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A tribute to a soldier (1 Viewer)

Navy Pride

DP Veteran
Jul 11, 2005
Reaction score
Pacific NW
Political Leaning
Very Conservative
No matter what your politics are, whether you aupport the troops or are against what they are trying to accomplish, this has to bring a tear to your eye:


God Bless the Commander in Chief, our brave troops in harms way, and the USA...
You can't post that when I'm at work man.. People are lookin at me all wierd and **** now....LOL
Navy Pride said:
No matter what your politics are, whether you aupport the troops or are against what they are trying to accomplish, this has to bring a tear to your eye:


God Bless the Commander in Chief, our brave troops in harms way, and the USA...
perhaps war is moreso for single people without children, unless one sits safe in an office somewhere
Ima Troll said:
perhaps war is moreso for single people without children, unless one sits safe in an office somewhere

Is that what you believe?
Yes , war is Hell !
Thats why we should bring the boys back reinstate Sadam
and tell the world it was a big mistake
we had a sciopath on the levers of power

the cammander has led the natl gaurd into harms way while the masses huddled into a sigh of apathy
Canuck said:
Yes , war is Hell !
Thats why we should bring the boys back reinstate Sadam
and tell the world it was a big mistake
we had a sciopath on the levers of power
if you say so; seems a bit wild though

the cammander has led the natl gaurd into harms way while the masses huddled into a sigh of apathy
sounds terrible; how could he do that?
Canuck said:
Yes , war is Hell !
Thats why we should bring the boys back reinstate Sadam
and tell the world it was a big mistake
we had a sciopath on the levers of power

the cammander has led the natl gaurd into harms way while the masses huddled into a sigh of apathy

STFU.... your a nimrod. Go back to cowwering in a corner someplace .
Calm2Chaos said:
STFU.... your a nimrod. Go back to cowwering in a corner someplace .

you sound like a 12 year old thats the product of an inferior education scam
who's only sole perpous here is sypathy
get a life and real education SON
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Canuck said:
Yes , war is Hell !
Thats why we should bring the boys back reinstate Sadam
and tell the world it was a big mistake
we had a sciopath on the levers of power

the cammander has led the natl gaurd into harms way while the masses huddled into a sigh of apathy

Reinstate Saddam? Are you freaking serious? He is one of the worlds worst dictators and you want to reinstate him? You are nutz!
You throw that son stuff around a lot for a 25 year old. If indeed that's how old you are. Look around the site Canuck. Read the replies to your posts. The writings on the wall. Your not doing very well, in either camp. I gather you see yourself as filling a kind of niche, an annoying niche. If so you do it badly. Insulting people without the slightest attempt at humor, wit, or factual correctness just makes you tiresome. There is an art to being annoying, a skill you don't have. Now go cure some pelts.
Canuck said:
you sound like a 12 year old thats the product of an inferior education scam
who's only sole perpous here is sypathy
get a life and real education SON

OK ya little bitch. How bout you come and educate me a little bit. If you can't, look around and see if you can find at least someone up there that has a set and maybe they can educate me...

Do you even read the crap you post?
It's bad, it's wrong and it's old and tired...
Why does anyone pay attention to Canuck......He is a loser and is just trying to stir things up.....Best thing to do is just ignore him and he will crawl back in the hole he came out of.......
Canuck said:
Yes , war is Hell !
Thats why we should bring the boys back reinstate Sadam
and tell the world it was a big mistake
we had a sciopath on the levers of power

the cammander has led the natl gaurd into harms way while the masses huddled into a sigh of apathy

These aren't your boys you Canadian bastard you don't get a say,
place Saddam back in power what are you nuts? You call Bush a sociopath and yet would like to see a genocidal madman placed back into control of Iraq, don't you have a soul? Do you even know the definition of a Sociopath? God Canadians are pushy little bastards and they say that Americans are arrogant.
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Canuck said:
you sound like a 12 year old thats the product of an inferior education scam
who's only sole perpous here is sypathy
get a life and real education SON

Three grammatical errors, two spelling errors, and a Canadian sense of humor to boot eh. (And we're the ones with an inferior educational system?)
Navy Pride said:
Why does anyone pay attention to Canuck......He is a loser and is just trying to stir things up.....Best thing to do is just ignore him and he will crawl back in the hole he came out of.......

