Neoliberalism? Neoconservatism? Are they synonymous? Who knows? Who cares? They're just words. Just call it what it is: USG foreign policy. 'The USG doesn't give a shit- ism.' "You're all pawns on the American chessboard." And "It's good to be King."


In Afghanistan, of course, it’s rather different, the lesson. I mean, there, Hillary Clinton and others have explicitly raised the idea of what happened in Afghanistan as a model for how the United Nations should support and even encourage a protracted war in Ukraine, so as to bleed and weaken Russia and eventually bring down the Putin regime. Well, the thing is that that war was waged in Afghanistan at the cost of perhaps a million Afghan lives, the destruction of the Afghan state, from which it has never recovered, and the permanent wreckage of Afghan society, including the disappearance of its educated elite. You know, I find that there is something deeply immoral in trying to wage a war of this kind at the expense of other people if a reasonable peace settlement is on the cards, as it may now be.----

Maybe the interviewee is just making that all up, right?

Raise your bloody hands if you approve of your federal government's basket of deplorable behaviors.

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To understand what Putin fears most is to understand why he ordered the invasion of Ukraine.

Putin's darkest fear: Ukraine joins NATO and NATO [U.S.] quickly establishes "defense shield" missile installations along the Ukraine/Russian border.

Note that Putin does not consider Ukraine an independent sovereign country - he still believes that Ukraine is part of Russia. He said this last month:

“Since time immemorial, the people living in the southwest of what has historically been Russian land have called themselves Russians and Orthodox Christians. Modern Ukraine was entirely created by Russia or, to be more precise, by Bolshevik, Communist Russia. This process started practically right after the 1917 revolution, and Lenin and his associates did it in a way that was extremely harsh on Russia — by separating, severing what is historically Russian land.” - V. Putin, Feb. 21

The only way that Putin would cease aggressions against Ukraine is if Zelensky gives Putin assurances that Ukraine will not ever join NATO or allow Western forces to establish missile installations/ military operations in Ukraine. Simple as that. The madness could end tomorrow if Zelensky would give this assurance.
The only way that Putin would cease aggressions against Ukraine is if Zelensky gives Putin assurances that Ukraine will not ever join NATO or allow Western forces to establish missile installations/ military operations in Ukraine. Simple as that. The madness could end tomorrow if Zelensky would give this assurance.

OR, that is Putin propaganda as he uses the issue to justify the war he wants. Whatever case he might have had against Ukraine joining NATO, he's destroyed it proving Ukraine has every reason and justification to.
To understand what Putin fears most is to understand why he ordered the invasion of Ukraine.

Putin's darkest fear: Ukraine joins NATO and NATO [U.S.] quickly establishes "defense shield" missile installations along the Ukraine/Russian border.

Note that Putin does not consider Ukraine an independent sovereign country - he still believes that Ukraine is part of Russia. He said this last month:

“Since time immemorial, the people living in the southwest of what has historically been Russian land have called themselves Russians and Orthodox Christians. Modern Ukraine was entirely created by Russia or, to be more precise, by Bolshevik, Communist Russia. This process started practically right after the 1917 revolution, and Lenin and his associates did it in a way that was extremely harsh on Russia — by separating, severing what is historically Russian land.” - V. Putin, Feb. 21

The only way that Putin would cease aggressions against Ukraine is if Zelensky gives Putin assurances that Ukraine will not ever join NATO or allow Western forces to establish missile installations/ military operations in Ukraine. Simple as that. The madness could end tomorrow if Zelensky would give this assurance.
Acquiesce to a murderous thug? That’s your solution?

If our ancestors thought like you, there’d be no United States.
What to call it? Neoliberalism? Neoconservatism? Are they synonymous? Who knows? Who cares? They're just words. Just call it what it is: USG foreign policy. 'The USG doesn't give a shit- ism.' "You're all pawns on the American chessboard." And "It's good to be King."


In Afghanistan, of course, it’s rather different, the lesson. I mean, there, Hillary Clinton and others have explicitly raised the idea of what happened in Afghanistan as a model for how the United Nations should support and even encourage a protracted war in Ukraine, so as to bleed and weaken Russia and eventually bring down the Putin regime. Well, the thing is that that war was waged in Afghanistan at the cost of perhaps a million Afghan lives, the destruction of the Afghan state, from which it has never recovered, and the permanent wreckage of Afghan society, including the disappearance of its educated elite. You know, I find that there is something deeply immoral in trying to wage a war of this kind at the expense of other people if a reasonable peace settlement is on the cards, as it may now be.----

Maybe the interviewee is just making that all up, right?

Raise your bloody hands if you approve of your federal government's basket of deplorable behaviors.

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Oh look, yet another @Antiwar long winded reproach of the freest country in the world, that his ancestors fought and shed blood establishing. 🙄
Putin’s favorite senator rank paul holding up the House passed sanctions bill.
rank paul holding up the House passed sanctions bill
Senator Paul was right to vote NO on today's poorly-drafted sanctions bill.

“If you don’t define what human-rights abuses are, you set up something so wide open that you could have abuse of a president who’s allowed to sanction anyone in the world for anything they feel like.” - Sen. Rand Paul

With the current language of the sanctions bill, it gives too much power to Biden to arbitrarily decide who abuses human rights, and who doesn't. There is too much wiggle-room. There needs to be explicit criteria for what constitutes human rights violation(s).

The bill is flawed and needs to be fixed. Good on Rand Paul for objecting.

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