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A Statement from the Information Department of al-Qaeda in Iraq: America and the Illu (1 Viewer)


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Oct 13, 2005
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The Information Department of al-Qaeda in Iraq [Tanzeem Qaedat Al-Jihad Fi Bilad Al-Rafidayn] recently issued a statement titled: “America and the Illusion Industry,” castigating America for being allegedly driven by ego and a self-imposed national sentiment of grandeur which influences its foreign policy. Using this sentiment as the basis for argument, the group claims that America has continued to “lie” and fabricate victories in Iraq to keep its sense of invincibility intact.

According to the statement, Americans believe that “they are the chosen race which God ordered to spread their civilization,” and have historically sought to lead the human world in development, even relying on bloodshed and oppression to thwart those who oppose them. An illusion of “self-confidence” has overrun the American purview, which the group posits has made it “easy to lie to himself and change the truth of what he sees by his own eyes. The most important thing is that he should not be seen weak or defeated in front of the world.” In addition, an article written by American journalist Michael Ventura which concerns a view that America falsely views itself as “Number One,” is cited to support the group’s claims.1

Americasince its “armed robbery in Iraq,” is accused of lying and changing facts about its “failing war,” as the group highlights media claims of an alleged inflated number of mujahideen casualties and captures of supposed leaders of al-Qaeda in Iraq, specifically mentioning Abu Azzam. The group believes this is due to America’s “psychological state” of accepting illusions of victory, even if “clear facts” belie them. Further, the statement indicates that Americans have a distorted view of the mujahideen’s respect for life, believing them to be sad the death of one of their own. Al-Qaeda in Iraq emphasizes: “We are not sad but only for their departure and what a difference between our grief and theirs. And between the eagerness of the mujahideen to be martyrs and their eagerness for ending life
Looks like Zawahiri's statement in action: trying to win the war in the media, including right here on DBF. Who knew DBF was so important to the war effort? 'bodyguard' has posted this and two other al Qaeda communications on DBR today. There has been no accompanying comment from 'bodyguard', just the cut and paste. Motives for doing so? Your impressions?

Reaction on Zawahiri's letter in the today's WSJ:
"Those who want a premature U.S. withdrawal from Iraq will now have to explain why that won't play into the hands -- and plans -- of the enemy. Zawahiri makes it quite clear that al Qaeda's ambitions extend well beyond the borders of any one country. The goal is a fundamentalist Islamic regime that begins in Iraq, extends into the neighboring secular nations of the region, assaults Israel and moves on from there. And yes, he uses the word 'caliphate'.

But let Zawahiri speak for himself. The jihadists, he writes, "must not have their mission end with the expulsion of the Americans from Iraq, and then lay down their weapons, and silence the fighting zeal." Plainly said, these boys are in it for the long haul. Just because the U.S. might decide to pull out of Iraq hardly means that al Qaeda will stop trying to kill Americans." WSJ, 10132005

Bottom line: those who think of Iraq as an isolated action need to think of Iraq as the war within a war, as the centerpiece of the war against an Islamic radicalism that is attempting to re-establish -- by their own admissions -- an trans Middle Eastern fundamentalist Islamic empire.

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