See, I told everyone navy pride isnt ignorant. He is quite smart. :2wave:
Navy Pride said:
Why does anyone pay attention to Canuck......He is a loser and is just trying to stir things up.....Best thing to do is just ignore him and he will crawl back in the hole he came out of.......

I can't help myself sometimes. Ya ever just read something and just want to twist someones neck shut....?? :confused:

I'll do better....LOL
See, I told everyone navy pride isnt ignorant. He is quite smart. :2wave:

Thanks Skil, I could care less of my left friend friends think about me but it important to me that my friends on the right think I am not to :cheers:
Navy Pride said:
Thanks Skil, I could care less of my left friend friends think about me but it important to me that my friends on the right think I am not to :cheers:

thats becuse they have you hoodwinked son

your words resound loudly

roughly 50% of amrican people mean nothing to you

are you apart of some american NAZI infiltration group
Canuck said:
are you apart of some american NAZI infiltration group

:rofl Ok fine i guess i should come out with it, if it makes Canuck happy! All conservatives are nazi's! American politics is currently controled by conservatives, therefore, America is equivilant to Nazi Germany in oh so many ways! The second relationship between America and Nazi germany is that we play a lot of nintendo! Thanks canuck for letting me clarify that by your so justified means of FALSE LOGIC YOU INBACILE!!!! Why dont you crawl back in your self existance and twiddle your thumbs some more and self gratify yourself in the corner of your mothers bedroom! Sounds more sensible for you to do that than America is filled with nazi's!
Canuck said:
thats becuse they have you hoodwinked son

your words resound loudly

roughly 50% of amrican people mean nothing to you

are you apart of some american NAZI infiltration group

No but Im sure you are. Seeing as you are a half a$$ frenchie. Mabe you should ask france and see if you can now be called the socialist state of france? That way you wont remain like you are in puberty. Not sure what you are? Adult or child? Frenchie or not frenchie? Hmmm mabe if you leave the forum and get a grip on really whats going on mabe you can figure out your own problems. How about you talk to Clinton he went to your country and spent sometime there. Mabe he will run for office there someday. That way you can give him a knobjob:lol: .
No but Im sure you are. Seeing as you are a half a$$ frenchie. Mabe you should ask france and see if you can now be called the socialist state of france? That way you wont remain like you are in puberty. Not sure what you are? Adult or child? Frenchie or not frenchie? Hmmm mabe if you leave the forum and get a grip on really whats going on mabe you can figure out your own problems. How about you talk to Clinton he went to your country and spent sometime there. Mabe he will run for office there someday. That way you can give him a knobjob:lol: .

I don't get this attitude from a country that in all reallity depends on us for EVERYTHING it has. With no need to spend any real money on there millitary they have the ultimate playroom. I know it's comfortable way in the back with france. But at least france ......... aight that doesn't work, france is useless also....LOL
Calm2Chaos said:
I don't get this attitude from a country that in all reallity depends on us for EVERYTHING it has. With no need to spend any real money on there millitary they have the ultimate playroom. I know it's comfortable way in the back with france. But at least france ......... aight that doesn't work, france is useless also....LOL

Exactly, that is why they can afford to have a national health plan, although it is very flawed, they spend very little of their military or defense becasue we are there to protect them...........
Navy Pride said:
Exactly, that is why they can afford to have a national health plan, although it is very flawed, they spend very little of their military or defense becasue we are there to protect them...........

But if you want to know what we are doing wrong... just ask a canadian :rofl
I don't like that link.

It was only to raise sympathy for our military. Our military is feared, not sympathized.

I'm sick of all this "remember our troops" advertisements and songs and other things which appeal to the human senses. No body forgets bout our troops! You don't have to remind us every day that people are dying in this world, and some of them just happen to be dying for Operation: "Uh-oh we made a mistake, no exit plan, lets try this!".


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